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QCare use - u 2?

Posted: Sep 25, 2010

Perhaps I am paranoid, but I think when one fills out a QCare report, that there is no chance of getting any report for multiple hours.  It is like QCare shuts you off completely, even if you do indicate you want to make up the time.

If you are referring to my post below - MT

[ In Reply To ..]
I was trying to report a problem with a job loading with 1 second of audio and an audio error. It turns out that 4 other MTs had this exact job (which was defective) download and ignored it. Thanks for that, I can see how your time is more valuable than mine.

Did not intend to offend - U 2

[ In Reply To ..]
So sorry, did not intend to offend you. I did go into Qcare and, while in there, looked for a solution to your problem and found none. Rather than waste your time with my non-answer, I went forward with another problem with QCare. The only advice I have for you is, under those circumstances, to attempt to contact your RTL by using an e-mail, or just calling Support.

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