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So now they'll only give downtime to the times they - sm

Posted: Nov 13, 2014

list, which are literally incorrect.  Where did she get those times?  I didn't clock out ahead of time using my ESP, knowing the system would go down soon...  I finished my report & it hung & then I waited a while to be sure & checked this site to see if it really was a crash, so I actually clocked out later than it crashed, yet it shows that I clocked out early.  I don't feel like dealing with arguing over it and trying to correct the mess she'll make of my time card again.  I clocked in and out as it happened and sat here monitoring the situation.  I certainly did not abuse the downtime, but since my punches are a little different from the ones she lists, I'm sure it'll be a big ordeal.  Talk about micromanaging down to the nanosecond. 

ridiculousness - MM equals MicroManaged

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How are you to know when the system comes back on unless you are consistently trying to download? Then when you do that, you get a report before its really fixed and it freezes and you lose it after nearly completing it, dont get paid for it, and the cycle repeats. They should have a way to notify us besides waiting on a stoplight that half the time isnt accurate, or waiting on an email from the recipe hunter.

Plus w/this Fluency 7.5, you seem to be stuck in - Annie

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the report whereas before you were stuck while it was uploading.

I hope everyone will argue for their punches & not let them - sm

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start cheating us on that too. It's not our fault we have so many crashes because they farmed out the tech department overseas.

You can research and enter CCs for free, provide your own - sm

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equipment even though you're an employee, deal with all their red tape & reading pages and pages of rules and client preferences completely unpaid, etc., but God forbid you might accidentally get 1 extra minute of downtime. I think I've heard it all now.

Mine did the *exact* same thing - anon

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I requested Technical Downtime for the time between ___ and ___ (one hour) and she changed the time on my time card to what SHE wanted it to be which isn't the accurate "down time" - but just before it happened.

I wish they had found someone else to put in charge of - sm

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important and sensitive things like our PTO, vacation days, sick time, holidays, and time card corrections. She is not a good fit for that job. There was an email a while back where she actually said something to the effect of we are not to go to appointments or the doctor during work hours. I mean really. I'm sure we all avoid doing that unless we have to because we don't want to waste PTO on that, but some of us work 9-5 and have no choice & sometimes you have to take whichever opening they have available & sometimes we're sick and need medicine quickly & sometimes you have to have tests done in the mornings. I thought that was completely inappropriate.

Wow, I would tell her I was - going to use my PTO

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on whatever I darn well pleased. Who is this anyway, initials? Can't be RW

Time off - TJ

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Exactly right. We work regular hours during the week, some on M-F. You cannot get appointments on Saturday, or rarely can you do so. They cannot deny you going to the doctor if your schedule does not permit time off otherwise. What a statement the charge person made. Boy!

Down time - TJ

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Everything that all of you are saying is exactly what has happened to me. I don't get it. From now on, I think I will just send an email and let her deal with it. I give up on this place. Control beyond belief. I am weary.

We weren't down for an hour. - x

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Why would you think you could get paid for an hour when we were down the first time for about 15 minutes, the second for 10 minutes or so, and the third for 20 minutes? Almost an hour altogether, but the timecard isn't an estimate of time when you were working or having downtime. It's an exact accounting down to the minute.

The new POD manager ... - anon

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... sent out an email with instructions on how to add Technical Downtime to our timecard and in the instructions she stated one hour of downtime for yesterday's outages.

Ours assumed we were making the downtime up - AS IF!

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If the problem is on Mmodal's end then they need to pay. Why should I or anyone have to make anything up? It crashed 3 times yesterday. How were we supposed to know exactly when it was back up for good- because the stoplight said so? There is no way I am making any of that time up. I did sit here trying to get back up and upload my reports that hung in MModal limbo. Its not like I punched out after the first time and called it a day.

They are nuts. They better not change my punches, which are - completely accurate. NM

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Are you kidding? - x

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You just came on here to stir the pot. A master ticket number was generated and an email was sent to all the HDSMs this morning regarding the times that the system was down. No HDSM was in the dark (no pun intended) about whether or not the system was down. Drama...drama...drama!

I think the pot is calling the kettle black on this one. - sm

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or the HDSM is calling the kettle black perhaps?

Why would you presume to know what another HDSM said to - her team? Seriously. nm

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You're starting to sound a LOT like a suit to me ... - busted

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How would you know what kind of emails were sent out to "all" the HDSMs this morning?
Not a suit - x
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I know because my HDSM stated in an email yesterday that after she receives the email regarding the downtime "tomorrow morning" she would go in and take care of the alerts in Teamwork.

It's so tiring that if anyone disagrees with someone else on this board or isn't a Negative Nellie that they're called "a suit." It's called critical thinking, attention to detail, not being a sheep. So many on here just try to stir up drama by spreading rumors that aren't true, and I wonder why that would be. I guess maybe I'll be there too when it's just me and my computer and 20 cats after my kids all are grown and out of the house.

To-do List:
Find a hobby outside of the house.
Say "no" to more than 2 cats at a time.
Look for a second career outside of the house.
Don't post while PMS-ing.
Don't visit MTStars.
Work out every day.
Cats? - CCmob
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You sound like you're really having a bad day! What do cats have to do with MModal?
LOL Thinking the same - thing
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How bizarre. "x" sounds a little crazy.

No I am not kidding - no drama here

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The first line of the email said - How to handle technical downtime if you are not making it up.

Yes I realize a ticket was created blah blah blah but obviously all PODS and TSMs are not the same. They didn't give out the same instructions across the company whether you critical think or not.

By the way, I only got paid for the first time it crashed and not the subsequent ones.
That's illegal.You should get paid for ALL downtime. I'd - sm
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take this to the higher ups or Human Resources. Also, check the MM policies on inner circle/intranet. Make sure you get paid. This company rips us off enough without paying us for downtime.
correction to above post - NOT paying us for downtime. - nm
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