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Just got fired - 7th child

Posted: Jun 10, 2014

I just wanted to let those who are following my story over the last few weeks that they just fired me. Not sure what I'll do now.

What excuse did they use to fire you? - I have not followed your story.

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You can always go to MM which I applied to and they sent me tests. They are exactly like Nuance, ruthless, cheap and greedy but they are always hiring.

Just got fired - 7th child

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I did not fulfill the contract that
they imposed, 3 weeks of 99%
accuracy with ZERO critical errors
and no make-up pay.

Evidently, I am not entitled to unemployment insurance now because in their eyes I caused my own dismissal. I will try anyway. Another ex-transcriptionist in the poor-house thanks to Nuance.

Out of curiosity, do you live in a state which has - increased min. wage?

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I've been waiting for that kind of thing to start happening pretty frequently in CA and WA states.
Hmm. If they increase min. wage, does that - mean UI payments will increase, too?
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One can always hope!
Answer to email I received from deb: My - situation was a mass layoff. sm
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I don't get much for UI, but it gets me by. But the fact that min. wage was going up made me wonder if, in those states where it had already been raised, that unemployment payments would go up in the future, as well.

Why did they impose the contract and - what would happen if you did not agree to contract

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I have never heard of such a thing as a contract that makes you promise a near impossible task depending on the dictators. Did they offer you mentoring or anything besides that contract?
We told her not to sign anything, agree to anything. She did. - nm
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Signing Nuance documents - anon
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Hell, I don't even sign FIESA. I am not signing an agreement to take away money from my pocket and put it in this POS company's.
True, we did tell her - :-(
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It wasn't that long ago.
Yes, but that does not mean the outcome would have been different--sm - anon
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They may have just fired her for refusing to sign the document. It sounds like a definite lose-lose situation on the part of the MT.
I feel like once you are hired, you are hired - sm
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They tested you, they said you could do the work. If there is a probation period (I can't remember if there is) and you get past that point, I wouldn't sign anything that says I'm not up to snuff. The outcome might not have been different, but I wouldn't give them fuel for the fire.
Then again, signing it may show good faith on her part--sm - anon
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and that she did all she could to fulfill her duties, whereas refusing to sign could equal quitting in the eyes of the unemployment office. Of course, this is purely conjecture, but may be something to think about. One definitely has to play their cards carefully, especially when it comes to UE.
Sometimes you're forced to sign. Like when - they say "Sign or youre fired." nm
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I once had such a contract imposed by - - see msg
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Acusis. I had to acknowledge it or be terminated immediately. I did my best, but I KNOW I wasn't able to live up to their requirements. A year went by, and nothing happened. I finally got lucky and found another job, so I quit. But some companies are clearing out MTs from the USA faster than others, so that kind of company may be more liable to fire employees. Acusis hadn't reached that point yet, but I know it's coming. Glad I'm out of MT.

Sorry to hear that! - CuriousMT

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7th Child,

I'm sorry to hear that you were fired. I've followed your story on here for a while and it sounds very much like that of a friend of mine's.

Mind if I ask how you know you're not entitled to unemployment if you haven't filed? I was under the impression that while the employer has to respond to a request filed through the state, they aren't the ones that actually make the decision. And were you hired before the line rate increase last year?

I hope you are able to find something soon, and find something that doesn't give you as much grief as this job has.
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WHAT LINE RATE INCREASE????? I haven't seen anything but decreases for 2 years.
Clarification - minimum LPH increased - CuriousMT
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Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was referring to when they arbitrarily increase our minimum LPH requirements. I can't say for sure, but I would imagine it had something to do with MT's who met the LPH requirements but Nuance still had to pay MUP since the minimums, if all done on speech rec, were less than minimum wage.

So, I was basically asking if she was able to make the old LPH requirements, or if she was even around when they had lower numbers.

Wow. How strict is that???? - sm

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So sorry for you. I am sure with those statistics hanging over your head the last 3 weeks of work would have been more stressful than usual.

Do try for the unemployment. Hopefully you can get it and take a little time to relax and recover from this before going on to another position.

Best of luck.

Don't believe them about not being able to - Early retirement real soon

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get UE. They say you can't do the job, not your fault you're not qualified. Play that card when you file. It was more than you could do. They want you to think you can't get UE. Since when do they ever tell the truth? File today.
Also, how long were you there? If you worked - for years, then their claim that - sm
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you suddenly "can't do the work" isn't very valid. If you couldn't do the work, you would've been fired long ago. This type of thing validates the belief that as soon as they find a need to cut back on employee numbers, they use this bogus "can't do the work" claim instead of just laying you off, so they can skate around what should be their responsibility to pay into your UI. The older you are, and the longer you've worked there and/or been a medical transcriptionist, the more this is true. Make your UI claim, and if it's denied, CONTEST IT. They owe you.

You should fight it. Nobody purposely makes - mistakes.

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That is not true about unemployment. Check your - state rules. You may

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simply have a waiting period of a few weeks if you're fired, that's all. If that is the case, don't delay and at least file the claim so these weeks count. Good luck. When the shock wears off, you may actually be thankful.

Oh, so you were on performance management. - That is different. nm

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All they have to do is tweak the numbers, and - ANYONE can be on "performance mgmt".
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Don't worry about those freaks and just move on. - Really, you are better off.

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They pulled some crap with me that was really dirty but life is much better now. Try applying for TTS. That's where I ended up and really is much much much better than working for the freaks of nature at Nuance. They really are a bunch of nut jobs there.

Getting UE - anon

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My son was prompted at a job one month, fired the next. This was a huge employer, by the way. He was able to draw many weeks (can't remember exactly how many). All he did was go to the UE office and sign up, had some kind of phone hearing and was able to draw. We live in NC. At least go sign up and see what they say!!

yes you can get unemployment - nana

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Was told my UE office there are three reasons your unemployment claim will be denied. Stealing, insubordination or if the employer is not registered with the UE office. Other than that you can get unemployment. So since you don't fall in one of those three apply. The company will tell you whatever they want to so their UE bill does not go up but it is not up to them whether you get it or not. Sounds like you will so apply.
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Can someone tell me if they have experienced this and if they were unable to draw unemployment? I am really worried that I will not be able to draw. They are saying that more than likely I will get refused because we were offered the position with Nuance and refused to take it? Any help please!!
Look at the statistics of MTs who were "hired" - by hospital sell-outs. Most - sm
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of the MTs offered "jobs" at these companies aren't really wanted at all. Certainly not for the long term, anyway. They just want you to help them make a smooth transition for them in acquiring their new account, and then what always happens is they take you OFF that account once it's up to speed and shipped to India. They put you on something so horrendous that your accuracy goes down, your speed goes down, and then you start getting "warnings". I'm sure the E.D.D. has heard this time and time again, and they know the score. That's why I would apply, and if denied, I would continue to fight it, because we all know the score, too - that there's really no point in accepting that "job offer", because we already know what the outcome will be: Lower wages right out of the gate, transfer to accounts that lower the line rate still further, and then termination for "not being able to cut it."
BALONEY!!!! - s/m
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I will have to go through the same thing towards the end of the year except our hospital chose MModal. No one is going. We researched MModal, and we are not accepting their offer. They got so tired of begging us to test with them that they said we could just come on board and forget that pesky testing. Still, no one is going. I am prepared for a fight for my UE benefits. Almost 20 years with my hospital with an outstanding record. MModal is not any way affiliated with my hospital. They cannot force us to work for them. We are not livestock to be traded at the stockyard. I choose whom I apply with, and I would never have chosen to apply with MModal based on what my research has uncovered. Like one poster said above, 3 reasons for not getting UE are insubordination, stealing and if company not registered with UE office. Of course your employer will tell you....oh, you are not eligible for UE benefits. Baloney!!!! What do you think they are going to say? They are all a pack of liars!
Same thing at the end of the year? Sounds like UW Hospital - in WI? I remember hearing that was coming. SM
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There's no decency, honesty, or integrity any more at all with any employer when it comes to a dollar.

They all preach loud and clear about values and service to the employees and community to prop up their reputations and then stab the employees in the back.

Sad when employers turn on the employees like this. You people better watch any retirement accounts you have and get the best financial advice you can, start working on that now if you haven't already.
Retirement Accounts - Already withdrew mine
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and put it in the bank.
not same hospital... - s/m
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Actually, my hospital is owned by a big coporation with about 50 hospitals in total (mine included). They chose for M*Modal to do all the transcription so you all just hold on because more accounts are coming. Seems like in-house transcription is definitely a thing of the past. The last I heard one facility had 22 transcriptionists who turned down working for M*Modal. The two that went one is totally disgusted and have not heard from the other one.
If they offer you a position and you refuse you - are not eligibile to collect. You
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weren't laid off. Unfortunate, but true.
That is not always true - anon
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I worked for the Post Office years ago and they were closing the facility I worked at. They offered me another position, but I declined. I still got UE. Every case is different.
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You are 100% wrong,both times my position was outsourced, both times they wanted us to go with the MTSO and we did not. You are losing your present job through no fault of your own, your department is closing and your position has been terminated.
You can get UI, it's just whether you can live on it, depends on what state you live in.
This really makes me mad, former employer giving you the impression that you must go thru the transition and take the job with the MTSO. Not true.
I don't think the HR at your employer even know what they are doing. Both times I went thru this, it was done in the most unprofessional way.
When my hospital was taken over - SM
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It was a long, long time ago and not Nuance. Gosh, it was at least 14 years ago when it happened... Anyway, even though they were offered positions with the "new" company, some declined and received unemployment.

Then the hospital eventually did go with Nuance, so I've been through this particular situation more times than I want to talk about. However, the first company to take over was nothing like Nuance. When Nuance took over, it was immediate decrease in pay by 50% for me. I left Nuance as soon as was humanly possible. Unfortunately, things never rebounded pay-wise, as this profession is headed right into the toilet. I wish it wasn't because I do enjoy it. I just can't make money doing it. Anyway, rant and off topic moment over. Good luck.

So sorry - think about applying where I am now - justme

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I am so sorry! If you are interested in staying in the MT field, the company I left Nuance for is hiring again - TransformMT. You can go on their site or the Commandhealth site, as they are one and the same company now, and apply. I have worked for 2 different managers since being here now for over a year, and both are just lovely to work for, and the accounts are great. Wishing you the best of luck - I don't know you but I'm sure that it's Nuance's loss and you'll find something much better out there!

Looking for a way out - AnotherAnon

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Could you tell me what their health benefits are like and how much they cost.

My husband just got terminated and we cannot afford Nuances joke for health insurance.

Thanks so much!!

benefits - justme

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Right now I only have medical on myself, and then dental on my family, as my husband covers his medical through his job, and it's $140 a pay period. It's the standard $40 copay for doctors visit, etc. I've had worse and had better, but at least it's something I can afford. I couldn't tell you the cost for a whole family, though, for medical, since I don't carry that...
Thanks so much - nm - AnotherAnon
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So sorry that you have to go through this--sm - anon

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Sorry for the pain, anxiety, etc, but I do hope that this will lead you to bigger and better things in the future. ((Hugs))

Just got fired - 7th child

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Thank you for the supportive words. About the contract. I was told it was mandatory I had to sign. I'm not sure if I would have been terminated immediately had I not signed it. I had made a "critical" error the first week, so I knew I had already blew it. I'm not sure, maybe having ADD, editing was never right for me. I honestly believed I caught most of the major errors but then something would slip through. I also think other things played a role. I was involved in the Transcend lawsuit (which I think is not winnable) I just wanted to warn everyone about copying anything you think you may need later. I'm sure they will say that they cut me out of the emails because "account information" was accessible or something like that. Unfortunately, since I had started using my new computer we were unable to sync it to the printer and I didnt make a copy of that contract. If I wasnt in a panic about having no income I'd probably be relieved. Hopefully I can find something soon. Best of luck to all of you. Thanks for listening.

can I give one bit of advice? - justme

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I'm sure you've already thought of it, but if you are involved in the Transcend lawsuit, I'd be sure to tell our attorneys that you have been fired, just in case they need to know. I am involved as well, and I do think it's winnable from some of the information that I've seen, but of course, you never know... Wishing you the best of luck and will send up prayers for you that you find something quickly!

just being involved in the lawsuit can get you unemployable - common sense

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Does not matter if you think it is fair or not, and they don't really need a reason to terminate your employment, only a reason to prevent you from getting UE payments that would cause their rates to go up.

That is advice from a lawyer that I had asked regarding a similar situation. She said no company wants a trouble maker and if you are involved in a lawsuit (justifiably nor not - does not matter) and your current company finds out about it, well just too bad for you because companies will consider you a liability and they don't want problems for themselves.

FIRED? - Molly

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WHAT REASON? THis is outrageous!

Im confused - anon

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Why did you sign a contract? Are you an IC? I never did, and you couldn't get 1 critical error in a week? That's a simple lab value or word in a diagnosis section. How is that obtainable? I get them too.

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