A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

start letting our schools fight for us!! - ohheckno

Posted: Aug 22, 2010

I just sent an email to the school I graduated from (Career Step).  I told them (they probably already know) HOW BAD IT HAS GOTTEN - replaced by cheaper East Indian so-called transcriptionists, no work, no benefits - give me a break!  Hopefully they have enough pull (and connections) to stand up for us, otherwise, they will be out of business soon too!  Let's stand up and fight.  WE ARE NOT TRAINED MONKEYS.  We have all studied and worked too hard for this to happen to us!!!!!!!!!!

They don't care. There's always someone who - dnr

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doesn't know about the state of affairs who will sign up. Heck, AHDI doesn't care. Like Kumar, all they care about is money in their pockets.

I also see people signing up for coding training, but that's going to off shore too. It's just a little behind MT at the moment.

They market their course to other countries. Look at the bottom of their page. nm - mtstudent

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I'm not sure the schools care. - sm

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The school I went to obviously knew that the job market was bad, but they purposely use old stats from 2005 for their advertising to make it look like they are (a) highly recommended and (b) they will place over 98% of grads with a job. Neither are true anymore.

This school has made a lot of changes to increase their profits and is doing a lot of advertising to boot. Right now, that is all the school cares about. And the teachers do not care because they are just happy to have a consistent job and they don't want to rock the boat.

The problem with this situation is that the MTSOs, schools, and AHDI are getting money by encouraging off-shoring and low pay and mandatory credentialing, so that is entirely where their loyalties lie.

Ideas? - Aspiring coder

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What would you suggest that the schools do to "fight" for you, refuse to admit any new students? How is proving your skills by passing a credentialing exam a bad thing, it makes you more marketable. How does AHDI get money by encouraging offshoring? They make money from membership fees, exam fees and the sale of publications, to my knowledge. It is not the fault of the schools that the job market is bad. You enrolled of your own free will, no one twisted your arm.

I'm not asking the schools to "fight" for me - read harder, Homer - nm

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MT schools won't even help grads GET jobs, let alone KEEP them - anon

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Once your course is complete and your tuition is paid, you are history to them. If you can't find a job, they make you think it's your fault for not marketing yourself properly; they've done their part.

You probably couldn't even get one of them to admit there is anything AT ALL wrong with the US MT profession; let alone do anything to fix it. To do either one would be to commit corporate suicide.

I think a lot of them should be investigated for the statistically inaccurate and overly rosy picture they paint of the dometic MT job market, the exorbitant tuition they charge, and the truckloads of costly equipment and course materials they require students to purchase which turn out to be useless on the job. Left unchecked these schools will continue to pass out the MT Kool-Aid to get students, and in today's job market there will always be those glad to drink it.

The state of this career field is not their fault. LOL - What can they do about it? Nothing.

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Correct, they don't care as long as they get their - sm

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money. There is a lot of false advertising going on by the schools.

We are responsible for finding jobs - pedalpusher

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My son just graduated from an accredited, 4-year college, and all he got was help with his resume and suggestions on how to market himself on Monster. Schools teach, they are not required to find jobs. You might need to contact a placement agency for help.

Schools finding jobs - Aspiring coder

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I'm a Career Step coding student. No promises were made of employment, but they did offer to contact facilities where I thought I would like to work after I graduate, asked for the names of their HR contact people, I don't know how they handle the MTs who graduate. I always assumed I would be on my own when it came time to find a coding job. I'm mentoring where I currently work as an MT and made those contacts on my own. The job market is horrible but that is not the fault of the schools. It is up to us to share in the responsibility and do our own work. If I don't get a job, ultimately I have no one to blame but myself.

I think the problem is when a school offers placement help - but doesnt provide

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This happens more than you think, if posts here on MTStars are any indication.
Definition of help can be the key - pedalpusher
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Many schools will work all year to have a good working relationship with MTSOs and then provide the contact information to their students. This is a great way to do the leg work for the graduate so they only have to weed through the information and select those companies that might fit into their scenario. Other schools will offer resume writing and more. I really think the final decisions are still ours and it is our responsibility to work as hard finding a job as we did studying. Good luck to everyone searching!

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