A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Aug 17, 2011

The pay cut hit me hard last PP and now, this is the third day in a row that not even an hour into my shift I'm out of work.  I don't have any PTO to fall back on and the NJA rate is just as bad...  I went to a friend and practically begged for a job until I find something else.  I'll be cashiering and doing store clerk duties for a little more than 10 bucks an hour.  I feel silly, because he usually hires high school kids and kids in their 20s, you know a starting-out kind of job, but at least it's steady and predictable money.  I'm going to start re-doing my resume and gonna start hitting the pavement looking for a job 'cause my new hours are 7 to 3 so I'll have time.  I'm so glad I have a great friend.    I will never, ever work in this line again.  I'm done MTing. 

I'd like to say goodbye and thanks for the support through the years.  Best of luck to all and God Bless you.  I mean that sincerely. 

~Juanita, NM

awe... best of luck to you! - sm

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You are so kind to say goodbye to all of us!

I know you will find your new "home" soon and have fun cashiering... it is so nice just putting on a smile and and saying hello to your customers, without having to stress about being 99% perfect!

Check in once in a while, for sure.

I enrolled in Unit Clerk class today. Before it was - such a cut in pay, I would

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never have considered it, but now I am making about unit secretary wages so what the heck. Hopefully I will get on in-house, have a cushy job again with sick leave and holidays, etc. I am really nervous, but just glad to be doing SOMETHING.

Looks like my class may not have enough people - to "make." Figures.

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Best of luck to you! - Frosty Mug

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Your post made me teary-eyed. It's so sad that with all of our years of experience, we are reduced to taking starting-out jobs. I can see the end is near for most of us here at the Q. I know they will keep some on board, like the ex-CCM posted a few days ago. I wish I could quit with you, but I am stuck here in the boonies, where people fight for the fast food jobs. I'm still hoping to be laid off so I can file for UI. I may be dreaming.

Anyway...again, best of luck to you. Sad ending to a once great profession.

Quitting MQ - Silly Sue

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The best of luck to you. I am new to MT Stars and I cannot believe how helpful it has been for me to read everyone's posts and vent at times when needed. Thanks for the well written post.

Proud of you, wish I was as strong - Adios

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I want so badly to do what you did. I have 2 other p/t jobs, nonMT, but still need a job w/ benefits, such as they are. Once I get that figured out I will quit even if I don't have a new job lined up.

The stress level and the demoralizing paychecks are just too much.

I live in a rural area where there is only 1 hospital and not a lot of jobs, but I am determined to find something. Life is too short for this stress and it is so time to move on and leave this company behind.

ive had 2 interviews this week. - want to quit too nm

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my husband told me he was sick and tired of me being so upset - hatty

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and frustrated and told me it's time for me to quit, take a little bit of time off and find another job in another line of work. I'm taking him up on his offer! We have a little bit saved, enough for me to take about a month off and still be okay. But, I think I'm going to lounge about a couple of days only then high tail it into the real world and find a "real job" with actual people interaction. Like Juanita, I thank you all for the support and times I've needed to vent (many many times I've needed to vent).

Sincerely, Another one that has safely escaped.

I agree with taking time off, and decompressing a - little bit before you go job-hunting.

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It'll take a while, maybe a week, before all the bad vibes this profession cultivates in us to dissipate.

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