MedQuist cuts pay in half - Happy Holidays! - befuddled
Posted: Nov 30, 2011
MedQuist ate up AllType and spit out the Radiology MTs. They have cut our pay in half, and just in time for Christmas! I guess instead of saying Happy Holidays, we will be screaming Homeless for the Holidays. And the "Manager" won't even respond to emails. This company does not care at all about its employees and is pure evil.
This is business, of course they dont care. Keep after - the manager, tho, bombard her with emails. nm
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Wel feel for you, but we have been making half - for several years now.
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Not only is it devastating financially, but eats at your very self-esteem to be making what you did in 1990. Very sorry.
heard the horror stories... - befuddled
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I had heard the horror stories, but when we heard they were being acquired, I decided I would not pay attention and judge them by my experience. BIG MISTAKE! I should have run then. And they didn't even inform us of the pay cut until two days AFTER it went into effect. How can they stay in business and keep buying more and more companies when they have such a reputation that no one wants to work for them, and how do they expect anyone to want to go over and above when they are treated like something they scraped off of the bottom of their shoes?
Am sure an atty would get you that 2 days reg pay. - But most dont want to bother with SM
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going that route. And THAT is why they get away with it, cause you all let them. Shame on you. And no excuses why "you cant" and "they dont" and "but they" Get proactive or be quiet.
ewwww - y b so nasty mr. grinch
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Why dont you be quiet?
Because I am sick of my sister MT letting themselve be - victimized. YOU hush up and get proactive. nm
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That get some tact - and do it right
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Your AGRESSIVE and REPULSIVE attitude is no way to treat people who are already being treated like crap!
You dont shove a treadmill in the face of a fat kid and scream RUN, RUN to get results.
You need to inspire people, not DEMAND.
Go take a class on being assertive and HELPFUL, not disrespectful.
Tact hasnt helped. Would fat kid get on treadmill if - if you said, please honey, you sm
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are a little chubby. You might want to think about getting on this treadmill. But if you dont, I understand and sympathize. NO, he wouldnt. Often takes a kick in the pants to get someone off their duff to do what they need to do. Maybe you should be paying MT victims bills since you are such a bleeding heart.
If your so proactive - sm
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just what the hell are you doing trolling our board?
A difference of opinion does not constitute a troll and furthermore - Isnt it against MTStars rules to use that term?
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I believe accusations of being a troll are against the forum rules, as is cursing, both of which are contained in your post. The person you are addressing has used neither troll nor profanity to express her thoughts.
Just sayin...
Well, technically... - Just sayin
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The fat kid and treadmill analogy is precisely what they do in boot camp to make men/women out of the boys/girls. Coddling is ineffective (and enabling).
As far as "inspiring" some of these posters, that is usually met with multiple accusations of being a liar or a suit, so "inspiration" is, by and large, not welcome by some posters on these boards, unless the poster attempting to inspire enjoys the barrage of insults hurled at them for daring to be happy or successful. Not just on this board, but pretty much across all boards on this site.
So, not taking sides here, but your euphenism regarding the treadmill was off the mark, and I think those of us who are happy have chosen to refrain from "inspirational" posting lest we be targeted as being the infamous "suit" and the entire thread dissolves into an accusatory free-for-all.
Sometimes you just have to take off the kid gloves and stop sugarcoating things to get any type of proactive reaction from certain people. Not all people, just certain ones.
how does one afford an attorney? - befuddled
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how does one afford an attorney when one is now making below the poverty level?
whatever hot shot - you know jack
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Try and find a pro bono attorney to fight for a couple of bucks owed.
You are very thick.
But if you're only owed "a couple of bucks" why all the outrage? - Doesnt make sense
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I don't understand. I thought the objection was to having one's pay slashed in half (I believe that was the way it was described).
Am I missing something here? No snark intended, just a serious and honest question so I know what exactly is being discussed.
answer to your question - my opinion matters
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They stay in business because people need jobs, and the Q (as horrible as it is), still pays more than the other MTSOs becuase they all have to underbid what the Q does to get some work. Then, when they cannot afford to compete with the squid... they get eaten alive and the poor employees (like yourself), get burped up like some horrible indigestion.
You will stay and suffer with the rest of us pond scum becuase your self esteem will be stripped and you will soon come to realize you are not worth squat, you cannot find another job, and you will go above and beyond to keep any paycheck in this dismal economy.
Amen -- that's why I am here. Applied other - places
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and been on a couple of interviews, but this is all I know. Yes, flamers, I am in school as we speak, got a final on Thursday.
Dear Befuddled - MT Gone
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You sound exactly like me. When the sQuid came calling I too came on here and read all the "bad stuff." Ha, slackers, lazy butts, unable to cut the mustard all of them I thought. Then the bad things started happening to me and to the other MTs I had worked with for years.... Regret my MT days are over, used to love walking down my hall to work....but yes, I wish I had run, and had I known what was ahead I would have fled full speed ahead! Good luck to all...
1/2 pay - aggravated
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Could you tell me how to check our pay rate since it is not on the pay stub? I knew nothing about a pay cut. Thanks for the info in advance.
It is not so much of a pay cut, but between the - horrible ASR
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at 60% of your cpl and getting switched from account to account and being audited to death, pay drops approximately 50%. I still make my same line rate (for the past 8 years), but making less money. Used to do 1600 lines per day typing, now struggle to get the required 1200 (at 60%).
changes in way being paid - befuddled
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For us, it was a change from being paid by the line to being paid per report. On this account, there is rarely a report below 3 minutes, so a report that we would have gotten paid $3 or $4 for, we now get paid $1.25.
they also - befuddled
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They also put some of their own people on the account, so we also now, not only make less, but sit for hours with no work at all, when we used to be extremely busy and never ran out of work.
welcome to the Q - sm
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That is precisely what everyone has been saying, and to any further buy out, you are not special and you will be treated in the same fashion.
pay cut - aggravated
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Thanks for the info. I've been with them 9 years and only get 1.12 per report!
I know, right? - anon2
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It really makes me shake my head ... it's something I really just don't understand. These employees get bought and paid for like a herd of sheep and they believe every single work Medquist tells them about "your accounts will stay the same", "your pay will stay the same", "everything will be juuuuuust fiiiiiine" despite countless, innumerable people having come to this very board in the exact same situation, finding themselves shocked out of their minds that Medquist would DARE cut THEIR pay in half. Why do they expect things to be ANY different when it's Medquist's MO to buy companies, buy its employees, dump their accounts and those employees into the general pool? Guys, YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT. You're not special to Medquist and you are NOT going to keep working on your old accounts for much longer and God knows the days of making a decent living are gone forever - you will be lucky now to make minimum wage. If you are a single parent you're screwed, you might consider finding another job to support yourself because you will NOT be able to do it on Medquist wages alone.
For crying out loud I really don't understand how many times does it take Lucy to pull the football out from Charlie Brown before people realize they are no different from the thousands of employees that have come before them who have ALL had their wages cut in half and who have ALL lost their old accounts. This is your new reality guys ... WAKE UP!
This is what happens to your work ... - anon
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One of two things happen to good accounts once MQ takes them over: Either they get tossed in the "general pool" like a piece of meat for the rest of the pack to scavage from or they get shipped off to India because those employees are the "alpha dogs" and they get the fillet mignon while the rest of us pick bones from the scraps they leave behind.
Congratulations, you've now joined the ranks of the minimum wage Medquist workers.
Their own people?? We are all their own people. - nm
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They are nicknamed the evil Q - SuzyQ
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I do feel for you though. They always manage for us to have happy holidays.
.... - befuddled
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i guess i should have phrased that differently, they put more people on an account that wasn't broken...i guess i am a medquist person now, just makes my skin crawl to say it...i knew there would be changes, i just really didn't think they would be this heartless, and do this right before the holidays and with no notice...thank you all for listening to me vent and whine...
But ... it's not an INDIAN holiday ... - anon2
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What most people keep forgetting is that Medquist is a completely Indian-owned company now. They don't celebrate our holidays. Destroying our income and ruining our holiday means absolutely *nothing* to them.
To suits, if it is bought out acct, it is broken. They fix it - in their own "special" way. nm
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befuddled - Nick
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I am sorry this happened to you. I had the same thing happen when MQ ate the company I worked for. The nitwit, er, I mean, manager, we had would never return calls and later said it was because she "had run out of minutes." Well, I ran out of patience and quit. These folks are beyond evil. I believe in what goes around comes around and I am waiting for their karma to catch them.
Business personality disorder - Employees pay cuts/Demotions at financially challening timees for US - alphamt
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Must be some psych-motivated business model for dealing blows to employee pay. Same with new program - a preholiday surprise which can make production difficult for holidays.
Time will show that mediocrity will become an issue as more really good employees leave, and as medicine gets more complicated and demanding (via Federal law).
Medquist stinks - ohboy
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I don't know how they have ANY employees.
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