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Remedy Shmemedy. I never ever used Qcare..am I missing something? - not to mention I dont get the training.. SM

Posted: Apr 25, 2012

I never EVER utilized Qcare.  Does anybody?

not to mention..and I guess Ima a dumbsheet..but I don't get the training.  I get into it fine..had NO idea what the Quick Guide was supposed to mean, but went into anyway..and I have no idea what the heck this is supposed to me.  I clicked on the "media" icon and nothing happens. 

I used Qcare all the time - sm

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Every time I run out of work to get a ticket number, of when there is a system outage to get a ticket number so you can collect downtime, or when my foot pedal broke so I could get a new one, or when the computer crashed.

I never used it for F11 because I dont do F11.

Well I am a dumber sheet than you. I cannot log in. - Used the Ultipro number and

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the Ultipro password? Still get that stupid authentication message. What do I put in the first box and then what do I put in the second box (remedial here)?

Oh yay I figured it it. Ultipro for one box and mmmmmodal for the - other. No wonder I could not

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figure that out. Then I get in and there are 3 boxes. See nothing for a dumba$$ to click on for anything like a tutorial. What to do now?????

I am apparently to stinkin' dumb to even work.

the link for the tutorial is in the e-mail - not in remedy

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Your not dumb, you just have to slow down and read.... SLOW DOWN.
OK will try but I have lines to produce --- this - Remedy is cutting into my
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work and now will have to have a mentor to figure out why I can't produce. . . . .

This job has made me a nut. I stay so nervous, I literally could benefit from meds.

I have nothing - to say about

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your post except that if you are not going to use DumbSheet for your handle, I would like to steal it. You're too funny. Hope you get in and a make your line count and more!

Still can't log into to either training or remedy - Doing it wrong

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So the email says to use our Ultipro ID. They're talking about my username I use for Ultipro, right? Or is there some other ID somewhere I have to look up. In any case, my Ultipro username won't get me anywhere in either logins. I even copied and pasted it after logging into Ultipro. What am I doing wrong?

the number I used was on paystub - listed as ultipro number

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Different form the "employee number" I use for everything else.

So many numbers, so many passwords! UGH

No you use the 6-digit ultipro number and your password - from mmmmmmmodal

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Once again absolutely harder than it needed to be. Once you do that, then you are nowhere. I understand you have to find some link on the E-mail they came out weeks ago to do the tutorial. I haven't done it either.

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