A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

my latest gripe - about ros and pe

Posted: Dec 01, 2012

How many times, I mean how many, really, must we stack the subheading to the left, capitalize it, put a colon after it, and remove the word "is" before this stupid speech engine figures out that's how it's supposed to do it, not all in one paragraph?  I mean, it's a client specific, and I am pretty everyone is doing it this way, every time, so don't tell me this is the MTs fault. 

Several of my accounts don't do that, I have to put it in - paragraph form

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So, and I am sick of switching it back!

My feeling is that if - they are going to

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use VR for everything, they should make it as simple as possible for VR. For example, I have pretty much stopped spelling out abbreviations in diagnosis that are recognized correctly by VR. This is the new world of ME, so to my mind, the old rules of MT do not apply.

so can it not figure out - from one account to the next?

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If it can't figure out in the next 100 years that this account wants it stacked and that account wants it paragraph, we are in big trouble.

Why does it allow it? - sm

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Why can't a program so sophisticated to be called The Best of the Best not have the capability to not stack or to stack? Why? It is supposed to replace a human, so why can't it be set to stack or not to stack?

I know the answer. It is because it cannot ever replace a human and there will always be caveats. A computer is only as smart as the person behind it.

The other issues I have with SR or VR is that it doesn't even recognize the majority of the medical terms dictated and mistakes them for common words. Why does it do that when it was meant for the medical field? It is not updated either, i.e., Pradaxa- never gets it.

I think some responsibility also falls on the dictator. They were probably supposed to say keywords to train it, and they didn't, so now it can't do its job correctly or at least partly correct. Everyone has to be on the same page, and this company is never on the same page. The same rules do not apply to everyone or so it seems.

It's just like the ones on here stating they don't look up cc's. Next thing ya' know, an e-mail goes out that the client is upset with all the missed cc's. Of course, the ones saying they transcribe 4,000 lines an hour doing VR are probably the same jokers not looking up the cc's. The one transcribing 1,000 lines an hour is probably researching all day every single report every single cc. It just doesn't seem right or fair.

I agree with your gripe and my gripe is I find - myself

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more and more exhausted at the end of my shift after making all these corrections with SR. I drink more coffee with SR than I ever did with straight typing.

so whatever happened to the BOS being - the "standard" on everything?

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I thought the BOS was the "bible" of transcription and the speech engines should follow the "standards" set forth in such a "miraculous book." oh....that's right! The "book" changes every year depending on how much money they want to make this year from selling it. duh. forgot about that. To heck with client specifics. (j/k)

the BOS does not come out every year - and, the problem really is

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that every single client wants something different and then doctors within the facility want something different than the client, and we are to do what every single person wants. It would be ideal if we could follow ONE set of guidelines for every facility, every doctor, every company. Those 15 page client profiles are ridiculous.
This is so true. I also think that it is this way - sm
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sort of on purpose. You mess up one time with a formating issue such as this doctor wants something specific, you get put on full review and lose pay. They get away with paying you less while you're on full review. Their excuse is that it is in the client specs. I had been told to check every single client spec for every single report. I had to read through 15 to 20 pages of literature before transcribing a 1 minute sound file, only to be paid 4 cpl.

This job causes major eye strain as the print is so small on the platform, and it also causes mental anguish because of the multiple e-mails you get telling you how wrong you were and how you should just be more productive.

Slow down, speed up, take your hands off the mouse, don't take breaks, don't answer your phone, don't take too long researching. Please do take breaks, answer the phone if we are calling, please research extensively before leaving a blank.

It goes on and on and on and they talk out of both sides of their mouths. The QA process is laughable. I was over edited so many times, it got to be not so funny anymore.

I also found you need to essentially be a mind reader and a definite self starter. I could not find any instructions on when to leave blanks or when not to. All I heard about was how wrong and how ineffecient I was for not seeing it in the client specs. "I can't stress enough to go over the report multiple times before sending." What? How can I go over a report that pays 4 cpl over and over again when I need to produce 3,000 lines a day? Never mind the fact that 3,000 lines a day only gives me $12.00 an hour. I do not get paid to read 10 e-mails a day on which doctor wants what on which day of the week. I don't get paid to read client specs. There should be one way to do things with speech rec and it would be much easier. They have not even curbed the practice of granting multiple special requests to clients. On any given day, it is put this on hold for that procedure for that doctor and do this or that for that doctor only depending on the type of report. It's mind boggling. Drove me nuts!

Bottom line: They want a whole lot for a little bit of money.
yeah quality over quantity - my foot
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If it's quality over quantity then we need to be paid by the hour.

just create macros - downtime

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I just type them up the way they are supposed to be formatted and save them, take out all that garbage and insert my macro. I'm real sorry if they don't want me to do that, but I gotta make a living here. Even without a macro, it's quicker and less frustrating to take out the PE and ROS and just type them, than to do all that formatting stuff.

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