A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I just got through reading the website of CBay in its entirety to get more insight into their company. They appear to be a giant in the field, own almost everything that has to do with medical transcription or the likes thereof. I clicked on the Executive Bios section and got to read about each executive's background, etc. What I saw and read were numerous CBay individuals (all men I might add) with many years' worth of previous employment by well known companies, some American appearing, but overall all Indian appearing, now working for CBay.
This company is hungry, real hungry to be #1, Top Dog, if you will. In my opinion, we, the medical transcriptionists, do not have a fighting chance to get ahead. We will never get back what we have lost whether it be wages/salary, benefits, but most of all our self-worth and self-esteem.
I cannot believe what I read each and every day on the MTstars, all of us wondering what will come next, whether we will even be employed in the near future, depressed, crying, tearing our guts out, litterly torturing ourselves over a company that only wants billions in revenue in a years' time, and all we want is the ability to earn a living, a real living and not minimum wage or below.
Each and every one of us are worth more than the likes of CBay and Medquist. To quote the song with the lyrics "the way we were" is what we have to remember and move on to something/someone that will appreciate us and treat us with respect and not like livestock. Maybe women in foreign countries just do not know better, but here in this country we were brought up differently, we are to be respected, but I truly believe we have to respect ourselves first, love ourselves, know that we are worth more, and move on. Just like a bad marriage, one must move on.
I truly wish us all the best that life has to offer, but it is not with CBay, Medquist or in the field of transcription. There has to be something else for us all and I sure hope we all find our own way and move forward.