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Love the mandatory weekend hours - Just Sayin

Posted: Jun 27, 2010

so I can waste my time sitting here staring at NJA screen.  I need a new job!!

What do you mean by mandatory weekend hours? - Marcy

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Is this something new? What area are you in?

I was made to work mandatory - Just Sayin

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weekend hours when we had to become "employees" back in 2006. It was 8 at first, but I did get it down to 4 hours now. But still, used to have plenty of work on Sunday, now nothing.

yippers... I was forced to work weekends also - gotta love it

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"If you don't give me some weekend hours, I will choose them for you!"

Either way, I lose... NO WORK, NO FUN, WEEKENDS SHOT!

Thanks A LOT! The only thing worse will be getting up Monday morning to the same darn thing!

Choices - MT

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I was given the choice of Sunday through Thursday or Tuesday through Saturday, period ended. I chose Sunday through Thursday.

are you a newer employee? - sm

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just trying to figure out if this is how they are treating new FT hires or if they are forcing existing FT'ers to do this or what? I am PT and have not been messed with yet, although I do get NJA from time to time.
I have been with Medquist - exasperated
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for 7 years now and when first hired on in 2003, was told I had to work a weekend day. So I have been Sunday through Thursday since then.
I was told the same thing... - AngryMQPrisoner
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when I hired on 7 years ago, had to work at least 1 weekend day. Then got an e-mail about a year ago from one of my MANY CCM's I've had telling the people in my group that were not working a weekend day that they had to change?!?!?!!? It made me LIVID! I complained to my CCM about it so then I got the punishment of going from daytime hours to working 12-8 two days of the week. Aargh. Luckily, with the one of the many CCMs I've had since, I was able to get my schedule back to where I at least work the same hours every day...

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