A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Survey results are in - And the survey says...

Posted: Feb 20, 2013

corporate speak gobbledy gook. Nada nada nada

Survey says BS - nm

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Vern says that the percentage of employees - who think MM is a great place

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to work is up 10%! As many of us sit here with no work....

Probably management or India MTs - Not US

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He did say employees around the world filled out the survey. I am sure the India MTs are grateful for all our work. The company is building job centers all over India and employing lots of people. Plus I am sure the TSMs are loving hitting their TAT bonus every month.

Can't wait to see what they come up with for MT Pay Practices. They need to concentrate on providing work before they talk about how little they are going to pay.

well that right there proves its all a bunch - of BS

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And then . . . - anony

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We woke up and smelled the coffee.

I love these surveys - MModal Livestock

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One of the issues they want to address is MT Pay Practices. So, good news, we're all getting that pay cut we've been clamoring for. Maybe they'll lower our pay in exchange for stock options, which we can use as toilet paper.

Why would you think it means pay decreases. - Obviously

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if it was brought to their attention in the survey that the pay is unfair, which we know it was brought to their attention, then it should be deduced that they are looking into what needs to be changed. I mentioned all the things we have to do that we are not paid for. They may not raise the pay rates, but if they would include all our unpaid activities that would be a start in the right direction. I am hopeful that is the goal. I see no reason to be so negative about it. We saw a few positive changes with the last survey, and I would imagine we will see some with this one also. Maybe not as grand as we all would like, but certainly no reason to believe they would further reduce our pay.

Maybe an impossible to achieve bonus plan like Nuance to stay competitive?? - ANON

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They are always in a peeing contest with Nuance so why not put up a fake bonus plan like Nuance has.

I was just playing around - MModal Livestock

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Just joking about how in the past they've talked about addressing our compensation and followed it up with a pay decrease.

Don't get me wrong, I hate this company. I won't hide that fact, I'm just being honest. Plenty of people I know have had really good experiences with MM and it's always nice to hear that somebody got something out of this job. If there was any other job in my area that paid one or two dollars an hour above minimum wage I'd take that. I may go with minimum wage regardless just to get out. But that doesn't mean that because I don't like MM or don't trust them that they won't in fact give us all a pay raise or as you said at least pay us for the stuff we do that doesn't count right now. I would definitely enjoy that. When I filled out the survey, I didn't just complain. I suggested things that I wanted or thought would help people. The things they were doing right and the things I thought they were doing wrong.

The company is far from all bad. There's certain things I like about MM much more than other transcription companies in fact. However, they are actively attempting to purge American workers (as they have stated publicly) by expanding overseas workforce to increase their personal profits. Our only hope is that they are running into financial/legal/quality walls that are preventing them from doing this completely and that they will need to reinvest in their domestic workforce to prevent us all from leaving. They also led the charge to ASR that destroyed the industry that I loved, yet gave us only more stress, less pay and lower quality. Over a decade thousands of domestic workers have been purged.

I'm sorry if I depressed anyone, I was just having a go at MM's corporate blather. I'm no psychic and have no way to predict what's going to happen, so let's hope they take some pity on us and throw us a chunk of all that cash they keep bragging about:)

To obviously - anony

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THANK YOU. Some of us are so stressed that we are quick to jump to conclusions. Take a deep breath and try to relax. Let's see what comes of the MT pay practices. I am trying NOT to borrow any more problems. None of us has a crystal ball nor are we privy to what corporate is doing.

I don't think they will - lower the pay any

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lower than it already is... really, how could they? I just think that in every response to a survey they figure they have to put something in about looking into pay adjustments as a carrot on a stick to keep the old mules plodding along without complaining or giving up altogether.
Yeah, they don't really need - MModal Livestock
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to because simply by keeping our pay static while inflation continues, cost of living goes up and profits increase, we're getting an annual pay decrease. That and one by one they are giving each of us the ultimate pay decrease by firing us and replacing us with us ILPs.
Pay couldn't be lowered in the US since it is basically at minimum wage already. - anon
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They have clearly stated their goal of increasing Indian workforce, which the logical conclusion is a decrease in US workforce. However, I don't think they can ever get rid of all of us.

I work for both Nuance and MM and right now at Nuance an account that has been going to India has been pulled back to the US this past few weeks to get quality back in line. Of course it will go back once the hospital is appeased but it does prove they need some of us to stick around.

Personally, I am outta here once my life allows me to work outside of the home. Frankly, I hope they drive the best of us away and end up in a seriously bad situation.

Had to laugh when reading the sentence that said... - sm

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functional leaders...as opposed to what - dysfunctional or nonfunctioning leaders? The wording and all the abbreviations in these emails they send are so laughable and confusing!

Bad attitude and, do not blame MQ for ... - kats

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the way you handle yourself. Take responsibility for your statements, please. The blind few may agree with you but, that is what they do, keep stirring up anger amongst the few, very few who come on here looking for a fight!

Huh? All she did was point out an example of poor - wording in an email. Geesh. nm

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I guess they are not going to address NJA - 2nd shift

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Unless that falls under "Culture" it looks like they are going to ignore that issue.

3rd shift is NJA too, so they have a lot of - NJA

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to explain.

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