A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands

Posted: Jan 19, 2013

I have thought long and hard about this,  but obviously cannot do it alone.  According to this Website, we are at least 20,000 strong.  So many of us have watched this job go from one in which we were compensated for our hard work, DAILY continued education, ability to change with the times and dedication to the person on the other side of the reports we type,  to one of it BETTER be accurate, you BETTER do it faster or we WILL find someone else who will for less money than we are paying you.  Single Mom's used to be able to support their families on this profession, single women were able to buy homes with this profession, Mother's were able to afford an extra income to their family to be able to do things that seem so far out of reach for us now.  Let's face it, what we are being paid now is BELOW the poverty level and we ALL have an education, skill and a knowledge base that in ANY other job would demand much more respect than we are getting now.  You all know that if this were a profession that employed mostly men, that this would have NEVER happened.  I am not here to just give lip service to this, I truly would like to see things change for  us, but I would like to see a show of hands of MTs who would actually be willing to fight the fight and not just complain about it on these boards....and I promiss you, I am not a "suit".  

Unfortunately, this is not possible - sm

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First of all, this board does not even hold a fraction of the amount of MTs in the industry. If we refuse to take a job, because we don't feel they are paying enough, we will NEVER EVER at this point be proving a point to the MTSO, they will definitely find someone else who WILL take the job and someone WILL, plain and simple, because people have to live.

I think what would help this industry in the long run is for EVERYONE to start now and start informing people of off-shoring and informing your neighbors, family, friends etc., that their medical records are being sent to another country and could more than likely end up online as public information if this does not stop. I think if more news stories were done about this and more making people aware that the work would come back to our country and THEN we could demand our wages back.

Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands

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I completely agree "sm" and I am by no means suggesting that anyone refuse work. I whole-heartedly agree that the public needs to be informed that their medical records are being produced by someone outside of this country AND that WE need the jobs here! What I am looking for is other MTs willing to network and get this information out to the public, among other things!

PPl know their $$ info is OS, why do you think they - care if med info is OS? SM

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I have told many people, even informed some of my doctors that their records are not transcribed at the hospital associated with their HMO. They didnt know the records were done OS and when I told them, they didnt care. Didnt get indignant and call for an end to OS. It is all over the news about OS work, and not just medical records. People DO NOT care. Drs, who dont pay the bill anyway, DO NOT care.

I have often said I dont care of someone in India knows I had a runny nose. I am bothered by the fact that same person might have access to my $$ info.

And by the way, had a Director of Operations at an MTSO tell me that the minions that type the actual report, do not see ANY pt info. Just the managers/supervisors see that info.

Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands

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See, you stated that YOU have told many people, it is not common knowledge that reports are being typed offshore and I think that it should be. Doctors don't care because they are for the most part not making or in many instances, even involved in the decision to send their dictation to India or the likes. I too would be worried about information about my $$$ getting into the wrong hands IF I had any left to worry about!!!
Some I told did already know and the ones I told, making - it common knowledge to them, they SM
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did not care enough to say, How horrible, who can I contact to help stop this? They didnt like the idea but they sure didnt care enough to want to put forth some effort to try and stop it.
Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands
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It's not just about their medical reports, it is also about jobs here in the US and your concern about other personal information. But then again why would they want to put forth any effort, very few in this country do these days. They just sit back and wait to watch about it on the news

just curious - icumt

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what makes our records more likely to "show up online" from India than from the US? US MTs breach every single day and IMO provide a much greater risk.

BTW- Your neighbors really dont care where their medical record is produced, especially if it means their physician office visits care be lower because of it.

I don't know how they come up with those website numbers, but... - sm

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it can easily be seen how many times each post is read, which is no more than around 600 for the most-read posts.

And we've been down this road multiple times. If you're suggesting a walkout or that anybody voluntarily give up their pay for several days to do that, you're just whistling in the wind, especially since most of us with any sense realize that even a large fraction of approx. 600 readers taking that action is not going to make any difference, especially spread across multiple MTSOs. If you have suggestions for a new organization, e.g., with someone with some kind of *expertise* in such heading it up, I'm willing to at least listen. Since the American Transcription Association is apparently now defunct (though still mentioned in the sticky at the top of the board, "What is Wrong With Offshoring Transcription?"), I'd like to see somebody take up that gauntlet again, but not with a $100 membership fee, which is what kept me from joining them in the first place.

All that being said, once again, anybody can see how many readers there are here and that the numbers are obviously not what they're touted to be in practical terms, so you might want to gauge your future actions accordingly.

Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands

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Again, I am not suggesting that anyone refuse ANY work. I am merely looking for MTs ready and willing to TRY to make a difference. I don't have all the answers here and I am not pretending to, but at 51 years old, I either need to try re-educate myself in a different line of work that will support me, (of which I know I am not alone), or I need to make the situation better. I am looking to see how many MTs would also like to try to make the situation better.

Like I said, I'm willing to listen to proposals for an organization. - sm

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But to be honest, at 51 also and not in the best of health, I don't have a lot of energy to give nor time to "fight back," so no, I'm guess I'm not really one of your needed 'willing and ables.'

I would be interested in checking out an actual organization and even be willing to pay a membership fee of up to about $20 or so, to help promote more knowledge of offshoring and its possible adverse effects, including more publicizing of Lubna Baloch and the Precyse lawsuit, etc. I might be able to occasionally toss in a little research knowledge and such, but not on any regular or committed basis.

I'm afraid I actually think it's kind of a futile battle at this point, but I do applaud the idea of any decently thought out and and organized effort, if I ever were to see evidence of that.
Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands
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Thank You! This for now is all that I am trying to gather, is MTs who are willing. I would be more than happy to do the leg work to develop a "decently thought out and organized effort", but not if there are only 3 MTs interested in trying to make a difference...if ya know what I mean!
Yep, I'm afraid I do know. - sm
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I've helped run several MT boards, one of which had partly an organizational/onshore-only agenda (which I'm still definitely committed to the ideal of), but they all petered out due to the usual in-fighting, snarkiness, and/or apathy and so on, and I'm pretty much burned out on it all now, as are so many others, apparently.
Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands
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Well I appreciate your time thus far. I guess I will see what comes of my original post and move from there. I truly is sad that often times, we as women can be our own worst enemies. I sure would prefer to see a change change rather than what appears to be acceptance though!
the answer is no - give it up!
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Many well thought-out responses here regarding the fact that the profession is dead. The answer is NO. There is nothing left here to save, except yourself. Save yourself. Let it go.

Sorry, but you are wrong... - plenty of "mens" occupations

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have fallen victim to the global economy including steel, manufacturing and even knowledge based occupations such as accounting and IT. All our screaming and yelling will not bring these back until the third world countries that do them so much more cheaply start demanding higher and higher wages for their work. I believe this will eventually happen with some jobs, but probably not with MT in my lifetime, anymore than hospitals will bring back in-house MTs in a big way or MT will return to MT and not low paying ME.

In the meantime, I will be pursuing skills and knowledge in fields I know will not be able to be offshored or done by machines in the near future. If you prefer to beat a horse that if not already dead is likely gasping its last breath, that is your choice.

Ready - Anonymous

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Agree 100%. Home is in foreclosure, cannot even pay utilities on pay.

A couple other things - to consider...

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just imagine we all got our wishes and every hospital brought back their in-house MTs. Where would that leave all the MTs who thought this was a great job to work far from civilization? I think though that this is really just wishful thinking.

Whether you believe it or not, sooner or later VR is going to be acceptable with very little editing, probably in 5 years or less. Clinic MTs will be completely eliminated because there are fewer dictators for the systems to "learn." Hospitals will need fewer and fewer MEs, although likely remote, and the pay will continue to decline as VR gets better and better. Offshore will probably become obsolete, but ME, if not paid by the hour, will become a job for supplementing retirement or other income.

Either way, the outlook for this job is not rosy.

Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands

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You're right it does not look very rosy, but there are so many of us who have been doing this for a very long time and this is all we know. VR is not perfect nor will it be 100% and human hands will still be needed. My local technical college still has a MT/ME program...WHAT A JOKE! That in my opinion is theft. Theft of time and money. Also, I think that the way to approach this is the jobs angle. In other words, bring the jobs back to this country, period. There just has to be a way to get this done. Manufacturing businesses seem to be moving back from China. Why not our industry?

Some jobs ARE already coming back... - however,

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they will now be ME jobs and we should all be praying speech rec gets better and better, because they will eventually be offering 2c per line for editing (if that), thus giving you a whopping 10 bucks an hour provided you can steadily edit 500 lph.
Listening and reading will always be slower - than typing. NM
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And everyone has to agree on how they correct or the machine won't understand. It's a crying shame.

thar she blows again... - annonn

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fighting back - my2c

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Who is it you would fight exactly?

What makes you feel MT is more special than all the other jobs that have been phased out by technology and globalization?

This website is a mere microcosm of the true number of MTs in the country. You can't get anyone on here to agree for more than a nanosecond, so I'm not sure what it is you would be fighting, with what, or whom.

Ask telephone operators how they are making out, or call centers, or soon to be your local postman. Jobs get redefined and jobs end. This has nothing to do with the majority of us being women, but more to do with the mindset that someone is always going to be willing to accept that crappy 5 cpl/2.5 for VR. And as long as that happens, the only way out is down - or out.

So show all the hands you want. That verifies there are people fed up. But being fed up is NOT going to bring jobs back inhouse, in-country, or raise the pay. The ship has sailed. Some of us managed to secure a spot on the ship, waiting for it to turn into the Titanic. The rest have been left on shore to yell and scream how wrong it is, how something needs to be done, how the government needs to fix this, how unfair life is. Preaching to the choir because frankly, no one else in the country is interested in attending this particular opera.

(Sorry for all the mixed metaphors!)

LOL on the mixed metaphor alert. The choir and opera were particularly clashing. - ;)

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Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands

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I don't feel that MTs are any more special than others who have lost their jobs to globalization, but I don't have those jobs. I did not go to school for those jobs and I have not continuously educated myself on new surgical procedures/terms, new drugs or honed my learning skills to be able to understand an ESL dictator who will not lose an ounce of sleep because I can't understand him/her. Do you really think that your neighbors don't care where their reports are typed? I think you're wrong. I think that your neighbors do care, I think your neighbors want to see a better economy, which means reinforcing the middle class, which is where MTs who have been doing this for a while USED to be. And the only way I see for that to be possible is to unionize, but a union will not do any of us an ounce of good as long as these MTOSs have their offshore transcriptionists to fall back on. Which is why, to answer your question, I would like to try and fight to get these jobs back here in the US. Hell, its not like they would have to move a manufacturing plant back here. Yes, traditional transcription is quickly becoming extinct, but I too have spoken to doctors who are disgusted by the fact that with all of their years of schooling, they are now also having to do what WE have been trained to do.

I personally cannot live on what they are paying me and I have a couple of choices here, try to make it better, try to pay for and find the time to study with the 3 jobs that I already have to learn something different or eat a bullet. I was looking to see how many other MTs felt the same as myself, but with the exception so far of one, it sounds to me like others don't need to be bothered with this.

Something I don't understand - Anonymous

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Is why some MTs cannot deal with the reality that our jobs have changed and/or have been eliminated and move on. As mentioned, other occupations have suffered at the hands of globalization or new technology. Those people retrained and found other work and accepted the fact that things had changed. You are not going to bring your job back, it is what it is. Why did you not continue to educate yourself on new terms, I always thought it was my job to do that. My MT job is gone but I now QA the work done by others. I can also code and do other jobs. My choice was to move on, you have the same choice. You can capitalize on your skills and knowledge and use them to do something that will pay the bills. I don't understand why you insist on staying at a job which admittedly does not pay you a living wage, you are fighting a losing battle. No, I don't want to be bothered, I need to get on with my life.
Are YOU ready and willing to start to fight back - Looking for a show of hands
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Sorry, I did not complete my full thought...I have continued to learn new terms and I have morphed into what the job needed me to be. What I don't understand is the fact that so many are just willing to accept this! We didn't get a 40-hour work week in this country because people were just willing to accept the poor treatment and pay by their employers. It appears most likely that I will have to find something else to do with my skills, but it will be out of necessity NOT acceptance.

It isn't that we don't care or couldn't be bothered. - I used to think that SM

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something could be done to change what is happening, but not anymore. I just recently read an article about new changes with HIPAA and there were links all over that page about EHR and what is going on behind the scenes. We are just being phased out and these MTSOs are going to have to keep up with it to stay relevant. This is why they resent the hell out of needing us at all and IMO why they have no respect whatsoever. We are a hindrance at this point, but unfortunately for them still needed because the VR is just not there yet. Everything I read showed me where the future is and this job as it is will not be part of it. It is very hard to accept, I feel like I am losing a big part of myself, having done this all my life (I am now 61). I really think it's best to look into HIM jobs and what they will be needing in the future for those of us younger. Schooling will probably be needed. This is the sad reality to me.

NOT 20,000... - Des

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Over the years people come and go from this site. That "20,000" number is simply all the people in the history of this site who've ever submitted an email address to be allowed to post/reply on this board.

If you want to know the reality of this board, click on the Main Board tab on the left and then look in the middle of the screen at the number of visitors online at that time. Even during the day, there are maybe only a couple of hundred people on the site.

Look at the posts. See how many views they get. If this board was really 20,000 MTs strong, wouldn't there be 1000s of views for each post and not just 10s to 100s?

Agree with Des plus - anon-one

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for whatever reason, many have had more than one email address submitted here.

real numbers are as stated in DES post.

Fighting back - nana

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I told my doctor about the offshoring of our records and what it is doing to us, the American MT and her response was "my reimbursements have gone down so much that I now use an Indian service." She said "sorry, but that is the only way I can stay compliant and stay in business." Then I got a copy of my history and physical in the mail a couple of weeks later and it was horrible, many errors, format hard to read and I brought that to her attention and she said she "maybe I need someone to proofread these reports." Bunch of crap. So doctors that have their own practice know exactly what is happening to us because they are doing it to us.

Experience number 2. I was in Clearwater Florida for a few months at the end of last year and found a wonderful doctor. When she came into the room she wheeled in a laptop and while I was talking she was "pecking" at the keys what I was saying. Her office went to a program that uses drop down boxes and she has to type everything else in. She said that program has given her a new respect for a transcriptionist because we made her look smart. I even had to spell medical words for her and then she asked me if I would like to type my own history cause I could get it done faster than she can. A 20 minute office visit took 45 minutes. She said she has gone from seeing 35-40 patients a day to 15-20.

They know exactly what they are doing. Trying to save a dime at the expense of the patient's health and THEY DON'T CARE. So although I think you have some good ideas, their bottom line is money.

Of course, a lot of it is obviously counterproductive, since more money seeing 35-40 patients a day - instead of 15-20. sm

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But it really doesn't matter, because whoever the bean counters are, they will tell them otherwise.

Offshoring of patient records - Anonymous

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Where I work, the only thing outsourced/off shored are the voice files, no other records are sent. I don't know where you got the idea that the entire patient chart was being sent out, that just does not happen. If your doctors are signing off on reports that contain errors, that is indeed their problem and they probably do need a proofreader. That is what I do now because of all the errors and the time constraints placed on the physicians to make their own corrections. And they will care when they get sued, it is just a matter of time. Under HIPAA, you can request a corrected/appended report to your health records when you find errors. My experience has been that they DO care, the question is how much do the rest of us care?

Reply to anonymous - nana

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I work for a major hospital in Michigan and the service we use is an "American" based service, or should we say American storefront service. We only send voice files also, but it so happened the patient's ID number is their social security number. Is that enough information being sent to a different country and the patient doesn't even know it. That is all the information they need to do what ever they wish. The work is horrible and absolutely every single report they send needs full editing. And I know we are paying this service 0.16 cents per line and then our transcriptionists have to edit each and every report and our transcriptionists make 9.5 cents per line and have to pretty much retype the whole report. We cannot convince our boss that to pay this service 16 cents per line and then our transcriptionist 9.5 cents per line is ridiculous and she will not pull their contract. We can't even get the service to admit they use Indian transcriptionists, but it is apparent they do. Also the owner is 100% Indian.

I never stated they get the whole record, but they can get enough information to cause a person problems.


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Even though I'm leaving MT, I still intend to continue - to fight back long after Ive left.

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Nothing would please me more than to finally stick it to the middleman, who has stuck it to us for so long. And, once out of the profession, we can stick it to 'em just that much more, because we won't have to worry about blacklisting or other repercussions. And I intend to name names, too.

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