A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

former Transcend MTs--don't miss the exec salaries posts below - anon

Posted: Oct 03, 2012

Doesn't this just make you sick--Sue Mc stays at Nuance for $295,000 per year plus bonuses, stock, and perks.  Larry G gets a severance package after end of year for $347,000 to include perks and 18 months of COBRA. 

And we're making less than ever!!!!!


My TL told me yesterday we will be moving everything - to a new platform soon. I

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already am anticipating the rah-rah work extra emails. Guess what Transcend? Roll up your sleeves and you work extra. Maybe you'll sleep a little better feeling you contributed to the backbone of the company. Yep, now we know why you thought this merge was such a wonderful opportunity. You left out FOR YOU!

what platform are you on now? - (nm)

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I am on BeyondText. - Soon-to-be Ex-Transcend

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Oh yea. The joy of getting a new platform up and running, to say - nothing of training it from ground up. nm

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Yep. At least we now know the basis of Sue's excitement - about this merge. Shame on you Ms M.

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Add to this many incapable people were placed in key - positions as part of reorganization.

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It's so sad we were sold out this way. Send us a postcard from your exotic vacation destinatation Sue!

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