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We are told to spell it out ... atrial fibrillation.
Eww - Anon
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Thanks guys! Yep, that does look stupid - capital A and capital F all together. Okay, if that's how they like it. I wouldn't dare expand it and be accused of padding my cpl!
We hvae to spell it out as we cannot use slang, as - they call it. NM
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I've been required to type it so many ways it's not even funny. From my experience, it's up to the client how they want it. Many of mine want it expanded no matter what, while others want afib, a-fib, Afib, etc. I would ask the client for their preference.
I had a hearing with the California State Labor Commissioner today. I won the case and settled. Because of the wage issues discussed and OOW rules (“waiting for work”), California State enforced the below and the company was advised to abide by these accounting rules and California State Laws. These were the issues covered. Please pay particular attention to OOW.
MINIMUM WAGE: Even though we are production based, Nuance is required to pay us at le ...
I was laid off last Friday. Letter came today confirming discussion by phone that my part time position was eliminated and shipping labels will be sent.
I can't tell you how nice it has been to not be an employee for this company. It angers me to read posts of whatever they are now doing about NJA situation. It's hard to believe we have had to put up with these kind of antics for so long. It's stressful to read them even as a former employee! But I f ...
I was told we would be paid for the downtime we had the other day and that we would hear from someone about the number of hours, but haven't heard anything yet. Does anyone know? ...
They are all being replaced (I think 400 as remember) with Regional Team Leads who will cover nights and weekends when the CCM is off. I think the CTL position came and went in only 6 months. Is that a record? ...
Spheris is filing bankruptcy, entered into agreement to sell assets to Medquist-CBay. I was sent copy of the letter sent out to the employees, though I have no idea why. Have not worked for Spheris for over 8 years. ...
This is it! Been waiting for this letter in the mail since July 23 to make it official in my mind and received the boxes to return the CPU and monitor.
I went to college with a degree in Medical Transcription/Medical Secretary (our TSMs have NO college degree). I cannot believe I gave 26 years of my life by working every holiday, having 4 (5 day) vacations in 26 years, being employee of the month 3 times over the years, giving up family time and plans because I am scheduled to work, ...
Here's the official government link for those who are sick of the whining about losing jobs to India via the Q and want to do something about it! All you naysayers, do something or stop whining about it. We need lots of votes, so please go vote and stand up! PLEASE!
http://wh.gov/TFH ...
Here is the official website to sign petition to keep our jobs in America-everyone needs to sign it, we need lots of votes-HELP and SIGN!
http://wh.gov/TFH ...
MD-IT keeps repeating this same ad out of the Boulder, CO, regional office. But I understand they have had qualified people apply for this job the regional managers pass them up. I also heard that MTs tried this account, decided it was too horrible to make any money, and decided not to work for this company on this account. Anyone else have any valid information? ...
Well, all the rumors are starting to come to pass with dear SGS (Superior Global Solutions). I "WAS" in QA until yesterday. They either fired or demoted 7 of us so far to MT status. Not saying being an MT is a demotion, but for the sake of telling you about SGS and my experiences with them, we shall call it a demotion. Back a few months ago they made SURE everyone had signed an "At Will" employment form so they would have all their ducks in a row when all this started to ...
Is anyone using the latest DQS update? I think it's 6.1version. I've already gone through the training on it but haven't heard when it's going to be started. Thanks ...
Our ability to expand our business and properly service our customers depends on our ability to effectively manage our domestic production capacity and our only offshore transcription labor partner (CBay Systems & Services, Inc.), including our ability to recruit, train and retain qualified MTs ...
My interpretation to the last V-mail is that we are going to get a cut in pay to match the Indians. Yep. What do you think? I forget the exact wording, something about uniform salaries across the board. ...
Seems MTKing who posts here about how she just LOVES LOVES LOVES TTD sucked up enough to get promoted to Lead QA. NOT a surprise.
Folks, take heed, some 50 people have gotten cut from TTD in THIS YEAR alone and it's only just now June. Many are owed money. The owner sends intimidating emails. The company offers NO training. They also do not provide any feedback. Read posts further down and in the archives. Nothing good can come from working for The Transcription Doc ...
How many times, I mean how many, really, must we stack the subheading to the left, capitalize it, put a colon after it, and remove the word "is" before this stupid speech engine figures out that's how it's supposed to do it, not all in one paragraph? I mean, it's a client specific, and I am pretty everyone is doing it this way, every time, so don't tell me this is the MTs fault. ...
I just switched browsers to Mozilla Firefox, as I was having trouble seeing the posts at all.....Does anyone else use Firefox and read the board just fine? I hope I don't have to switch browers again. ...
If it is true that our MT corporations are profiting with VR the same as if we were transcribing, well to me that's picking my pocket......So then why isn't AAMT (or whatever) going to bat for us 'editors' and set standards so that companies will pay us our fair share? Just a thought. Wouldn't it be nice if we were told by our companies that from here on in, VR will pay as much as transcribing? pipe dreams huh? ...
Wow, did everyone get the email sent at 5:05 this evening, which was 6:05 my time. A lot of BS sprinkled with "we love yous" and "by the way, you aren't getting paid until Friday" and "Its all the office manager's fault because I don't take responsibility for my own actions" love note. "We are in a steady growth mode" and "we had to change pay dates because we can't get our stuff together enough to do invoices on time" and "we are super and you are lucky to w ...
if the QA or TCM come on here I am found out...So Ill wait a while..Just a little reminder to keep a paper trail..cause something will bite you in the tail first chance they get... ...
He must have been working late into the evening working on perfecting his email. So after so proudly revising the out of work policy just 2 weeks ago, it is apparently already outdated. ...