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Looking for information about CCMs - just passing through

Posted: May 04, 2012

Can anyone here tell me about being a CCM?

What is the process to apply to become one? What are the requirements?

What are their responsibilities?  What do they do on a daily basis?

What kind of hours do they work? What kind of pay do they get?  Is it hourly?

I've been thinking it might be a good transition to make but I don't know anything about what they do really, except ignore a lot of emails.

I would contact HR because no one here really knows - what a CCM does...

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I thought the website says Bachelors degree, but I know for certain my CCM does not have one.

A Bachelors? No way. - not my CCM either

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I'm sure there are people who post here who know at least some of this information. I don't believe a Bachelors is required. No way my CCM has a Bachelors. Don't they pretty much just answer email, deal with account specs, etc.? They don't do anything that difficult.

I think they spend - a lot of time

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sipping lattes and filing their nails. So easy a caveman could do it? LOL!

And worrying about whether or not they'll receive a bonus for - cracking the whip hard enough...

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Some have degrees, some dont. Mine has - RHIA and something else..sm

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Things change so much. It's possible they would require you to take some classes now, but not sure.

CCMs at Mmodal are not like the usual team leads at other companies. They have heavier responsibilities. For example mines actually came to the hospital where I worked before we were outsourced to attend one of our mtgs.

They do a lot of traveling for potential and current clients so that I know is one of their requirements - the ability to be available to travel.

I would advise contacting HR like the other poster said because you're not likely to find the info you need here.

I Was Asked by a CMM if I would Consider It - I said "Nope," because

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I do not want 100s of crying, whiney MTs in my mailbox screaming because a QA person fixed a comma, but said nothing about their critical dosing error on a med.

I do not want corporate crap meetings telling me to get the MTs/MMEs in shape.

I do not want to be glued to the computer (or other electronic device) 24/7 checkin turnaround times.

I do not want 100s of e-mails in my box in a given day for this, that or the other thing.

I do not want to travel out of state for meetings with unhappy clients, because even though all the doctors want a cc to the referring, Dr. so-and-so does not. (Yeah, right, I'll make a note of that.)

Any other questions?

CCMs, if youy read this, am I right or wrong?

Well, would 50K+ help you "feel like it", cause that is what CCMs - Getthis

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make at MQ. I know someone with NO management experience, but knew the right people, and went from QA 33K AT BEST to over 50K. No degree, no supervisory experience, nothing except QA and just plain old good talkin. For 50K, I could fake it too. Just sayin....

Nope. I have a life. See Msg - Love my hubby. My free time goes to him.

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Would rather be poor in dollars and rich in relationship.

Go ahead and slam me. I'm one of those weirdo's that actually thinks it's important too spend time with those I say I love...
I agree. - Have no ambition to
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to devote every waking hour of my life to any of this mess, even at twice 50K.
Thank You--Those Who Care About Their Spouses/Families - Are Considered Weirdos
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Everyone in my life knows THEY are my priority. Nobody in my life will so seeking a wild thrill (gambling, drugs, another woman). I am right here....

Waiting for the slam messages, there simply must have to be some.... LOL.

I'd totally do it for $50,000 - sucker

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I canot see where they do all that much, I just can't! I never get an e-mail on the weekend, they get every holiday off and paid, they must get like 5 weeks vacation because my CCM is always "on PTO." I think they only answer e-mails and IMs, and grant PTO.

Dont forget, they also get a bonus when we keep the work at 100% TAT! So, you shoot out an e-mail on Thurs or Fri demanding "Mandatory OT" for the weekend, and make sure that there is absolutely 0 work, and they get a bonus! How hard can that be?

Not to mention, even LESS job security than WE have - anon

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My CCM told me a few months ago that when/if MModal considers mass layoffs, the CCMs and other manager types will be the first to go - even long before layoffs for the MTs/MMEs. It's because they earn so much more than we do and that level of employee will be the easiest to trim with the biggest return. WE are the income earners for MModal - CCMs aren't.

"Middle Management" Usually Goes First-nm - nm

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Exactly ... we have enough to worry about without being FIRST - on the chopping block LOL
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No thanks. With all the crazy crap going on in this company, I'll settle for the TINY nugget of comfort knowing my CCM will "go" before I do.
I hope they get rid of the CCMs soon then, LOL. - Mine is horrid. NM
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There is no rhyme or reason to layoffs, it is just who they feel like laying off....period! - nm
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I think you have to be rude, inconsiderate, and completely incompetent. - nm

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Especially not worth it if it involves a lot - of traveling...

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that means you have basically 24 hour working days and I don't care how nice whatever hotel they put you up in. With that, 50K boils down hourly to probably about the same as I make working at home with about 1/100th of the aggravation.

Traveling is minimal, 1 or 2 times a year, which is like - getagrip

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a paid vacation-BIG DEAL! The rest of the year you fake it and get fat checks. After struggling as MT for years, busting my behind, and can't get over 35K in 50+ hours a week for the last several, I'll do it! Where do I sign up!
So go for it. Apparently they are always looking, - which should tell you something.
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sign up for it and let us know how it goes.

CCM Information - disillusioned

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I have been a CCM with this company, and the fact that the MTs think we sip lattes and file our nails is offensive. Not only do I have 120 MTs that I have to ensure are working their schedule and approve PTO (they all want the same days off and I just CANT approve everyone to be off on the same day!) I have angry clients calling and emailing because the doc put in the WT wrong but said it and the MT didn't fix it because, I don't know, she's HUMAN and not 100% perfect, but I have 300-400 emails coming in each and every day that I am expected to answer immediately. Did I mention that I have MY supervisor having me put in QCare tickets or work requests to get things done for the clients? Oh, and the fact that I have to give out my CELL PHONE to the clients who WILL use it for an "emergency stat report" at 3 am? Don't forget the back to back to back conference calls that take up 50% of my day and the fact that my supervisor thinks nothing of texting me at 10:30 at night to ask me to reply to an email. I have been known to work 18 hour days 6 days a week for weeks on end! And this stuff about making 50K? I didn't! My advice, stick with the job that you can work your 40 a week and turn the phone off if you want to. I had no life outside of that job while I had it! Before you come on here and complain about your CCM, maybe take a second to think what she has to do because I can tell you it isn't a cush job by any means.

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