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Just had a long day of QAing ILPs - why are we losing our job to them

Posted: Mar 04, 2011

Seriously, a lot of them were just like editing a so-so ASR report.  Punctuation awful, sound-alike words mixed up frequently (wear/ware/where, whether/weather).  Things are typed very word-for-word, like ASR would do.  Tenses are horrendous.  They can follow the CP though.

Anybody who comes on here stating that ILPs aren't that bad and/or have better English usage than us have either never really proofread an ILP report, have proofread but aren't very good themselves and don't catch the errors, is an ILP trying to make themself look good, or one of the suits who have no clue (maybe Kumar himself!). 

It makes me sick that I have to pretty these reports up.  Somewhat of a job security I suppose.

Well - sm

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In my opinion, since your average person cannot read medical reports, the companies can say whatever they want to and nobody will know. Companies are trying to push overseas transcription on customers and are telling everyone that they are just as good as the US. Now, I know that there are US transcriptionists that do substandard work also, but way less than the ILPs do. Then, they have the work proofread by US QA people and the customer has no way of knowing that the work was terrible when it came back to the QA person who is editing this stuff. Thus, the customer thinks they are getting all the quality work done overseas for a lower rate.

It is just like us complaining about ASR. The companies are pushing this and telling us that we can do so much more and lower our wages for it and how can we prove it. We can't show anybody the reports or we are violating HIPAA rules. They have us no matter how you look at it.

Just my opinion.

Just had a bad thought - Shipwrecked

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In reading your post, it occurred to me that maybe what the ILPs are doing is just shooting off ASR reports as they are without making any edits. Zip, zip, zip! $$$

Do you have any way of telling whether they've made any corrections/edits at all?

thought - sm

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Well, I guess that would not make sense to pay them to do the ASR reports if all the editing still has to be done here. They still have to pay the US people to fix the reports, so don't believe they would also pay the ILPs to just send them to us anyway. If that were the case, they would make more money by just sending them to us directly. I just believe that a lot of the ILPs suck at it. LOL I have read where a few people on here say they do very well. My sister does a lot of legal transcription, which has medical reports in it from India without being edited here and she says the reports are absolutely horrible. Our company has them edited here, but some companies go to India and straight back to the client and are horrible.

Their ASR is terrible also - OP

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I see skip markers all over the place and when I uncover them to see why they are there, it's only a single word or its something they typed and then subsequently took out. Some of this work already goes through 1 to 3 levels of ILP QA and it's still awful.

One day, I hope this bites all the suits in the bum.

re: - sm

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"Anybody who comes on here stating that ILPs aren't that bad and/or have better English usage than us have either never really proofread an ILP report, have proofread but aren't very good themselves and don't catch the errors, is an ILP trying to make themself look good, or one of the suits who have no clue (maybe Kumar himself!)."

I have proofed ILPs and the work I proofed was excellent. It actually made me fear for my job because if these guys were "this" good, well, it won't be long before they took over completely. Oh, and as for the options you cited, I am "none of the above." Just honest and seemingly different experience than you.

You must have the elite ILPs - agree with OP

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There are certainly different circumstances, but I found what the OP said was true.

re - Wendi970

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Agree. Some don't seem to understand that India at one point in history was controlled by England and many Indians speak English quite well. I have had the same experience with QA and ILP. For the most part, they're just not that bad, unfortunately.

Weird, same as ASR - no name

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Some accounts have good ASR and ILP and others are almost unintelligible. How can that be? How can some be "OK" and some be so bad? I don't doubt either side's report, but just seems strange.

I have edited ILPs for over 10 years. Now they bypass me, go - straight to client. Just like US MT SM

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they DO get better. Good enough to not need US Edit. Just like US MTs, the bad ILPs get weeded out and the good ones remain and take our jobs. Just wait, those ILPs WILL get better and you will NOT be needed.

Editing ILP is Nothing New - Ex MQ QA Person

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I was in the QA Dept at MQ from 2004-2009-ish, back when there was a real QA Dept. It was sickening having to edit and teach the ILP to take over jobs.

Anyway, I'm out of MQ now for several reasons. My point is, get used to editing ILP, it's been around a very long time.

Ahh, skip markers - Shipwrecked

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I didn't think about skip markers. A good indication that at least they're looking at the reports and not just hitting the send button.

Honestly... - Disgusted

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I wanna know exactly why dictating "womiting blah" is okay to anyone and by anyone's standards. That is what I got today on ASR, thank you very much Mr. Hindu with the speech impediment who likes to, wait for it, suck candy when he is dictating because I can hear slurping... come on now, seriously?

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