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feeling weird - Erin Pryor

Posted: May 22, 2010

Has any body every noticed how you find companies that seem interested in you and want to hire you, but if you ask them to look up stuff it takes them forever?I had this one company who was interested in me but when I told them I use a mac computer, which I realize now was my mistake, I get the attitude "See you later"?

As has been discussed ad nauseum here lately, there are many reasons - why they do not want to deal with Macs NM

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"Ask them to look up stuff"? - Lynn

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If I were an employer and an applicant "asked me to look up stuff," I would become seriously annoyed and would simply move on to the next applicant. They do not have to alter anything about their business to accommodate you except in the case of a disability. You need to make it easy for them to hire you, not difficult. There are plenty of MTs seeking jobs. Employers have plenty of options.

feeling weird - Erin Pryor

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I think what gets me the most is that the companies can not take the time( or will not) to let one know that they may or may not be interested in you ( i.e.a week) I know and understand that they have a lot of resumes to go through, but that should not stop them.

Think about this - to feeling weird

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You didn't know the difference between clinic and acute care. You have been repeatedly told MAC is just not likely to fly in most MT companies.

Both of those things tell me, if I'm an MTSO, that you will be more work and need more hand-holding than I'm able to give, and yes, I'd just walk away. Time is precious and while it may be polite, sometimes it's just not realistic to follow up with people you do not plan to hire.
Mac is not an issue - Catgrrl
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I have used a Mac for well over 2 years now and I have never had any issues with any company. The first thing I did when I got my Mac was to make a bootcamp partition for Windows. Now, when I work, I literally restart my Mac in Windows. In fact, several companies have been interested in how I did this, etc. , but never did they turn me away, but I never asked them to look anything up either. I learned a long time ago to make it in this business you need to be self-sufficient and fly under the radar and you will be very successful. Good luck to you.
That's just it. A Mac may be workable in some situations, but-- - SM
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--few, if any, companies are going to want to branch out and add support for Macs because it's not cost effective, and especially so if the Mac users aren't self-sufficient. Adding another platform to support is a drain on resources. So, yeah, one might be able to work in some situations with their Mac, but they'd better know how to set it up themselves.
Working on a Mac - Catgrrl
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Working on a Mac is just as easy, if not more, as working on a PC. I am not sure how anyone makes it very far in this business without being somewhat computer savvy, but I hear MTs say that they are not all of the time. The main thing to take away from this thread is you must be self-sufficient, as you are, in most cases, an IC and you bring your tools to work just like a carpenter would and you better know how they function.
catgrrl - Erin Pryor
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thank you very much!b This is exactly what I would love to be able to do! Care to share any companies that you work for? you can email me privately.
Mac - catgrrl
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Erin, just set up bootcamp and don't tell them. It doesn't matter. I run XP on my bootcamp side with all of my windows based operating systems plus any platforms or players required by the company. Windows on Mac actually runs better and you can do something called image your drive onto a USB jump drive in order to have your entire windows drive backed up in case of an emergency. I have been an IC MT for many years now and I love my Mac.
mac-catgrrl - Erin Pryor
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thanks again for the input

Since you clearly feel strongly about this - Lynn

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maybe you should express your concerns to the companies you feel have treated you badly. Complaining here is not necessarily going to reach the people involved, and if they don't know you're upset, they can't drop everything and devote their time to this.
Lynn - Erin Pryor
[ In Reply To ..]
thanks for the good idea!

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