A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Apr 07, 2012

Just curious but how much money do the CCMs make?  I've never been able to find an answer to this question.  Also, do you have to have a certain number of years transcription experience to be a CCM?  I'm not interested in the position, just curious.  I've also never understood why sometimes communcation with them is bad.  Why do they go for days without sending out emails to the MTs sometimes?   

MY CCM is lost and clueless. - Makes you wonder! nm

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To Wondering: CCMs require NO transcription experience AT ALL - just how to work Lotus Notes sm

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And I feel save guesstimating they make upwards of $50,000/year not including bonuses for keeping TATs and everybody in "compliance."

I know my CCM from back in the day and she is clueless as to any medical transcription work. All she knows is numbers and compliance issues. That is it.

My CCM is - sm

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A Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA). So my guess is she's paid accordingly for her title and education.

She could actually get a job working as director of health information management in a hospital or even coding, but maybe she likes the laxed enviroment of working from home.

Big whoop. That's a nothing little online degree... the market is flooded - with them. NM

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that nothing little online degree can make you about - $80,000 a year or close to it.
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If you can find a job... - nm
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CCMs require NO Transcription experience - WONDERING

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My CCM claims that she was an MT at one time. I have no idea how many years experience she had as a transcriptionist though. So apparently some CCMs are former transcriptionists and some aren't. From what I've seen they could pretty much eliminate the position and save themselves some money - since they are so "cost conscious." Our QA specialist answers more questions than our CCM does most of the time. Medquist, excuse me, M*Modal used to be a halfway decent place to work a few years ago. I remember when we had no regular QA audits on MTs. I asked my then CCM (I've been through 4 since starting work here 7 years ago) told she me they didn't audit the MTs unless a client complained of issues. Even after starting regular audits the requirement was 98% accuracy and now it's 99%. They came up with "First Time Right" and then after having a certain percentage of blanks sent to QA your pay is docked. Not to mention, outsourcing to India. It's definitely been a downhill experience.

I don't know much about the mysterious - Modal Maniac

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world of the CCM, but I thought their job was dealing more with the clients than the workers. For one account I work on I have a CCM,a QA coach and something called a customer care rep. The customer care rep sends out the nearly hourly updates on the account I work on, but I don't really know what else they do either. Apparently they don't type because they sometimes have to beg for more people to come on and work on this account.

Lately I am wondering if M*Modal will morph into something besides MT in the next couple years. They seem to have no interest in upgrading their main MT platform to function with modern equipment, apparently have little concern about the quality of the reports (although they claim to) and seem bloated with superfluous "management" on which they bestow meaningless titles. Just a thought.
They Pretty Much Said - Alias
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They were going to start getting more into the software end of things in an e-mail sent out a few months back. I even posted a question about this particular e-mail sounding like it was getting out of the MT end of things, and getting into the software end of things. Several posts got the same impression from the same e-mail.
The question of doing away with MTs was addressed - in all hands on mtg and
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She adamantly said that there will most definitly continue to be a need for transcription, as I guess that was one of the biggest concerns she got most from MTs other than the obvious need for better compensation.
Yes, but HOW MANY MTs will be needed in the future - L&L
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Even as far back as the 1990s, when I went back to work, people were telling me that in 10 or so yrs they would need only about 20% of the MTs who were working then.

CCMs and MT experience - Old MT

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I have not had a CCM who has ever transcribed their life. They don't have MT experience, they're managers. The higher up the ladder you go, the less chance they have any MT experience. The quality coaches or whatever they're called today DO have to have several years experience if they're going to be correcting us.

Where did it come that CCMs have MT experience? Since when? Maybe way, way back in the day, but not in recent years.

CCMs and MT experience - WONDERING

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I don't know the requirements for being a CCM, I was just saying that my current CCM told me that she used to be a medical transcriptionist. In fact, if I recall correctly I think all 4 of my CCMs told me they were former transcriptionists. One of my former CCMs even told us one day when we were back-logged with work and keep in mind this was several years ago that she wished she could get on and help transcribe but "they" wouldn't let her. I supposed "they" was referring to MQ upper management.

I think people confuse CCMs with Team Leads at - like at other companies where as

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at MM, the CCM is the customer care manager and deal directly with the customers and basically just manages the MTs.

I think a lot of companies still have team leads, which are typically required to be transcriptionist.

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x ...

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