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To another MME about the ILPs - MME3

Posted: Dec 17, 2011

Okay, this isn't a big deal and just a pet peave of mine, but have you noticed that the ILPs have a habit of rearranging the order things are dictated to match some unspecified format?

For example, no matter what order dictated in the PE, they always put the vitals first, general, HEENT, heart, lungs, etc. 

Sometimes dictators like to put the impression and plan first on consults.  The ILPs always move them to the bottom.  Labs are always underneath the PE.  On certain notes, if headings are dictated in non-SOAP, they almost always put it in SOAP. 

Keep in mind that it doesn't say anywhere in the CP to do these kind of things and I've worked on these accounts for years before they were shipped overseas and there had been no problem with typing as dictated. 

I'm sorry, just had to vent.  I have had a lot of jumping around in reports lately to figure out what the dictator really said and not what the ILP thought they heard.

I can't see why anyone would put time into doing this.

I can tell you. It's because they are more sm - mqmt

[ In Reply To ..]
strict and want things the way they have been taught and they don't budge on this. How do I know this? I just quit working for a company doing subcontracted work for MQ but run by Indians and I got marked down for things that would never have mattered over here nor to the hospital but they want them "their way."

I quit this company because they chose not to pay me. Great job screwing me over!

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