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payday is now every other friday - nm
Posted: Nov 23, 2010x
Cool - Shipwrecked
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When MQ farmed out payroll to ADP, they couldn't get the paydays they wanted because ADP was unable to accommodate them. I guess either MQ dumped ADP or ADP lost some of their accounts.
Strange that we weren't notified of the change other than the pay schedule (that you have to mess with just to get it big enough to see).
That's a good thing, but....sm - mb
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I think I'll like being paid every other Friday; that is, if I stay with Medquist that long. I'm wondering, though, if there isn't some other change to go along with this. I've been expecting them to raise our hourly quota for a while. Maybe that's where they'll get us next, who knows.
Maybe I'm just dense, but what about mid-Dec? sm - Tink
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It shows on the 2010 payroll schedule posted in MQ Central that the last pay period ends on 12/15, but on the schedule via MQ mail, it shows the first pay period starting 12/26. Has anyone heard when we'll be paid for the time in between, or did they send out a revised 2010 payroll schedule and I just didn't see it (I don't think I always get e-mails correctly on MQ mail)? Thanks in advance!! =)
maybe it's a 10-day vacation, unpaid of course - nm
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I replied to that email - What?
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asking why we did not get notice of this change so people could plan around it and when are we going to be paid for the 10 days between 12/15 and 12/26. We will see if I get an answer.
Please keep us posted if you get an answer...Thanks! - Tink
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extra pay day on 12/31 - WIMT
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I too questioned the 9-day gap between 12/16 and 12/25 and my CCM sent me an email that said we will get a full check on 12/25 (24th actually because of Christmas), a partial check on 12/31 covering the 9 days and then starting 1/14 we get paid every other week.
You would think Payroll would have sent this info along with the pay schedule. Either they think we are stupid to not realize the 9-day gap or honestly don't care that the MTs live paycheck to paycheck.
Thank you so much for the info! - Tink
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I agree with you that they should have sent an explanation...just common courtesy. Seriously, we can't have been the only ones out there trying to figure out how we were going to pay the house payment, etc., with our checks being wonky!! =)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
UPDATE: Apparently there was an email sent - What?
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out, but obviously not to all, with more information to follow. My CCM called me today when she got my email and then forwarded me the email, Payroll System Conversion, explaining what is going on. ADP payroll system will be converted to the UltiPro payroll/HR system (no more ADP)effective the first of next year. Ask your CCM to forward you this email, or email me and I can copy it to you (don't know if it is allowed to be posted here). We will be paid for 12/16 to 12/26 on a separate check on 12/31/2010 and will have access to online pay stubs, just not with ADP.
Sorry, you are wrong, not explained - OHMT
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Went back in and looked. E-mail says nothing, just has the new payroll schedule attached.
I hate being right all the time - sm
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well, I got an e-mail.
So where is the notification that this was being changed? sm - ververyoldMQMT
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In South region, we have received nothing in the way of notification this was changing. Not that I have a problem, but it would have been nice to send a MQCentral mail about it.
Also, since when was it changed that we have to send any report with blanks to QA???????!!!!! I thought it was 3 or more blanks.. So I take it this starts when??? That December pay period is certainly screwed up....
I got an email stating the change...s/m - aw
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If anyone wants to see it, IF I can get into it without MQCentral saying message deleted, I will send it to you, just email me. Hope this helps.
Well that is just hunky dory... sm - ververyoldMQMT
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so, like i said i don't mind every other Friday pay day, but it would have been nice to have been given notice about it. NO EMAIL. I guess us oldies are not allowed to know. I too sent an email reply asking about the 10 days. Now I cannot get into MQCentral mail at all. That's great we will be getting a 9 day paycheck, because I was really frazzling over having to wait until Jan 14. all my bills have been set up to be due on the 25th and 10th. The 10th is where I pay my power bill and it cannot go past the 13th. Geez. why is it that there are some MTs in this company who are priviledged, even over those of us who have been here 18 yrs and have taken every pay cut and no insurance. I am loyal, and don't bash me, but Q why do u treat me like solyent Green....
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