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Let's all bombard QCare with tickets to FIX 6.1..... - Kiki1

Posted: Sep 08, 2010

Anyone think it would do any good?

I've already started! - mb

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Every new thing about 6.1 out of the way that happens to me is going to get documented with an email to Support! Hope everybody else does the same.

Yep me too! I emailed CCM and she told me to put - east girl

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to the Qcare thingy, so I did. I hope they admit their errors and fix it. Didn't anyone try this junk out first? Don't mess with transcriptionist's line counts, dudes!

definately! - derp

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And make sure to use the diagnostic report generator, too. Every time you have a problem, see something strange, or performance is poor, create a diagnostic. I have it on very good authority that those diagnostics go directly to the DQS programmers, and they are reading them.

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