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Latest Keystrokes email - KSMT

Posted: Aug 31, 2011

Wow, did everyone get the email sent at 5:05 this evening, which was 6:05 my time.  A lot of BS sprinkled with "we love yous" and "by the way, you aren't getting paid until Friday" and "Its all the office manager's fault because I don't take responsibility for my own actions" love note.  "We are in a steady growth mode" and "we had to change pay dates because we can't get our stuff together enough to do invoices on time" and "we are super and you are lucky to work for us", "we are busy looking at the surveys from months ago and are making lots of great changes, behind the scenes"  Does that mean better coffee for the office staff??  "Oh sorry about insurance, but you MTs are really are not that important, you just make the money that we all feed off of"  "Sorry this is so late in the day, but we really didn't want you to have time to make any arrangements while the banks were still open you silly, silly employees".  Now, get your butts back to work!! 

I so love my job!

KS latest email - KSer

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Awww, I got it too! We are sooo lucky to work for people who could care less if they bankrupt us on a whim...

Why do you stay if you hate it so much? Try the Q. They're hiring. - CuriousMT

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Why - KSMT

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I never said I hated KS - can't speak for the other posters. I love the work I do and the accounts I am on. I like my leads and most of my coworkers. Just because I like something, doesn't mean I should bend over and take what ever they want to give me. I do come here and joke around, but believe me, I have addressed my concerns with management all the way up the chain.

If people don't stand up for what is right, they will get walked all over!
If you like KS for the most part, you wouldn't come here and TALK!!! - UNREAL
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I haven't been at KS for a very long time, but I did do my research on them before accepting a position. I enjoy my job with them and management has been wonderful.

I believe this latest incident was just that, an incident. It was MISCOMMUNICATION, which I have found to be the biggest problem with KS so far.

I will say this, my prior employer had 2 issues with making payroll in 4 years. No warning, WE JUST DIDN'T GET PAID. There was some mention of it on MTSTARS, however, WE NEVER MENTIONED THEIR NAME. WE NEVER DRAGGED THEM THROUGH THE MUD THE WAY ALL OF YOU ARE YOUR EMPLOYER.

I think it is shameful the way something happens and you don't give management any time to respond, to rectify the situation, before you are here posting and airing all the dirty laundry, some true and some not, for clients to see, competitors to see, THE WORLD TO SEE. It's SHAMEFUL.

You are supposed to be professionals, not high school teenagers.
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I'm not sure how long you have been with Keystrokes, I've been around a few years. This is the 3rd time in a year that payroll has been late. My pay has been cut twice. I have gotten the nasty emails that go to every MT on an account yelling, "if you don't get your counts in, you are gonna get written up" and mine have NEVER been late the entire time I have been with KS. I have seen and heard a lot of BS. I have lost my health insurance through KS as well since they can't get that together either!

If they don't want clients and competitors to see this, then they need to get their act together. It is SHAMEFUL the way they have treated their employees over the past year.

As for how I feel, there is no way you can know that, unless you are me.

Seems to me that some people are awful sensitive on this board, taking things way too personally, making me think that maybe its not MTs doing all of these postings, but maybe some higher ups.

Have a super day!
keyjokes - been there
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getting along with co-workers, they don't let you communicate with co-workers....only "leads", who have difficulty spelling their own names. They lie at Keystrokes. After 30 years in the business, I've already heard every excuse. But i don't work for KS anymore so those lies don't affect me!! Sure gives me a good laugh at them trying to stand up for themselves. And doesn't Lee own the company, and she'd like to FIRE everyone whose made a bad statement. Seriously????
They do let you communicate with co-workers! - encourage it
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See people LIE!! KS even has their own Facebook page for people to communicate, help each other with words, get to know one enother, et cetera. There are even "work buddies". So don't go spreading stuff that's not true.
Sorry, I have an e-mail that says otherwise from my lead. - FBis so KS can see what is being said and by who.
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Personal communication is a no, no.
So paranoid - cracking me up! - People are unreal
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Really if you think it's that bad, get another job.

Exploitation seems to be the norm for MTSO's - Do you know any other question

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You too will learn about KS as time goes by. The e-mail was a joke, and promises have been made before and broken, pay cuts were not supposed to happen again and nothing has gotten any better. Many stay until something else comes along. KS knows many are in a bind and need this job and take advantage of it. You will learn.

Don't B such a gloomy Gus! - KSMTee

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Bitter, party of 1!

Aww, you sound bitter - KSEMTEE

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I thought it was a very funny post. If you can't find humor in life, then you will probably get bitter, right?


I needed my boots and shovel for that e-mail - nm

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Why don't you - try this

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go start your own MTSO if you're so unhappy... oh that's right, you'd rather sit around and complain.

You know not everybody might be as happy as you are with the company. - mtme

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Each person is entitled to their own opinion. Good for you that you are having a positive experience but not everybody is.

why don't you - KSMT

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Go do some work. I'm not sure why everyone takes these comments personally, unless they are management or ownership.

You know it's. - come on now

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only one day past the regular tomorrow- and they did incorporate the "if it falls on Saturday, you get paid on Friday, rule"....so come on already.....they are trying, why is the glass so half empty with you?
Is KS going to pay for over draft fees? - Not likely.
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Automatic deductions are scheduled several days in advance and cannot be stopped, I spoke with my bank. How many people will be hit with over draft fees? Would you like to reimburse everyone? As I said before if KS does offer to pay (which I doubt), it would result in another pay cut to cover that cost. Maybe it does not impact you, but certainly will impact others. Years ago, I was not reimbursed, if you believe the sugar sweet e-mail, you are in for a rude awakening.
Automatic Deductions - Scoobie-Doobie
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Boy, those automatic deductions can really get you in trouble. I stopped doing ADs a long time ago. I absolutely had to take better control of my $$$. One of the best steps I ever made. Now I have all my accounts set up with a spread sheet to keep track of due dates and amounts and just click and pay when I say. Anything can happen, and banks just don't care.
Me too, never know what's going to happen - kk
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I pay my bills when they are do and I tell them when to send it. My credit union has it there the next day electronically.

You never know what's going to happen! I will control my money, not the bank.

If everyone would do this, you wouldn't be in this situation now.
that should read "when they are DUE** - duh, early
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Automatic deductions - an idea by banks for people who aren't that smart. - mt
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So you can't change your automatic deductions? What happens if you lose your job altogether? You're saying those can't be stopped? I think your bank is yanking your chain or maybe you just want something else to blame on KS. Take responsibility for your money. If you don't like the way you're being treated by KS, then find another job. If you don't like the way your bank is treating you, find another bank. Whining will get you nowhere.
Whining will only get U cheese. - KSMTee
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I love cheese. - LOL
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and the wine (whine) that goes with it.
I guess KS has a bank that lied to them too. - Not able to stop the pay date.
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Maybe KS should find another bank.
automatic deductions -- dont be a jerk - KSer
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of course we can change them, but not at 7 oclock the night before. that is the main complaint, this happened without giving anyone time to even scramble and cover.
Yep, I agree with you. That was my chief complaint. - nm
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If anyone has a bank that will make changes immediately no matter what time or date it is, I really would like to know what bank it is, I would think KS would like to know as well.
Wow! You're obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer!.... - BM
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You cannot change automatic payments "the day of." Why is this so hard for you to understand?? Some people even give permission to their creditors (insurance companies, electric/cable companies, car payments) to draft their account on pay dates. These people are the responsible ones. Let's don't shift the blame to those who try to pay their bills on time. Really!! Keystrokes, pay when due!
You've been had, people - Vet MT
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Scoobie-Doobie is wise. Do you think banks set up automatic payments for your convenience? If you do, you are gullible and need to wise up--they set them up so they can scarf up overdraft fees when their customers' paychecks are late, or they get to the bank late, or they forget they need to transfer funds from savings...

I should do some work? - What about you?

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What I don't get - Poor MT

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is why can't KS do their payroll in a timely fashion? Other companies do it with a lot more employees than KS has.
I just love being blamed for the problem too.. I always turn in my counts on time. why not send an email out saying that if you don't turn in your counts on time that you won't get a paycheck on time. punish those that are slack, not the ones that aren't.

There are companies with different cut off dates. - That still pay on the 1st and 16th.

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But I agree, if they do not submit counts on time and do not get paid for that pay period, they would definitely learn a lesson.

The last company I worked for, we got paid the 5th and 23rd - argg

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I hated it! At least this is still somewhat "normal". That's what I don't get. People are going crazy over a couple of days and acting like they are not getting paid at all.

I think they just look at things to complain about! It was just killing them because they didn't have anything to come on here and rake KS over the coals about. Check out the time of the first post compared to when the first e-mail was sent out! Absolutely ridiculous. They should go back to high school. I really hope these people don't have kids, as they sure aren't teaching them how deal with issues in their every day life.

I came back to KS for a second time because of assurances made - nothing has changed, big disappointment.

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One of the reasons I left was for the same goings on as now. I believed changes were made for the better, but such is not the case. As the saying goes, these shoes are made for walking, and they is what they will do. Honesty and integrity are important and that is something that is lacking at KS. I was warned and didn't listen. Good luck to all non-management KS employees.

Because they changed their pay dates by 2 days? - HAHA!! WALK-ON BOOTS!!

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Not because of change in pay dates - Lies, lies and more lies.

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By the way your sarcastic snide remark was expected - typical KS response.

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Hmmm, I do sarcasm well, and snide when it strikes me - as appropriate. See? Maybe I should apply. NM
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Maybe you should. They are a good company. - meme
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My co-workers can come on here and bad mouth all the way, but I can't comment or I'm being sarcastic? Well, it doesn't work that way. I generally don't post much, but to see that it took barely an hour for the 1st post to show up after the 1st e-mail was sent is just sickening.

This is a profession, a job. There are chains of command that you go through when you have issues. The overall unprofessionalism in this field amazes me. It's no wonder that our work is going overseas.

What do you think KS clients think when come on here and read everything posted about KS?? Is Keystrokes a company they want their business to go?
Clients find out the truth. - KSer
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I recommended by a former client that went to another MTSO and you should have heard the bashing going on from the client regarding KS's management style and the treatment they went through while a client with KS. Very sad situation but not shocking.
They would not have 500-600 MTs if they were a horrible company - meme
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You can cry all you want, say what you will. If their management style was that bad and if they treated their employees as you say they do you, they would not have had the growth into what they are now. To be the size that they are and to not outsource to India, says a lot. I believe they care about their MTs. Growing pains are not easy, especially as fast as they have grown.

I will admit, their communication has A LOT TO BE DESIRED!!!!!! Overall, they are a good company and I feel they care about their MTs.

Their MTs should care more for them than to come onto a public internet forum and do irrepairable harm to their reputation. If I were than unhappy, I would find another place to work. I have done it and when and if I get that unhappy working at KS, I will do it again.
500-600 employees!!!! Laughable......nm - KB
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Actually, they are over 600 if you look at the current list of employees. nm - KSLeadMT
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What does it matter how many employees they have? Is there a point to this?

Again, someone with an agenda posting nasty posts in an effort to drag a good company through the mud.
Just one employee to another - meme
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Tired of all the bad mouthing on here. If you are not happy, then go.

KS is not perfect, but there are plenty of good MTs who be very happy here. They have it much worse than you do. I know as I have several friends going it through it.

Stop the KS bashing and find a place you will be happy.
You do not know my situation so do not assume - I gave up good money and
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good benefits incuding vacation to come to KS but stayed on as an IC but going back to employee position. I am also entitled to my opinion. If you don't like it, don't read the posts.
stop reading - ks short timer
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If people are sick of reading complaints then stop reading. I don't know why some people take it so personally. I'm glad some people are happy. I don't begrudge anyone's happiness, but I try to be empathetic to other's experiences and not take them lightly. I have learned over the years that usually where there is smoke, there is fire!
I might be a KS Short-Timer, but I am an MT Old Timer - Professional
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I can see I have more professionalism than most of you in my little finger.

Having a profession and being a professional are two different things. Maybe that has been KS' downfall. Hiring employees that are a profession and not professionals. Because professionals wouldn't exhibit the behavior that has been shown the past 2 days on this board.

It's like 2 year olds throwing temper tantrums.

Again, it's just plain sickening that adults can act this way over something as remedial as a 2-day change in your pay date. You have been given a contact person if you have an issue with it, CONTACT THEM. No, you would rather come here and keep crap stirred up like a teenager in high school.
KS - anon
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I thought this was the company board, but it looks like it is the KEYSTROKES board. Sorry.
The contact person sends out an automated message. - Not a personal one.
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We have all earned that temper tantrum.
As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches... - KSMTee
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All this screeching over a human mistake seems more and more petty and ridiculous. Wow, people - I'm amazed.
I dont' even have a dog in this fight, but - sm
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I think that with people bills approaching, they might have something to gripe about when not getting paid. That is just a ridiculous statement, sorry, had to say it. When I work, I want to get paid on time when promised, not jerked around like some fool. I don't work for KS, but sympathize with all the MTs not getting their checks. My husband would be off the wall and calling everbody and their brother there. Maybe when these girls' banks call for the mortgage, they can just remind them the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is approaching. That should do the trick ;)
Thanks for your support! - nm
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I don't have a husband, I am self supporting and 1 check coming in. Some people just don't get it.
What an ugly, ugly thing to say. - MT
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I lost a dear friend when the first tower fell, so yes, I agree with the OP that a late paycheck strikes me as so very trivial in these days of violence and inhumanity. Shame on you.
911 comment - sm
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I am very sorry you lost a friend in 911 and I obviously agree that it was a tragedy of monumental proportion and the violence and inhumanity in this world is overwhelming. However, it has nothing to do with people not getting their checks. To bring up 911 in this conversation is plain stupid. My point is, in spite of 911 and the rampant violence in the world as a whole, bills still need to be paid, mouths need to be fed. If your rent is due 9/1 and you don't have the money until 9/2, that does not work, regardless of 911. Your children still want diner on 9/1. I am sure that none of the KS executives are forgoing paying their bills or feeding their children. It is a disgrace that MTs are being marginalized and not paying in a timely manner is just another way to do it. Next time a consult is due on 9/1, maybe the MT should send some bogus email explaining why they are just not gonig to be able to get it togther until 9/2 or 9/3. Bottom line, 911 has nothing to do with this and bringing it up only trivialized the tragedy that this country suffered.
Re; Dog in fight - sm
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No dog in fight either, but absolutely amazing that people are being shamed and proclaimed ''unprofessional'' for being upset when their paycheck is late. The company that has done this before, makes excuses about it, and gave them little advance notice is fine---It's the MTs who are ''unprofessional'' and 9/11 is even being invoked! Unbelievable.
again, the keyjokes - belly laugh
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"good MTs who BE very happy here"...do you transcribe or edit? That IS funny!! Furthermore, people who tell the truth do not need this much defense. I hope you can comprehend this; however, I will wonder if only for a moment of my time. Comparing anything to 9/11 is dispicable, utterly dispicable.

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