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I feel like I am QA'ing ILPs, but I am not QA'ing. - dnr

Posted: Jan 29, 2015

The MM ASR has been resembling what I have seen when I have read ILP work. I am so tired of this constant correction of stinking output. No improvement and often backsliding in the output, and yet we were sent an email by corporate thanking us for collaborating with them to improve the output (?). Everything they thanked us for, I have been told they wouldn't do and don't bother to submit tickets for (like misspellings). Can't wait until I get a new job! Just another semester to go.

Or are you? - sm

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You know how when something is changed how a huge chunk of grey goes over it as ASR goes by? I'm not QA, yet I get that kind of often. Always wonder if they slip some reports through from somewhere. And I know you can check who has had the report before, but this is technology, they can hide this stuff very easily..

speaking of.... - kcmt

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I agree about the quality of the ASR. There is no way it can be "learning." There has to be a mechanism they can turn on and off so that it will not learn from everyone.

I read many moons ago about how to tell where your report has been before, but I have forgotten (senior brain) how to access this information. Can someone share that with me? Thanks in advance!

Alt F5 to see who has had the report. - not that anything ever shows..nm

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