A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

TTS - What's the latest? - cm

Posted: Jan 18, 2013

Wondering what it's like there.  Benefits, work flow?  Thanks

Working at TTS - Kerri

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I started at TTS last year, just went on their website and applied and the recruiter called. My previous employer used eScription so I was really looking for a position on that system and TTS has an eScription team. I have one account that I stay on all week except for my Sat and then I have a second account. They pay every two weeks, United Healthcare is their insurance. I stay busy, not like before when I tried all day just to get 1000 lines. HTH.

There are a few bad apples there, just like any company - Anon

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Depends on what account you are on. Pays on time. Schedule adherence is very strict for ICs. I don't know about their health as I don't need it. Work is very steady on my account which is an escription account.

Escription side is much better than Dictaphone side - Bri

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Due to a certain person on the Dictaphone side.
Yep-been there, doe that-the dictaphone lead is - Ex-TTSer
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a royal pain. I never heard from a lead more in my life. She will call for every little reason, totally micromanages breaks, line counts, etc. After 20 years, I think I know what I am doing, so just let me do my job and we will be fine. However, the owner loves her cause she is just like her-MICROMANAGE, MICROMANAGE, MICROMANAGE is the motto for TTS. I left for a place where they let me be me and do my job.

P.S. Plus, the account that starts with an "F" which is what they mostly hire for, totally is crap, so won't make any money because you will be spending most of your time trying to figure it out! Oh, also, the "F" account gets audited by the client, Nuance, AND TTS-good luck with that!
Ditto, to everything you said. I was on the "F" acct also. - MT
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TL is a control freak. The "F" acct has 35+ pages of acct specs that change on a daily basis. TTS monitors your time on the system and if you are idle for 4 minutes, it deducts that from your time in the system.
Yep-been there, done that-the dictatphone lead is - - Happy I quit
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I too worked for TTS, for 3 weeks. I was there a week, they grabbed me to work in administrative position on the F account and I lasted 2 weeks and quit. I couldn't make them happy so I quit before they could fire me.
Same here... - Ex-TTS
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Same thing here..lasted 1 month in an admin position and they paid me half of my salary pay. I disagreed with my pay and got fired on the spot by the OWNER! I am in the middle of an unpaid wage claim with the Labor Board now to get my pay. They MICROMANAGE like the other people said down to every 5 minutes! Stay far away from these folks if you can help it! I

Thanks all! I'm a little smarter now. nm - cm

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