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Why should we fill out no work tickets now? - latest email

Posted: Aug 15, 2013

Perusing the latest TSM diatribe too many work tickets means we need to change our schedule to one more fitting the needs of the accounts. Also if we fill out a work ticket we are not allowed to finish our current shift, we are done for the day. If we choose to make up those hours it has to be from a list of available shifts. So for the 50 cents or so I would get from filling out a work ticket why would I purposefully put a target on my back regarding schedule changes, end my shift prematurely for the day and subject myself to working at the TSM's whims? Someone was looking for what stinks about the policy, this is it. No reason at all to even bother filling out a ticket.

what I decided to do - Old School

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On my accounts, when I start out there's very little work, then it warms up a little, and then it peters out again. I decided to wait till that second lull to put in my ticket. Then at least I can get a little work in.

but, doesnt the policy say that after 6 minutes, you - must fill out remedy ticket?

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I'm assuming if you don't, they can fire you for not following policy.

And, why cant you check back after a half hour if you choose make up work? You can keep checking during your shift, just anything not done when your shift ends has to be at tsm's choice.

released for the day according to TSM - latest email

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I only wish we could check back during our shift but our TSM made it pretty clear that we are released for the shift. And you are correct about the "must" in the policy. I need to rethink my strategy.

So again I wonder, why even have schedules if we are not going to be allowed to work them after 6 minutes of downtime?

email from our TSM says you can check for work - during your shift....

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you just cannnot claim WA again as you can only claim it once per shift.

CHALLENGE the new Out of Work Policy at MModal - Feenixrising

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I was terminated today so I feel comfortable expressing what I believe is grounds for a class action suit. (I personally think they let go of people making the top of their pay scale so they could bring in cheaper labor.) Does any one think the new OOW policy should be challenged? Forced to give up PTO, excused absences or make up at their discretion? Were/Are we employees or not? If interested please contact. If you were let go, file for unemployment NOW!!!!

I am part time, top of pay, and still here - blown theory

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How can you fight any reason they give for termination though? Its at will employment. They don't need a reason. That said, they are getting rid of all non mme employees and they are doing it for cheaper labor, india cheap. Still nothing to fight, the government allows offshoring!

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