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Time to settle in for another weekend of MOT - I see it coming already

Posted: May 28, 2015

This makes 5 months now.  Does MM not get that POD isn't working?? What part of all this do they not understand??  I'm not a business person and have no idea how to run a business, but even I know when it's "broke" you better fix it!!!! 

I do not think it has anything to do with the PODS - LDSMT

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Our POD runs the way it was intended with the POD broken down into groups and everyone assigned to a group. If work runs out for your group, then and only then do you get the next job due from the entire POD. I very rarely get work from outside my group because my group has a high volume of work. Our POD has still had OT for months. They clearly have not got enough employees for the work load. I would assume from people getting fed up and leaving (especially in PODS where the managers are not assigning groups) and not finding people to hire because we have scared them all away.

I personally am happy for the OT because it is the only way I can support my family without wondering how the bills are going to be paid.

Just do not work OT. Be thankful you have - work. ThankfulMT

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If you don't want to work OT, then don't. It's win-win situation really. Work for those who want it and not for those who don't. Although they say mandatory, many times I've been busy and did not have time for OT. Nothing has ever been said.

Just got e-mail--MOT again - anony

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trying to make it through 8 hours of being sick and now find out I need to work 9. This is getting old.

forget it - moonchild

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i've been doing their MOT, though i came up short one week, and i just decided i'm not doing it tomorrow. i ran out of work on monday and now they want OT. these people are morons. i'm so tired of it. getting all kinds of crap work and enough is enough.

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