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how the hospital department covers weekend shifts/hours - amy224

Posted: Jan 24, 2014

I am curious if anyone is an at-home transcriptionist who works for a hospital and how the department covers weekend shifts/hours. Also curious what kind of hours you are required to work during the week and how many people are on the transcription team.  Or if you'd just share what your company does for scheduling and what the hours are.  I am looking for some ideas for our team.   Small hospital.  Weekend coverage only includes priority jobs (H&Ps). Thanks!

Used to be a hospital employee at home - all your question depend on one thing - how large is the hospital and/or sister facilities

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or put another way - how large is the average daily workflow.

hours - amy224

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On the weekends, about 10-14 H&Ps per day.

My answers - Ayn

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I work from home as a hospital employee. Our average daily census is around 150-175 patients. We have a dozen HIM transcriptionists and then (I think) 6 radiology transcriptionists. For the HIM side, most of us work Mon thru Fri full-time - 40 hours a week. I think only 2 work part-time around 30 hours a week, but we really don't know each other's schedules, so I am not sure. We are all staggered slightly throughout the day. I think the earliest starts at 5 a.m. and I think all the "daytime" folks are done by 3 or 4 p.m. There are 2 who work "evenings" - one starts at 2 or 3 p.m. and the other at 4 p.m., I believe. They are done by midnight.

We have a couple of MTs who work regularly scheduled weekends because they chose to. One works 10-hour shifts Fri-Mon and one works Sun-Thurs, again because they chose that schedule years ago when they were hired. New hires are generally Mon-Fri.

The rest of us have a scheduled rotation to work 1 weekend day every 3 weeks (taking a weekday off in exchange during the week in which we work the weekend - so we still are only scheduled for 40 hours that week).

Radiology scheduling is a little more flexible, I believe, with them coordinating more among themselves to respond to their workload as it fluctuates more than the HIM side. I really don't have good info to share on how they do things. I do believe they do the weekend rotation schedule the same as we do on HIM side.

Hope that helps.

To My Answers - amy224

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That is how we do our weekend shifts right now, too. We each work 1 weekend day every 3rd weekend and take a day off during the week to avoid overtime unless it is needed. I was interested to see if any other places did it any different just to get some ideas. When a place has done something the same way for so long, it is hard to think of any other options. Thanks!!!!

Same - Former Supervisor

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Worked as supervisor, in house, with about 60 in-house and 15 IC MTs. It was very difficult to staff weekends as only 2 chose to work them. We did a similar rotation for coverage. Then the only problem was when a weekend MT was sick.
I now work for an MTSO who has new hires agree to one weekend day a week. I was able to pick my schedule with them and give a bout a 12 hour work window rather than a set schedule.
Re: Same - amy224
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None of us really "enjoy" the weekend shift, but you do what you have to, right? lol
My hospital - MT
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Requires Tues thru Sat or Sun thru Thu for all new hires and did that for the 25 years I worked for them. When they switched to a service, that service also required it. I like working a day on the weekend, so it's not a problem for me. I like having a day off during the week so I can get stuff done that is difficult to do on the weekend.

at my hospital - sm

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A couple of us work evening shift, the others day shift. The ones hired more recently have to work one week-end day every week. FT is 32-hours for us, which is my work week. Most work 40. The night shift and overflow is outsourced. We rotate on-call a week at a time, which includes overnight hours and the weekend/holiday hours when no one is on. They pay a small amount for all hours on-call, and any call-back gets 2 hr pay at full wage. Of course that is to cover the stats.

we worked Tue~Sat or Sun~Thurs shifts - were...see msg

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Somewhat staggered for example, a couple of us worked 10 to 6:30, a couple worked 6:30pm to 3 am and two people worked 3am to 11:30 am, then 6am to 2:30, 7am to 3:30, 8am to 4:30 & 9am to 5:30. Seemed rather complex, but it worked and we had 24/7 coverage.

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