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MQ + HIPPA + ILPs = hypocrisy? - susieQA

Posted: Jan 12, 2010

Okay.  I just finished watching the videos and the HIPPA presentation.  Now that they've put the fear of God in all of us, just how the heck can the Q, with a straight face, suggest or promise to a health care provider that they (the Q) can assure the client the PHI can be guaranteed when sending work to a group of employees who live several continents away and who do not speak English as a primary language.  

What a crock!!!!  How many health care providers know their work is going overseas?  Yeah, I know this has been hashed and rehashed here; it is just so danged blatant, in-your-face to present the threatening HIPPA stuff and then pretend that the overseas workers understand and adhere to the same rules.  

Sorry.  I got carried away.  Grrrrrr.  

SusieQA, you did not get carried away.. - Dinosaur

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I had the same furious reaction and I just watched them as well. I have so many questions with no answers. In all honesty, what a cup of crap!

I know at the end of the test they say to contact HIPAA or MQ lawyers, none of which have ever transcribed a report.

My first question is who protects us? We do the best we can, but who protects us from the dictator who refuses to use the correct dictating number, and may or may not give their name? How is it my fault because they will not take responsibility to enter in the correct info?

On that same subject, I was always told to go by what the doctor says as far as ADT info, sometimes they give incorrect info, from patient name, MR#, attending, PCP and CCs. Am I responsible for their mistakes, not only on ADT, but in the report as well? We have seen it many times, he becomes she, right becomes left and meds the patient is allergic to are given. Here is my question, is the dictator not responsible in some way for such a blunder?

Per the state law portion of the test, it was suggested to "do more research," even the best research is still your best guess if no info is given. Now here is my favorite part. HIPAA cannot be enforced in offshore situations. See links below.



Bottom line, many questions, need answers, illogical practices.

One more thing, that was a very good Dinosaur growl SusieQA. It is late and I have been awake for a very long time. Please forgive typos and/or left out words.

they have the voice - notcrazyyet

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The only thing I can think of that could be on our side is the fact that they have the voice file of the actual doctor dictation and if there is a discrepancy made by the doctor than they would start with him. I think if he dictates and we transcribe something different then we are in the "wrong" so to speak. Hope that makes you feel a bit better.

My question about this is: - L&L

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If a transcribed report goes to an ILP, to an ILP QA, to another ILP UA, and then a US/MT QA

AND the report violates HIPPA,

whom do you think will get all the blame?

They know exactly what they are doing by having US MTs sign off on ILP reports.

HIPPA redux - susieQA

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It's me again; still up and working and getting more annoyed as this evening/night drags on.

I've always sort of ignored those who got their panties in a wad about their name or initials being on a report; was told long ago that the doc's signature made it his/hers and we MTs were not to worry our pretty little heads about such things.

I had heard that the coder people had to buy their own liability insurance, though; this was several years back and don't know if it still holds true.

Will it come to us having to buy our own insurance with the vanishing wages we're being paid? I dunno.

I love it how the presentation was heavy on the "send it to QA" advice. Tell you what--any time this QA/MME has a doubt, the client will get the blank.

Also, I wonder how much of this whole thing is scare tactics?? Hmmm. Has anyone heard of a fellow MT getting busted for this?

Late night musings - shipwrecked

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I think it's 100% scare tactics. There examples on the video were ridiculous. How many times do you run into a dude in a bar and send him reports?

Ever hear the saying "Poop (you know the real word) rolls down hill?" We're living in the valley.

Busted - Just passing through

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We had at least 2 from our group fired, one for wrong patient information and one for wrong cc name (don't know the details except for what we were told in a conference call about it). I have been "talked" to on more than one occasion about not putting QA notes for no first name given for cc and typing the name as dictated when I cannot be absolutely certain it is the right name (more than one in database or when not in database finding more than one on internet). Sorry, I will leave a note each and every time to stop the report from going further until name is verified by the hospital when it is my butt on the line. I think I can collect unemployment if they want to fire me for it, for being careful to adhere to HIPAA laws and not send patient information to the wrong person.
again with the HIPPA - susieQA
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10-4 Eleanor. Not even an educated guess.

My words exactly!!!!! I am thinking the same thing! - MQ knows EXACTLY what they are doing.

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Either way, I feel like I am screwed with this!!!

I am concerned because unintentionally I might do something wrong in the report, and then I get fined. Then I will have to seek a lawyer (money I do not have to pay for a lawyer) and try to fight the fine. If I do not pay the fine in a certain amount of time like 2,500 (money again I do not have because of being in debt to my ears already), I could be fined to 25,000 for being late.

I see a huge mess with this and I know the lawyers are going to love this. They are going to have a field day and there will be loop holes, and twisted info and . . . . Okay, I will shut up. I am getting sick just thinking about all this.

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