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If you drop to 35 hours/week, do you still get all the full-time benefits? - nothappy

Posted: Dec 15, 2014

I'd like to drop 5 hours, but not if I have to pay more for health insurance, etc.

I get insurance at 30 hours - Progressive Part Time

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The only drawback is you get less PTO. But it's been my experience it's so hard to get to use it anyway it hardly matters.

I'm waiting for this to change as well, but not for the better. - sm

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Recall the hint last week about changes coming to PTO...It's never good news for us with this bunch of greedy wage thieves.

More changes? - Not good

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In my experience change, especially at Nuance, makes me want to cringe.
She said there was a "hint" of a change. Slow down and breath a little - nothing new has been announced outside the...
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stuff having to do with pay plan.
PTO changes start Jan 1st. sm - nothappy
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So if they are going to screw us out of that also, I think I'll drop down to 35 hours a week. I would probably make more $$ by dividing work hours by 35 instead of 40 - I also get extremely tired/slow/sick of it the last 2 hours I work so shouldn't see much of a difference. Getting "off work" 1 hour earlier a day would help my mood.
Agree. Since this is a production based job I think - sm
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one is probably better off to work 32 to 35 hours a week to avoid burnt-out. It helps you to stay refreshed and in turn, you produce more because its easier to stay focused. I don't think you will lose much production by working 5 hours less a week. If anything, it will probably be the same if not close to it. I tend to taper off the last hour of work most days.

Where do I find the monthly premium for health insurance? - nothappy

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As long as the health insurance doesn't change much, the PTo will probably drop so I'd like to drop 5 hours a week.

I just reduced my hours too - star

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Dropped to 35 hours. I'm sure I'll still do OT and work 40+ to make the amount of lines I want, but I like having the option of working less if I choose. Same as others said, I tend to be slower at the end of the day anyway, so it probably won't make much of a difference for me.

Do you have to email your TSM or HR to reduce hours? - nothappy

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Reducing Hours - SoFedUp2

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I would truly appreciate knowing as well how to go about reducing my hours. I also like the idea of working less if I choose, which likely won't make much of a difference for me either, but will take a bit of pressure off. I could use that time to find a new job! The thought of reducing my hours makes me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING in retaliation to the new and exciting changes. I know Nuisance will not see it that way, and that I'm not a real person but rather merely a robot who produces lines for them, but it does make ME feel a little better.

To: nothappy and sofedup2 - star

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Yes, I emailed my TSM to let her know that I was reducing my hours to 35 per week, and told her where those hours were coming out of my schedule.

35 hours is considered progressive part-time. I do not have benefits or insurance through Nuance, so I am not sure how those things are affected. You will have to ask your TSM.

I am always being asked to put in extra time, so there will usually be an opportunity to work extra, up to and over 40 hours per week; but I like the idea of not having to. I bet I will not make any less money by reducing my hours either.
Thabk you ! sm - nothappy
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I do have health insurance and dental with them, so need to find out if my premium will change, etc. I agree that dropping 5 hours will improve my stress level, and like you said, can always work extra IF I want to. I want to drop the last hour of my shift - you just told her what hours you'd work?? I'm afraid she'll tell me to start 1 hour later, which I do not want to do.
THANK you. Can you tell I'm stressed?? LOL - nothappy
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Your mileage may vary with your TSM - star
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I should have prefaced it by saying that my TSM is actually one of the good ones (my opinion). She has been there for me every time I need anything and always tries to accommodate my schedule needs. I have had to change my schedule around several times in the past due to family issues.

I know that not all managers are quite so pleasant, so I am not sure exactly how you will have to broach the subject with your TSM. I just told mine that I need to reduce my hours, and that I will be finishing my shift one hour early.

If yours asks you to reconsider or start earlier in the day, you might just have to put your foot down and tell her that you need your hours reduced for personal reasons, etc. I don't think they can force you to stay full-time if there is an option for part-time.
Reducing Hours - SoFedUp2
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Thanks so much for the info, Star. Definitely helpful. I'll be getting with my TSM pronto. Thanks again!
To: Star - nothappy
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Did you email your schedule change to be affective that day? I'm planning on emailing soon affective today.
It will be effect the beginning of next pay period - star
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She has to put through paperwork to HR, and it will be effect starting this Saturday, so I still have to finish out my 40 hours for this week.
Thank you. sm - nothappy
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Once my shift is over today, I'm emailing mine and telling her this is my last week of 40 hours.
TO STAR: I requested a drop to 35 hours yesterday. sm - nothappy
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Have not heard from TSM or higher up, who I also emailed. How long did it take before anyone answered you? I was hoping to finish my week at 40 and then starting next week.

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