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Today is payday, and I just applied for govt assistance - health and wellness coach

Posted: Oct 20, 2011


My paycheck from MQ was deposited into my account today and it just sent me into a panic.  Pay days are NOT supposed to feel like this - they are not supposed to cause you to put your head down on your desk and cry.  They are not supposed to be like this.  For the first time EVER I won't be able to pay my rent.  I'm a single mom, I've worked full-time with MQ for 14 years, I'm an MME (supposedly at the top of my career game) and I can't even support myself and my son.  There is nothing to cut back on - the only bills I have are rent, electricity, internet, and the cheapest Netflix plan so my son and I can have movie nights - our only luxury.  And I can't pay them.

We are 4 days into this pay period - I looked up what I've earned so far this week and for 24 hours of work so far this week I have earned $130.00.  What the hell is going on ?  I used to earn that much in a DAY.  That works out to $5.41 an hour.  My last "promotion" from MT to MME brought me from $0.09 cpl to $0.03 cpl.  Accepting that promotion was probably the worst thing I could've ever done but I took the job because I was tired of running out of work. 

So, this morning I'm looking around in my apartment at my furniture to see what I can sell in order to pay my rent.  I also went online to file for food stamps, cash assistance, and health insurance. but it will take up to 30 days for an answer.  I hope I can get by that long. 

How'd you get paid today? Medquist pays on Fridays. - Wondering

[ In Reply To ..]
So sorry to hear about your problems, been there, done that with this company. If you are suffering from lack of work, PLEASE apply for unemployment. You can probably qualify for partial unemployment.

I have plenty of work ... that's not really a problem - health and wellness coach

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In fact, I'm doing MME work for accounts coast-to-coast, sometimes dozens of accounts a day, sometimes never the same account twice in one day. It is absolutely maddening. The reason why some of you may not have work is because I might be doing it. My problem isn't running out of work anymore - that's the reason why I took the MME position because I was getting NJA every single day for weeks at a time. The problem is my $0.03 cpl pay. It is literally 1/3 of what I used to make and because I'm working on dozens of accounts a day I can never make any money.

Thanks for letting me vent. What used to be a viable line of work for me has now almost completely put me under. I know many of you are experiencing the same thing because I read all your posts.

I always get paid one day before payday, I have direct deposit and I've been paid one day early for years.

Just be careful. Medquist is watching those of us who fall below our minimum hourly requirement. - Wondering

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We were told this in a conference call a couple of weeks ago. Medquist is looking to get rid of some people and the ones who are making below their hourly minimum are the ones that will be going first, said my CCM.

Just curious, as an MME are you required to listen to 100% of the report? If you are, that may be what's slowing you down. It doesn't seem fair.
Yes if the account/MT is 100% QA - health and wellness coach
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which is the majority of the work I do - most of the work I edit/correct is from our global employees.

Thanks for the head's up ... I'm really trying but I have NO IDEA how to increase my income with this company in my current job capacity. I would have to make up for my lack of pay with an increase in hours, and overtime hasn't been offered in months. It's enough to send me into "freak out mode".
freak out mode.... - Former MT
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Dear Health and Wellness....I know how you feel. The Q bought out the company I worked for in the spring of 2010. After the 1st pay cut I started freaking out a bit - SR had already made making a decent wage difficult, then a 10% pay cut?. I cut back on everything I could. Then one day I went in to ask a part-time employer if I could use him as a reference. He offered me more hours, I went to PT with the Q.... then another pay cut from the Q. This happened about the time my other employer was making noises like they wanted me back full time. Then the day before I had to give them an answer my account of 10+ years just disappeared one morning...no warning, just gone (to India?) Ummm... here's your sign. I accepted the full time job offer that day, gave notice to Q the following morning, and ended an 11-year career 2 days later. So my advice is to start branching out. It's easy to find reasons not to, and I took a gamble, but it's paying off. Was it easy balancing a total of 3 jobs during that time of transition, no! But it was worth it in the end. Even a job at McDonalds will put you "out there" meeting people, and you never know who you're going to come across. Posts like yours break my heart, cuz I know exactly how you feel, been there, done that. The Q is the face of evil!!!
freak out mode - We are all there
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Please don't feel alone..although I know you do because I did. Not a good feeling. Just start looking and get out of the Q -- It's really that simple. Be warned that the Q and Nuance are both the "big dogs" and are currently buying up every small MT company they can -- so if you pick an MTSO, chances are one of those two will buy it and you'll be back to square one. Predictions are it will be this way until after "Obama care" is gone which will be after 2012, after the current ridiculous mandatory EMR requirement. Look at local hospitals and clinics (if you don't want weekends) or try to just IC until things settle down if you can. Sad situation right now.
To We are all there: I believe the switch to - EMR has been a long SM
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time coming, not started with Obamacare.
EMR is being misinterpreted and misrepresented - by companies selling their programs
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An EMR just stands for electronic medical record. The policy is just to have all medical records stored onto a computer database rather than being paper, so that they can be accessed electronically What we type is an EMR.

Companies who sell the point-n-click software tell hospitals that they are required to get their software for EMR, when in actuality, the hospitals probably already practice EMR. Companies are feeding upon hospital ignorance and at the same time costing thousands of MTs jobs by saying their software will be mandatory. Its sick.
point and click/mcdonalds - Former MT
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Wonder how many patients would like to know their permanent health record is being "assembled" with all the individuality of a Big Mac? These are people, all are different with different problems, needs, etc. Honestly, let's just roll 'em off the assembly line I guess! Very sad for us, and for people who trust the medical profession to treat them as individuals.
Shoe's on the other foot - Unemployment - Sounds like threats to whip up the production - alphamt
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I strongly disagree with the idea as you report from the CCM. They are surely under pressure, but it is the other way round from here. I wish I could be let go to make my case. That seems the most fair way to leave MQ, and the Q does not play fair!
Unfair - I bet I know the CCM
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Stinks!... I can almost guess who that CCM is too with complete accuracy. They really shouldn't be telling you that, honestly. The one CCM I'm thinking of is a total idiot -- so pretty sure who it is, and really not sure how that one keeps her job while others way, way, way more qualified get cut - blows my mind. At this point, I'm sure it all has something to do wth India's wants, sadly. To everyone on the board here..facts are facts and India has 100% of the Medquist stock. If you don't want to work under these conditions...we have to start looking elsewhere and just to save you some time, Nuance isn't the answer.
getting out of the Q - anon
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I was really happy with a smaller MTSO that was bought out by the Q several years ago. Things went from bad to worse and I started looking around. I am with Transolutions/Accentus and the pay is better, you only have 1 to 2 accounts, and most of the people are nice. Nothing is perfect, and drawbacks are their platform, which can be slow and klunky, and difficult time sheets/scheduling software to use. But I can say it is way better than when I was at the Q, for what its worth. They are hiring right now, but I will warn that some have been running out on their new account, think they did not know how much work was coming on board and it is coming on a little at a time. I have only run out one Saturday but have had steady work otherwise. My heart aches for all of you, and I am fed up with how all of us are treated too! Best wishes to you, and I advise to branch out also, get your resume spruced up, and see what else is out there. FWIW, several of my friends went with Transcend. It is better than Q, but one ended up quitting there also, saying it was too hard to make any money there. The other one is doing ok, so guess it depends on your accounts.

Why do you stay? There are other jobs!! I make $180 a day! - Dontgetit

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You can't hit any lower than where you are. There are much better companies out there. I don't understand why you and others stay. There was a big article MQ put out that stated one thing they need to have a successful business is qualified US MTs. Every ONE of you hold more power than you know.
Please ... tell me where ... email it to me - health and wellness coach
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I'll apply to them today. Medquist is the only agency I've ever known, and I've read Nuance isn't any better. Recommendations, please. If you don't want to post it, please respond by email. If there is a referral fee included I'm happy to put your name down.
Why do you stay? Please tell us who is better. MTSO? - desperate - applied at McDonalds
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Seriously, please let us know. Email me if you can please. At this point, I'm thinking GET OUT of this industry in whatever way possible and where I am, McDonalds was the best and really only option and sadly to my surprise, it pay better too. If I don't hear any better options, that's where I'll be -- at least there you have at least some customers who appreciate what you do, right?

MME - sm

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So MMEs make India transcription look good while getting paid less than they probably get paid in India!!!! WOW.

Utilipro or whatever its called - posts paystubs early

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Mine was up yesterday.

Health and Wellness coach... - just so you know

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You can apply for unemployment even though you work all of your hours, because you are making SO MUCH less than your highest earned quarter, so you probably will still qualify. Check with your state.

I will ... but will this target me for termination? - health and wellness coach

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I've heard from another employee that filing even partial unemployment puts a target on that person for termination and that they always manage to find a reason to let someone go after that.

Is there any truth to this?

I have never heard that - but

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What have you got to lose? I believe full unemployment is $350 per week or something, so that is more than what you are making now! If they fire you, I would take my time looking for a job that suits you better.

I have never heard of anyone post here who was fired after filing though.

I hate paydays, too. Like you, I'm also down - to about $5.50/hr. - Meerkat

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MTSOs are SCUM for doing this to MTs.

Last paycheck was only $450. Rent is $900. Doesn't take a PhD in math to see how well that's working for me.

I work long hours, and do my best to stick to our current 99% accuracy standard. That's hard to do AND type enough work per day to make ends meet. Not only that, but the better-paid straight typing is drying up (all the good stuff goes to INDIA and PHILIPPINES). It's now mostly VR, paid at half the rate of full transcription.

The company has this little fairytale dream in their heads that VR increases our production, and thus justifies slashing our pay for doing it. It does NOT! It takes just as long! And in some cases LONGER, because our software is clunky with a capital "C"!

I tried to file for food stamps last year, but in my state you have to have ZERO savings left.... no assets at all. That includes the 401K (if there's even anything left in that - I haven't funded it or even looked at the statements for 5 years. I lost most of it after 9/11 and the stock market crash, anyway.)

One of our local outlet supermarkets has a thing where seniors get 10% extra off on 2 Tuesdays per month, but I can never get it to coincide with then my pay comes in.

My cupboards have been pretty empty for the past nearly 2 weeks, because the last paycheck only had enough left for $15 worth of food. I bought mostly tortillas, bread, rice, and potatoes, and that's what I've been pretty much living on this whole time. Last night I had a baked potato for dinner, this morning I ate my last egg.

I'm getting tired of going to bed hungry. That shouldn't be happening anywhere, but certainly not in America.

This is so sad - and I am so sorry

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I hate hearing these stories. How does this not affect any "higher up" that reads these boards?

I know my pay has been affected also, but my husband still makes pretty good money. We have gut out a lot of stuff, but we are still able to eat. I wish you lived close by, you could come eat with me every day. Dont you have a food pantry nearby?

I am saying prayers for you and for the health and wellness coach!

Oh my gosh, I *totally* get you ... I'm so sorry - health and wellness coach

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that you're going to bed hungry, my heart totally goes out to you and I really mean that. I have extra food (mostly dry beans and corn bread mix, and several cans of $.99 canned salmon) I bought at the discount store a few months ago and I would absolutely send it to you if I could afford it because nobody, absolutely nobody deserves to go hungry.

My biggest concern is my son. He's 14, in advanced placement classes in school and doesn't give me a STITCH of trouble. He's a really good kid and never, ever complains about the things we go without. The guilt that I feel not being able to AT LEAST provide a secure roof over his head is literally killing me inside.

It's not supposed to be this way for someone who is supposedly on the top of their career game. I'm in my 40s, I'm an excellent MME with a sharp ear and great skills and after 14 years I'm making less than minimum wage? It just doesn't make sense. I can't even explain it to *myself* ... how am I going to explain it to my apartment manager?


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There is something so wrong, we need to track it down like a dead rat.

We need to find a way to insist that somebody, not our CCM, explain what is going on, why we who have been doing this forever are getting paid less and less.

This is crazy.

It's crazy for you to have to sell furniture. It's crazy for me to have to work this job full time AND 2 p/t jobs just to eat and TRY to pay bills.

We need to say ENOUGH.

I am going to start sending e-mails right now. Don't care if I get fired. Would probably be the best thing that happened to me since I came back to MQ.


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You are right - better off if fired from the Q, no doubt. There is a trade adjustment assistance (act TAA) in place for people working here because of sending more out of the country, unfortunately. You can get schooling paid for!!!!, unemployment for awhile, etc. Actually I heard that's the way to go now from the old timers at MQ. I know one who went back for her RN (no nursing training whatsoever before and MQ is having to pitch in for all of it) and ALL was paid for -- good thing is MQ has to pitch in for it, they should!!

that expired on sept 22 - too late

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plus, in order to qualify, you had to be laid off, not fired.
yeah - okay - w/e
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Where is the proof of that? Have a link? Do you have something to help us here or are you just saying we have to deal with it -- if that is the case, we know who you are! GET OUT NOW!!!
This should help... - Birdy
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The last paragraph should explain everything...
I think it did expire. I believe I heard something - about this on a cable SM
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new channel, something about Obama trying to get this started up again. Alas, he is continually blocked when he tries to get anything in place to help us.
Actually - ALIAS
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I went to the Dept of Labor site to check this out. Yes, it did expire on 9/22/2011, but we can open a new investigation as they call it by simply having at least 3 workers file a petition for the same employer to open up another investigation. Also, from what I read and understood, you don't' necessarily have to be laid off. Very interesting is this: If your company was acquired by a foreign company that could affect your work, you could be eligible. Oh, by the way, if you are 50+, there are even more benefits. Another post said it only applied to tech schools, and that is wrong. It just said something about long-term education, so I take that to mean a 4-year college. Check it out. Just put TAA Act into your search engine, or go to DOL.
I am lucky enough... - soulful
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to be on TRA/TAA right now. Our jobs were offshored almost exactly a year ago and we got in on the tail end of it. Thank God for that!! I don't know about opening a new claim--worth a try. We had one girl going for RN, another for radiology tech, one for occupational therapy and a few for coding. It has been a REAL trip getting here. Lots of ups and downs. Have to hold your breath until the day you start school and even then, it could be pulled out from under you.

MQ didn't pay for it - anon

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1 - It was a federal program paid for by our taxes, not MQ.

2 - You couldn't use it for a college degree only vocational training to be completed in 2 years.

3 - unemployment is only paid after regular unemployment runs out.

Anyone, it's expired.
What? - What?
[ In Reply To ..]
1 - It was a federal program paid for by our taxes, not MQ.

***MQ has to contribute if they are the creator of the issue, seriously (Is poster from India - probably so since they don't comprehend this) - check with your lawyer.

2 - Incorrect - I know of people who have used this for nursing school (4year+ programs)- not strictly a 2-year program.

3 - unemployment is only paid after regular unemployment runs out. Reply: Umm, what??

4 - Anyone, it's expired -- what, where, how, when and why? Can you provide the reference? Same situation, sending more to India. If it is expired, I'd like to see the documentation please. People interested, unfortunately, you have to speak to you lawyer because the Q has hired the most crooked lawyers available so they have to be willing to deal with that too. STAY TOUGH and fight it!!

how 'bout this? - Former MT
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Okay, so folks need to band together, get state, then nationwide publicity. Not only about the plight of MTs, but how and where AMERICAN health records are being created/transcribed/edited. Does the average American know that their health records are being sent overseas? Does the average American know that there may be nonsensical data in their permanent medical record created by a "robot" then edited by someone overseas who slaughters the English and medical language? Probably not! So I'm thinking, there is a very easy software/free webpage design/host program out there that can create a very acceptable website where this idea could come together. Check it out, it's www.weebly.com. A local organization I volunteer for uses it, and it's pretty good.

I am no longer an MT, but I am mad as heck at the way I was treated, and the way I see other MTs being treated. Wish I had the time to devote to this, cuz there's not much the Q could do me. I left them in "good standing" supposedly, but they call it termination anyway. For the record, another MT told me my name is still on the Email roster, so I expect I'll get fired someday for not reporting for my shift. I'd laugh, but it's very sad at the same time. Somewhere out there there is a lawyer who will take this and run with it. I for one would be more than happy to share my story!!!

As far as building a website dedicated to getting the word out, where MTs can unite just remember this.... IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME! The is the information age, think Facebook, Twitter, etc....use Q's love of technology taking human input against them. The Q needs to learn a very old lesson... there is no one as dangerous as the person with nothing left to lose!

WHAT?!? - Alias

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I hadn't heard that before, and was talking with my husband about the TAA Act. He knew about it, and knew people who are going to school using money from the TAA Act, but they were laid-off because the jobs were outsourced. He says that MQ will actually have to lay you off to be able to get the money. I'm going to look into it myself, and get the information. I was going to wait it out until summer, but if this is a fact, there may be another one of us gone.
good for some - I guess - Former MT
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I hope this works for some of you. I am 50+ so maybe if I had hung around I would have qualified. The only problem is I'm single (by choice.) When I did my MT training I actually had to get a loan to live off while I was in "school." I didn't have anyone to support me. So while this may be a great thing if you have someone around to pay the bills while you're attending school it's not so great for folks like me who have a home, a car, and living expenses with no other income. I hope there are 3 people out there who will open another investigation. As for me, I moved on in August.....no longer an MT, but making a darn good living now! Also wondering if there is something in there about being "let go" vs. just no work, perhaps they plan to starve everyone into quitting so very few have to be "let go."
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The TAA Act also provides supplemental income while you're in school, but it does say they recommend you also have another form of income. I, too, am 50+, but the way I see it, it ain't over til it's over, and I am going back to school. If 3 people filed petitions back then, and the DOL said MQ qualified, I know it would now with what is going on here. Also, the company has nothing to do with it, it's government funded. I'm thinking since we're completely owned by an un-American company, and it could affect our services, that would be a qualifier to file a petition. Haven't taken time to look at the actual petition yet to see what's involved. Good luck to you.

Payday, what a joke! - LinM

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I have been complaining about paydays to my mom, especially since SR took over. I started out as independent contractor, made great money, and it really, really bothers me that we are not getting paid what we are worth because despite the fact that a machine types the report, it is our expertise that goes into that document. Making ends meet are beyond hard and after 20 plus years of experience (at least 14 years with MQ), I no longer even like my job, I need the benefits. I think a different career is in order and I am looking to see what suits me best. It's a shame I don't even enjoy my job anymore.

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Payday--bring On The Tears
Feb 11, 2011

I really had hopes this payday after really pouring it on every shift, adding to expansions every shift, using all the "handy hints" they gave us.  Still not cutting it.  Please God answer my prayers and get me out of this stress factory.  And God, if it's not time to get out of here, please, oh please get MQ to do the right thing and "fix" ASR.  Don't make us keep changing dangerous abbreviations.  Don't make us keep fixing "headings" that were not dic ...

Payday Is Supposed To Be A Happy Day :(
Mar 25, 2011


Yowza... I Think I Missed Payday?
Aug 27, 2011

My MQ check is a whoppin' 333 bucks this PP...   ramen and beans again.  Between NJA, ESL and pay cuts I think I'll call it quits here.  I can do better at a minimum wage job and have less stress.  Giving notice TOMORROW.  Gotta say this tho, the best part about MQ is this board!  LOL!  I've had some good laughs and heard a lot of solid, truthful news and facts about our industry and other's plights working here for peanuts (half peanut ...

Keystrokes Payday Change
Aug 30, 2011

So, I got this nice email from KS today.  Paydates are changing immediately, from the 1st and 15th to the 3rd and 17th - because their "financial advisors" told them to.  Really?  I guess that means they don't have money to make payroll on Thursday.  ...