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Just a vent/gripe about companies and their requirements - ancient MT

Posted: Jul 24, 2012

I  just had to turn a job down, (after giving it very careful consideration) due to their LPH requirements on VR.  I am in my late 50s, have been doing this for years, mainly straight typing and I also have a slight physical distability, where I am not a "speed typist," but I am accurate.  I  get so frustrated with these companies and the fact that they require "125-150 lph" for straight typing and "200-250 lph " for VR and if you for some unforeseen reason, you can't meet those requirements, you are either not hired or let go.  There are other MTs that have disabilities or are "older and I wonder how  each of you deal with it.  I have recently been hired with a company that does straight typing only and hoping to be wtih then for another 5-6 years until I can retire.

vent/gripe requirements - Old MT as well

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I, too, know what you are talking about. I am, fortunately, able to keep my speed up through the shorcuts I have created, when possible, on certain accounts. However, when I have 4 or 5 accounts and difficult dictators or dictators or want you to go back and delete half of the dictation and start over, etc., it makes it very difficult. I have chronic pain issues and the option of working at home has been great for me. That being said, I definitely made more years ago doing this exact job, great QA, great line counts and had a good rapport with the company.
I think it boils down to accountability everywhere - ranging from doctors, Medicare, hospitals, insurance companies, etc.
It seems no doctor wants to turn in a bad doctor. It's easier to just ignore that doctor's "issues". This has gone on for years and creates higher malpractice. But, people sue over the most ridiculous things at times and you can't expect a judge to throw many of these cases out because, well, he IS a lawyer! Once again, accountability! Unless there is gross negligence, I think it should boil down to accountability! PERIOD!! Everyone seems to be looking for a handout - state aid, housing, etc. In my opinion, there should be drug testing and PASSING in order to get it and to live in govt approved or subsidized housing. If you can afford drugs, then you can be creative to find food and housing! Accountability! There is more help for the poor to get help with drug treatment than there is for the working poor. It's ridiculous! Same with birth control - accountability! It's so easy to get birth control, and free in a lot of places, why are people still having unplanned pregnancies? Why are we still paying for them? These are the things that I see that raise the costs of insurance and hospital bills. The hospitals are not getting paid by the state in a timely manner, if at all in some cases. There are doctors and health care agencies frauding Medicare and Medicaid. They need to get a better handle on this before it gets to millions of $$. This is money that, I am guessing, is hardly ever repaid to the government.
We have cops policing cops, congress giving themselves raises, etc.
Accountability stopped a long time ago. They can't just cut everyone off (the elderly and children or the poor that deserve the help) in 1 swipe, but people just need to do their job! They are lax and lazy!
Sorry to go off on a rant but I just feel the spending needs to start from the top people running this country and getting rid of the bad apples.
I mean, WE are held to a higher standard on the quality of our work than the elected officials running our country. How sad is that?! We are accountable everyday that we log on to work.
I feel we are another group of unfortunate Americans whose jobs are being/have been outsourced and nothing will be said or done until about it until this all blows up in their face. I honestly feel malpractice will go even higher than ever expected if they rely on what work comes out of India. JMO

Quite a rant there Old MT, but I agree. - sm

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If youth but knew what age could tell.

Don't get me started, or we will be kicked off of here and onto the Political Board. Yikes!!

Couldn't agree more though.

oldmt - sm

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How many records have you QA'd or processed from India? Because I see a lot of them, a whole lot of them. They aren't bad. In fact, they are pretty good.

Funny, I have seen a whole lot of them too, and they are pretty darn bad. - anon

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Hmmmmmm, how odd is that?

accountability - BABS

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I TOO AM AN ANCIENT MT AND I SAY IT LIKE IT IS. AS FOR "PLANNED PARENTHOOD' AS THEY CALL IT, DEFENDED BY THE STATEMENT THAT A WOMAN HAS A RIGHT TO MAKE A CHOICE WITH HER BODY. WELL, IT SEEMS TO ME THAT SHE ALREADY DID - SHE WILLINGLY GOT PREGNANT WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY. (I know, this is in most cases). We can not be responsible for their choices. Make the choice before the baby, not after. We have birth control. Don't make us pay for it.

accountability.... birth control is not 100% effective - just me

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I got pregnant with my son using 4 different birth control forms (and pulling out), including the pill as well as getting pregnant 4 additional times but then miscarried. Luckily, I had over $80,000 in the bank to have him on my own. I left my fiance after he severely beat me in Mexico and stole my car (found out I was pregnant when they were doing x-rays for my broken arm). However, it was a high-risk pregnancy, as I am a DES daughter and had cervical cancer, so this first was my only chance at a child. I definitely think you should have to show financial culpability/proof you can afford a child, but to a lot of uneducated women, it seems to be their meal ticket unfortunately. Here I spend several thousand dollars per month on healthcare premiums and several thousand dollars more a month on medical care, working 9 jobs while injured, while "patients" at the hospital down the street are not even citizens and having babies on our tax dollars and then getting paid money each month. No wonder they migrate up from Mexico (this particular hospital has a huge illegal immigrant client base). Oh by the way, the hospital is going under and cannot even afford its staff anymore. I am American and cannot even get aid after numerous surgeries and disabilities, but they get all the free care in the world... Do not even get me started...

LPH - me

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I agree with you. It's absolutely ridiculous, you are expected to produce that much per hour, yet QA takes off if a comma is wrong.......so which is it? You want quantity or quality? Most of the VR I see is so bad you nearly retype the entire report and they tell you to let them know if a doctor needs removed, then refuse to remove that doctor. It's a joke.

Doctors being removed from VR - How? AUDIT DOCTORS.

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I have complained about 2 doctors on our VR who absolutely do not belong there, but they are still there.

Perhaps instead of letting the computer audit dictation to see if it meets the standards for VR, the company QA needs to come up with a point system much like MT audits, and audit each doctor's dictation periodically to see if he passes or fails. If he fails, do not leave him on VR.

I generally otherwise do not mind doing the VR. I am faster at it, and can do up to 400 lph with the right dictators, but the pay is too low. Additionally, it is not as if we are only adding punctuation. If we are actually doing typing in the VR system, that should be calculated separately by the system and there should be full typing pay for that. I think the VR in general is a good idea, but companies are misusing it simply to line their pockets, while the MTs pay, production, and accuracy suffers. I believe that eventually so many MTs will refuse to do this and will likely get out of the business, at which point I hope the pay for what we do is increased, our abilities recognized, VR's ability recognized for what it truly is, and these games will stop when you can audit the doctors for accuracy.

Lines Per Hour - jancee

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I am 52 years old and have been doing transcription for about 25 years. I am very accurate, but cannot meet the 100-150 lph requirements, either. I don't know how anyone can unless they have lots of standards. I feel as though they want "robots" who can type eight hours straight without stopping. I am doing the best I can, but have already been counseled about my "production". I used to love transcription, but not so much now.

LPH - banshee

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100-150 LPH, in how many hours a day? I work 7 hours/day, more like 6.45 with breaks, and am expected to meet 1200 lines/day minimum, and have also been 'counseled' or 'warned' that I am consistently not meeting the requirements; I average about 900-1000 or so a day, doing the absolute most horrendous, difficult, challenging reports in the entire company. Almost 1/3 (and more on some days) the reports are from scratch although are under 'editing' as the dictators do not even meet the standard for VR they are so distorted or uninterpretable. My quality for 5 years has been 99-100, and just this month now all of a sudden I am being warned my quality is bad and I am not meeting the line count requirements. Not one thing positive...like I am the worst MT ever.

Just to know there are others like myself, is so helpful, because working so very isolated really is depressing and I am kept from communicating in any meaningful way to anyone else.

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