A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Decrease in MT salaries. - mmmt

Posted: Sep 24, 2012

Husband just called, was listening to Dave Ramsey - A man called the show and stated his wife's income had decreased by $900/month.  Ramsey was astounded and asked why?  Man explained that his wife was a medical transcriptionist.  It's now been on national radio, not a secret anymore.

Cant we all call and say how depressed we all are? - Mine has decreased more than that

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Before 2006, my gross paycheck was 1800 every 2 weeks. Now, 750 every 2 weeks gross.

there's only one way to feel worse - MT

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go over to the coding board and let them beat up on you for awhile.

You bring that on yourself over there. - Give me a break!

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You go over there looking for a fight, and you find one. Your attitude is not going to help you get or keep any job after you leave this one.

You make us all look bad!

Do you think our info being on the radio will bring about a change? - It wont, nobody cares but another MT. nm

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Just because YOU don't care doesn't mean the rest - of us dont. We DO care. GO AWAY.

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I said we, MTs, do care. It is the rest of the world, struggling to - make living, that does not care. nm

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I wish that was all my pay was decreased - SassyMT

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After I lost my hospital job and going to an MTSO, my income dropped over $2000/month.

Dave Ramsey and decrease in salary - doctyper

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What timing! My brother called me tonight and told me to call in on Dave Ramsey's show and ask him what he thinks about the working more hours for less pay predicament. What did Dave say?

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