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required to switch schedule to add weekend hours - pitbullmom

Posted: Jan 12, 2012

Anyone out West asked to work 3-4 hours minimum on a Sat. or Sunday with equivalent time off Monday to Friday ?  Do they ask this of the Indians, also ?  Reason given was to cover TAT.  Your thoughts, please ?  Thanks ! 

Stand your ground on no, if so inclined, but be aware you - may find work dried up. SM

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I dont agree with it but you just have to decide what you want for your life. Work on a weekend or work elsewhere. I am not saying you would be wrong either way, just seems to me you have 2 choices to choose between.

well you should be.... I was forced to 6 years ago - about time

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I think every single employee should work 1 weekend day at least every other week. That way others of us wouldnt have to do it every blessed weekend.

I assume ... - anon

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I assume you have never left your house on a weekend and do not realize that restaurants and stores are open on weekends, not to mention gas stations, fast food, police, and fire departments (and veterinarians, kennels,and pet stores).

As for the Indian employees, obviously they have MTs working on weekends; do you think the clients that are off-shored do not have TAT to meet on weekends?

weekends - fadingstar

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We work in a business that is open 24/7, I think it's only fair that everyone work SOME weekend hours.

I don't have a problem working some weekend hours, but the work I - receive is a nightmare.

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I was required to switch 2 years ago and the - alternative was to be let go

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I switched to weekends and it was the best thing I have ever done for my workload. I never run out of work on the weekends. It also is convenient to have the time off through the week for appointments, things that are not open on the weekend, dentist, etc., without having to reschedule work or use PTO. You should give it a try, you may like it.

That is what they told me when I refused - Call their bluff

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to work Sundays (already working Saturdays) and got prepared to be let go, but never heard another word about it and I am still here 1-1/2 years later.

It's about time ... - anon

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Just about all other companies hire MTs now for either Sun-Thurs or Tues-Sat schedules ONLY. It's practically unheard of to have a Mon-Fri schedule as an MT these days.

weekend work - radityper

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Get over it. Was working both days, 8 hrs each and finally had it switched to 1 day, 8 hours about 6 months ago. I feel lucky actually to have a job.

Me too - MT

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I also feel lucky to have the job. Don't mind weekends.

Mon-Fri schedule - BH

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That's why I stick with Medquist. I had a hard time finding a job that was not Mon-Sat or Sun-Thurs. When they offered evening work, but M-F only, I took it.

working weekends - TiredMT

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I was hired being told that I had to work a 4 hour weekend shift no matter what or I wouldn't be hired. Of course, I have since heard that people were hired and promised no weekends, that sucks. If we all take a short 4-hour shift TAT would be covered. Its not that much to ask in my opinion and you know, I still have a job. That means a lot.

I hope people keep working M-F - because that is more work for me on the weekends

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I used to sit and stare at the NJA message for hours when I did M-F. Even if it were just 30 minutes or an hour a day sometimes, I would end up having to go without pay, use PTO, or make it up (on the weekends). I absolutely love not having to worry about NJA on the weekends & the fewer people who switch to weekends, the more work for us weekenders! I guess to each his own. I agree with you TiredMT, at least I have a job. Don't really care at this point what day of the week it is :)

scheduling.. - MT GONE

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Okay, I'll play the Devil's advocate here. I am no longer an MT with the Q or otherwise. I was hired with by the company I started with (and was acqquired by the Q for the last year or so of my 10-year career) to work M-F. I am single, I built my life - including part-time jobs around the schedule I was hired with. I would have had to leave the MT field long before I did if I had to move my schedule around since my other jobs payed more....just sayin! I did leave the MT field after being bought out by Q due to pay cuts, loss of my account, and all the other crap, but if someone, be they with or without a family, has a certain schedule they should not be REQUIRED to switch. Note, I did work some hours on the weekends when needed and when I could with still balancing my other jobs!! So before being so down on someone for not having weekend hours in their week-to-week schedule think about it. This was due to my WORKING other jobs, not kids, family, fun-time or other issues!!! My new job does have me working 1 weekend day, but it pays way more than the Q ever thought of paying an MT.

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