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New to MedQuist via eTransPlus, is anyone happy here? - wasHappyMT

Posted: Oct 09, 2011

I am new to MedQuist via the eTransPlus buyout.  Reading all these posts is truly scary.  I know people that are rather happy tend not to post as much (hopefully they are too busy working!), but is anyone, I mean ANYONE, happy or at least not ready to jump off a tall building working for MedQuist?  I am trying hard not to panic just yet, but it is getting harder! 

So, does anyone have anything positive (even kinda sorta) to say about MedQuist?


I have a job, - thats a positive

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And I get paid on time!

I used to be very happy here. Now, it feels like every day I sit down to get my wisdom teeth pulled! I feel the same pain, I cry the same tears, and absolutely take the same amount of pain killers.

I wish I could rewind this post and answer you 5 years ago. I loved my job, loved my primary account. Loved my supervisor. It was absolutely amazing.

Now, I am just micromanaged to death, and it is a very slow and painful death.

Positive things about Medquist - BH

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I agree with above post.

1. I have a job.
2. I get automatic deposit.
3. They have plenty of work, but are always assigning me new accounts.

I don't look forward to work anymore because I have no consistency, but I have more than enough work every day.

Dear New Via... - Former MT

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Agree with the above post about getting paid on time, have (had) a job. I too was acquired during a buyout (Spheris.) I thought "only the whiners are posting here." Then the stuff started happening to me and my co-workers. Two pay cuts in less than a year, plus no more production bonus/Internet reimbursement.... then my account of 10+ years just "went away" one Monday morning when I logged on. Fortunately, I was in the midst of trying to decide whether to accept another job (non-MT) and I felt like "here's your sign." Best advice.... get your foot out the door now - you have about a year give or take a couple months. Sorry, wish I could be more encouraging. Best of luck to you and your co-workers! Yes, I too would like to rewind the clock and answer that question even 3 years ago!

Same answer as other two: At least I have a job... - Kiki

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That is about the only good thing.

Pay about 10-15K less per year than 5 and 10 years ago.

I really think that oen day soon NONE of us will have any consistent accounts to get used to. We will just all be thrown in one giant pool. That would be all fine and well (sort of) if they did away with the different CPs for every single account and just made it universal...same format....but they won't...they will still expect us to remember and check a different CP for the 100s of different accounts. That way, no laying anyone off, no paying of UI, just let everyone slowly but surely get exasperated......

happy at MQ? um - mouse

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I used to be happy with them. Been with them 13 years. The "First Time Right" policy has cut pay big time. I quit sending hardly anything to QA anymore because of that, and I worked damn hard always to fill in any blanks. Yes they give you accounts all over the place. My division just received 2 accounts whose client profiles total 17 pages (9 pages on one, 8 on the other). Real money-maker accounts (NOT). It's very scary how things have been going with MQ for the past year. I'm one that will bail as soon as I can. I also find much discrepancy with the QA MMEs. On a positive note, I've always, always had the best CCMs. Good luck but expect anything sent to QA to take a big bite of your paycheck, and expect to be pissed if you do and QA still couldn't fill it...and you still got the pay cut.

Same here glad for any job - but dislike MQ

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I could list a whole page of benefits, bonuses, actual pay, etc., that they have systematically stripped away from us in the last 2 years, resulting in about a 40-50% pay cut for most of us. If I read an earlier post right, in the midst of the worker bees taking such a drastic pay cut the past couple of years, the CEO went from a salary of $198K to $1.28 million! (previous post about occupy wall street). Anyway, that is the discouraging part. But, on the flip side, yes, I have a job, I will probably make my usual $30,000 this year with no real chance of ever making any more than that here. (could be worse I know, so can't really complain too hard right now) The rumor is that MQ wants all MTs to be at minimum wage soon. I would not be surprised if this starts happening at the first of the year. We'll see. In the meantime, I am working frantically on my degree so that I can get out of here ASAP and get a real job that pays decent and appreciates the workers who make the money for them. Don't panic or freak just yet. Getting a good CSM has a lot to do with the level of tolerance with MQ. I happen to have the best! Hopefully that will last too. I have had 5 since starting here 8 years ago. Good luck to you!

Same here ... I have a GREAT CCM I totally adore - her but Medquist SUCKS

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I'm considered an old-timer, I've been with Q for 14 years or so. This past spring I used my tax refund to put down money on tuition to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and I just recently became a certified health coach and I'm putting together a program to see clients that will take me out of transcription. I'm making about minimum wage now - after 14 years devoted to a career and being at the height of my career game that is a complete insult.

So where did this rumor about Q transcriptionists making minimum wage come from, is this reliable information? I just found out over the weekend that we're supposed to all be getting new computers by a deadline of December. It makes me wonder why the new ones, or if it's just a ploy. It seems that our CCMs are busy "verifying addresses". All I could think about was it must be pink slip time - the end of the year is when that usually happens.

where did you hear this about - new computers

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I have not heard anything, and no one is verifying my address either.

From CCM .... Interesting ... - HUH
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I haven't heard anything either - but
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after that fiasco last year or so with the most recent DQS bogging down everyone's computer and ASR slowing things down to a crawl whenever you get anything report more than 10 minutes, I'm sure they want to avoid that when they roll out the new DQS soon. I had to get a new computer from them last year because of all the issues, so maybe I won't get a new one. Unless this next one has surveillance on it.

New computers? - old and burned out

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If we are getting new computers, you would think they would be loaded with M-Modal speech recognition. If this is the case, one might assume it will be an improvement but why am I afraid it will be worse?
Yup, new computers - Frosty Mug
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note from CCM wanting to verify my address to ship it out. Anything "new" from MQ makes me nervous....
Got one of those address verification requests too ... - health and wellness coach
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Wonder what kind of "tracking" software it's going to have on it, LOL. I just wonder if it really is a computer I should be watching for and not a termination notice ...

How can you be happy here? - old and burned out

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We have bad audio, terrible VR, cell phones, car phones, cordless phones, loud background noise, not to mention the usual bad accents, dictators who can barely speak English and MQs answer to all of this is to take money away from the MTs if they can't hear well enough to edit/transcribe. I work only very part-time now but I earn half the money I earned 20 years ago.

Yes - MT

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Yes, I'm happy and glad to have the job. I make minimum wage now, but I have never made much at MQ since I started years ago as a newbie at a low rate and have received only 1 raise. But I have had minimum wage jobs in the past in clerical/data entry which also required skill and careful attention to detail and yet they paid minimumw wage, so I don't feel too bitter against MQ about the low pay. This job is interesting, very challenging, and I get to work at home! I lost my primary account to India and was moved to another primary account. If I run out of my primary, I have several other accounts to work on which have short CPs. Never out of work. I would not be too happy without a primary account so I hope that doesn't change. Wish I knew what the future holds regarding MQ plans, but right now I can't complain.

Hard to make a living. - mom2huskies

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I do like my CCM and pay is on time (what little there is). Those are the only positives I can come up with.

You get... - Dinosaur

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You are paid on time.


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H_ _L NO! I am really upset by all of it. All the MQ paperwork, I feel so invaded. Can they ask us for anymore information? Can we get anymore forms to fill out? Really?? I feel like I have just joined the FBI. It's rediculous. The least ETP could have done was to let us know something a little further in advance that 7 hours before the acquistion. My husband and I just bought a rather expensive item for our house. If I had any idea this was going to happen, I never would have purchased it. As far as I am concerned, they threw us under the bus. I'm stickin' in there maybe until the first of the year, then I will probably look for something else. It's pretty scary out there right now. If I end up staying with MQ (God forbid), then I will definitely be retiring in 2 years, at 62. God help all us MQ'ers.

Same here. All the paperwork is crazy!. What I find - wannie

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so ironic is that I have to have papers notarized verifying that I can work in the U.S. for a company that sends so much work out of the U.S.

new to Q - Former MT

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Wow, they are already ramping up to make things even more difficult. When the Q bought out Spheris in the winter/spring of 2010 (was it really just last year?) we didn't have to fill out anything, just accept the "job offer." Unfortunately, things got bad, then they got worse, 2 pay cuts, then my account of 10-plus years just going away one morning.... and yup, I had just breathed a sigh of relieve and replaced my ol' clunker....not good. I got my foot out the door by going to PT with Q and taking on more hours for another PT job. I watched, learned, and waited.... and the week before my account went away I was offered full time in my other job. Dream job - no. Hard work - yes. As good a working hours as I had - No. But.... Bills paid-yes. Appreciated - yes! Dealing with it - Yes. Evil Q is probably hoping some folks will just say WTF and not even bother to fill out the paperwork and leave now!

Sorry - Patty

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Wish I had positive things to say about the Q, but I don't. I worked for them for 12 years, had small kids at home then. I just got a new job 2 months ago and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Yes, I do have to work out of the house now, but it is nice to be appreciated AND paid for it too! The jobs are out there, you just need to be patient. I don't know what took me so long to leave, guess I just really enjoyed the freedom of working at home. Glad I made the change though, Medquist DOES NOT appreciate its employeesor or how hard they work or the time they put in. They just kept asking for more and kept cutting our pay. It was time to leave.

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