A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

AAMT or whatever their latest abbreviation is... - MT from NH

Posted: Sep 18, 2010

If it is true that our MT corporations are profiting with VR the same as if we were transcribing, well to me that's picking my pocket......So then why isn't AAMT (or whatever) going to bat for us 'editors' and set standards so that companies will pay us our fair share? Just a thought. Wouldn't it be nice if we were told by our companies that from here on in, VR will pay as much as transcribing? pipe dreams huh?

AAMT - Anonymous

[ In Reply To ..]
AAMT (now AHDI) has been around since the 1980s. They've never gone to bat to set industry standards for wages for MTs/editors and probably never will.

ADHI - MT from NH

[ In Reply To ..]
Isn't that a damn shame?

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