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What day is our 1st payday? Not listed in - MQ Central. nm

Posted: Jan 10, 2011


Payday - Jynxi

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January 14

How do we check new paystub? - anon

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I have never gotten any instructions or password.

they will give us the info last possible minute - NJA Queen

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Just a guess but the payroll people from Mt. Laurel are probably part of the crew either laid off or moving. They have until Friday to give us the info and if we have learned anything from this company they give us the info the absolute latest they possibly can (Merry Christmas shift differential email?) If I was a payroll person who just got fired I wouldn't care about sending out the info either.

Yeah I would send eroneous information on Friday - and wave bye-bye

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Hopefully they feel sorry for we transcriptionists and not do that.

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