A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Frustrated with eScription platform! - Can anyone help? - see msg

Posted: Jan 25, 2015

Is there any way to easily get capitals to change when you add or remove a period? It's so frustrating when, for example, when you take a period out and the next word doesn't automatically capitalize like it does in a lot of other platforms.  Word macros don't seem to work.  : (


Not that I could figure out - SM

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I don't see what is so great about that platform either. I remember, though, that it was not like that on every account, so it is possible that it's something they have to fix internally, which of course they never will.

periods - anon

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There are a series of keys, maybe alt shift . or ctrl alt . I can't remember, but that will automatically add the 2 spaces and cap the next word, but I never found a way to fix it when you take periods out. They periodically send out info about those tricks. Ask them.

Try this. - sm

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Highlight the period (I use shift+ left arrow). ALT+. will insert a period, space and capitalize.

I do know about the ALT + but was hoping - there was a way to do the

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opposite--capitalize that next word when you remove a period, which seems to happen often...
Oh well.

My TSM only answers emails when it's something like I'm saying I can't work or saying I can work OT (which I don't do anymore). If it's a questions like this, she ignores. EVEN though she always ends her emails with, "let me know if there is anything I can help you with"

Pretty sure it's Ctrl . IF not it's Alt . It works with - the colon also. -nm

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