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My most recent gripe - old and burned out

Posted: Aug 27, 2012

Was recently told by two new physicians to "use my standard."  The standards that were provided were virtually unrecognizable as medical reports.  Even though they were eventually fixed by the QC person, they nevertheless had been produced by someone, somewhere in the first place.  Is this what the ILPs are producing?  And they want us to be 99% accurate?  You would have had to see these "standards" to believe what they looked like.  My unedited work looks better than this crap.

Not sure, but I thought standards were - provided by idiot hospital

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administrators or secretaries who don't know anything about MT, as many of the ones I have seen are disasters. When I get them, I don't even bother trying to fix them, just plug them in and move on.

Yes, they are but - old and burned out

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how did it get on the chart that way in the first place? The hospital had to get it from somewhere in order to provide it as a standard. We do their transcription so someone at MM had to produce it and send it that way. Whoever did it would not even benefit from 100% QA; he/she should be terminated.

Not necessarily in chart - anon

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It could have been a scribbled handwritten note that they were given to type up.

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