A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

If you hate it so much, move on! - MTsun

Posted: Mar 19, 2012

So many lousy attitudes, so little time.  If you really think this company is just BS, go somewhere else.  We've all been through the pay cuts and ebb and flow of work, but some of us still hold fast to the belief that things can get better.  Instead of mocking and insulting the attempt by new management to change and improve things, join the rally for brighter days ahead.  Maybe the glass is half full afterall.  Bad attitudes are a disease.  If you don't find a cure for yourself, it will become a plague.

thanks for the kick in the teeth - proper solution

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Maybe your mocking and insulting to the people who have heard the excuses for far too many years.

Maybe, just maybe, the glass IS half empty!

Walk in my shoes - anon

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I have been with this company, in some form, since 1995. It is true....it has only gotten worse over the years. I have taken pay cut after pay cut and suffered the indignities of being micromanaged virtually. I have seen benefits literally disappear and insurance options being taken away.

They do not want to help us. They are giving our jobs to Indians who have more power to change things right now than we do. I firmly believe that they are trying to weed out those of us who have been with Medquist the longest and who have been the most loyal. They WANT us to quit.

It may be easy for some people to simply quit and find another job, but that is NOT the situation for everyone. I feel very stuck right now, and while I am going back to college to try to begin a new career, for now I have no option other than working for this company that I have grown to loathe.

So DO NOT judge those of us who have been with this company for years and years and say "just quit." It is not that easy. Maybe someday you be in the same situation.

If you hate us so much, - DONT READ

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was waiting for Pollyanna to get here.

Huh? - Alias

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What the hell started the OP on their rant? I must have missed something. I hope it was the so-called "Hands On" where somebody told them what needed to be heard.

Its called living in La La land...Yea 10,000 paycut since 2002 - Ill bitch if I want to

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Im stuck my injuries dont allow me the luxury to work AND go to school..
well if you still able to type, then you can work for - another company.
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just sayin.
what company would that be - ms smarty pants
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Can you name any company that is better than the next at this stage? They are all horrible.
My point exactly! So bash the industry, not M*Modal. - but if you think its worse than all the others the
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go work for the next best one. As for me, I'm staying put.
Im gonna stay put too, but I still am gonna complain - whenever I feel like it
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So, if you see my posts, and dont agree, oh well, dont respond then.
Okay, wont respond to any of ur posts, but glad - you agree, its the industry
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and not just M*Modal.
and if you agree its the industry, please stop advising people - to go elsewhere.
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Thank you.
dont bash the company - anon
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Give me a break, anyone can bash anyone, especially MModal. Of course they are not the only company with this problem, but this is a forum where we transcriptionist can vent and hopefully feel some kinship, not be abused more. Let her vent if she wants for goodness sake.
No one cares about people venting, its the negativity - that gets annoying
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Like the OP said, its like a disease. It gets old after a while. People are so bitter and nasty. And when someone comes along and posts something positive they get attacked.

So it works both ways, if they want to vent, then let us live in our world of optimism and positivity. Dont butt in on our posts and start to insult us or say negative things just because your experience has been bad.

It works both ways. People who are happy and content have a right to be here just like the ones who are unhappy and wanna complain all the time.
She and I have agreed to disagree; now here - you come stirring the pot again..sm
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I'm sorry, but I feel no kinship to negativity and I'm not abusing anyone. Just like she is entitled to vent, I'm entitled to my opinion.

OK so if your happy letting an industry screw you - then be my guest
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I cannot find anyway shape or form where it is ok to take constant paycuts for the same work..But if your willing to do it good for ya..Im sooo close to retirement I can taste it...I work harder, and longer and make less money then I did 10 years ago...Now you tell me HOW that works and HOW that is acceptable business practice..I always got paid more as the time went on..you know keep the experienced ones cause they know what they are doing, and reward good work,,wow what a concept..All I can say is thank God I have a retirement from my previous employer so I can actually afford to retire..

keep dreaming - show us the money

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Your post stated it exactly- "attempt" by new management to change things. They also have hired experts and are doing studies which is corporate speak for them planning on doing a whole lot of nothing. Why in the world would they change things for us- they are paying us 40% less than they used to! Plus after surveying other companies don't be surprised if they come back and tell us we are overpaid due to industry standards. That is not a bad attitude that is just reality. Just ask any MME who was told that moving from a Tier 3 was a promotion when in fact it was a huge pay cut.

Your wasting your typing time, the people on this board - thrive on negativity. They will be

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unhappy no matter what. I agree with you that if they dont like M*Modal then go some place else. Who is making you stay?

Unhappy no matter what???? - anon

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How can we NOT be unhappy? I make $12,000 a year less than when I started with this company 17 years ago. I am NOT being negative....this is a fact! And NO ONE is making me stay....circumstances are making me stay. It's wonderful that you have options, but again, some of us don't.

Go away.

Leaving MModal - Char

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If every MT who was unhappy left, would there be enough newbies and "global partners" left to pick up the slack? Would love to see that happen. I do have my plan for getting out, only a few more months of this.

Amen - Alias

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Me, too. Only a couple of months left. I've already started counting down working days.

NEWS FLASH this board only represents a small - percentage of M*Modal employees..sm

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What makes you think the only ones happy are newbies and global partners?

I think you fail to realize its the insdustry not just M*Modal. Your mad at all the wrong people. I personally would not stay at a job that made me bitter and miserable.
Wow. - MTsun
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Negativity breeds negativity. That's all this is. It's more empowering to feel angry and hate the company than to believe the tides will turn. I get that circumstances can prevent a vocational change, but if this company sucks so bad, then do the same job for a different company. I'm not a newbie, I've been here for almost 11 years. Attitude is a choice. I choose to make the best of it. If you want to be angry and spiteful - that's your choice. God help us all if MTstars is the best we've got for a support group. What a sad place.
Agree. Everyone here speaks negatively about - M*Modal as if there is no
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place else for them to go. Seriously? I too am not a newbie, nor am I a suit. I just believe if a person is that unhappy with their job then they need to leave.

I have never stayed put at a job that I did not like. I remember one job it got to the point I dreaded going in and my stomach would be in knots, I finally woke up one morning and thought to myself, I dont have to be there. It was like a light bulb went off.

So I called and told them I would not be back. Blame M*Modal if you want, but the bottom line is nobody is making you stay. There are other companies out there.

I for one am content and I should not have to be afraid to say it or speak out because of getting attacked or 50 thumbs down. Not everyone who works for M*Modal is unhappy and not all of us are newbies either.
Leaving MModal - Char
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You misunderstood. I did not mean to imply only newbies and global partners are happy. I was just suggesting that if, as above poster advised, everyone who was unhappy at MModal went to a different company, what would MModal do? How can we be happy having our pay cut, making just above minimum wage. It is industry wide, not just MModal. I am not mad or miserable. I have a plan to get out, biding my time. Sad to see a job I once loved go down the tubes, that's all.
Wrong - Alias
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You're wrong about that. If it was just a small percentage of unhappy employees, MModal wouldn't be working so hard on damage control. For me, it's just a little too late, and will be gone in just a few. I truly hope they're not just talking out the side of their mouth for those who have chosen to stay.

I did get myself out and to a better place - ASlaveBoughtbByQ

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I'm guessing, MTSun, and perhaps this isn't correct, so I apologize for assumptions, that you were hired by the Q originally. This is my story (and only my opinion). Q bought me from a company I loved working for. I was a top tier MT, thus making a decent living...until they bought me. From day 1, my workload trickled to zilch. I did pull up my big girl panties and got the heck outta there, but I would do anything I could to never be bought by them again.

With that said, I don't understand why an injury(ies) would preclude anyone from going elsewhere. Employers aren't allowed to ask you questions like that, so why are you staying?

You sound like a "Suit" stirring up trouble - Lee

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and it seems to be working

Leaving Los MModal (MQ) - Been There

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I worked for MModal when it was MQ and I absolutely loved it for 2 months and then it took me 10 more months to find another job and I left w/o notice; in fact, I am sorry I even contacted my CCM (company created monster). I was done, finished and hated that place so much, I wrote to all the hospital accounts I was on and told them how horrible a company MQ was. Now with that said and more than two years later, I have been to MT h-ll and back. I am now finally in a good place. It didn't take me two years to get here, but I have made a lot of changes, taken a gajillion tests, sent in even more resumes' and e-mails and now I feel I have landed on my feet, but I am an IC. I am sorry to say I finally had to accept the fact that if I wanted what I wanted (flexibility), that was the route I had to take. Like everything else it is up to the individual. Some people will stay just to stay, don't want the hassle of looking and believe me it is a hassle. I do feel though that getting away from that company, no matter how bad things got, I was never for one nano second sorry. I still hate it to this day and for the life of me don't know how anyone with any sense of well being would stay there and work. Nuff said. It is onward! Do what you have to do!

How long have you been here? - Adios

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I haven't read all the comments so I don't know what has been said, but you know we are isolated at home and we need a place to vent. No need to be so harsh.

We are critical because we have been promised so many times. I, for one, have lost count. Since 1998 I have worked for this company, well, the company this company bought. Things were great until somewhere around 2005 or 2006. Since then it has been downhill with promises made that I now believe they never believed or intended to keep.

New management, if they are any good at all, know what they are up against and would be crazy if they didn't expect everybody here to be extremely skeptical. I have a feeling their "salary" will ease their hurt feelings.

I will say it again, this type of business was never intended or able to support so many "salaries."

Is the glass half full or half empty? There is another great saying, fool me once......

I am sorry to say you do kinda sound like management. The glass half full gave you away. Another ditty to go with all the others.

And, Thank You God, seriously, I am outta here. Two more days.

It took me almost 3 years to find the right job to replace this one, so don't be so hard on people who feel the need to vent. You don't know how long they have been going through this and how hard they have been hit.

I have always had a feeling those who slam the ones on here venting probably have it a little easier in life. Maybe second income for extras,etc.

Seriously, Lousy, BS, mocking, insulting, bad attitude, plague. Come on, really. Are you management?

Optimism doesn't always wear a suit - MTsun

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No, not management, no suit. I left the city and a high-profile, high-heels job many years ago to work at home - like so many others in this job. If there's one thing I've learned, there is no perfect job. Some days, I love this job all over again, some days, I tidy up my resume and look for something better. I've had many different managers over the years, some made me want to "re-locate," but then a new day/new boss would come, and I just dealt with it. As for the glass half full, it might be cliche for you and make me "seem" like management - whatever - but my son asked me the other day what optimism was and what that saying meant. It means something to me. It doesn't have to mean anything to you and maybe you always see it half empty. Pretty sad how many thumbs down a person gets for trying to be optimistic. Not quite the same simple illustration I would share with my son. I wish you all the best - in whatever you pursue. This was my first time posting on MTstars and certainly the last. I came for comradery and leave feeling like I've been beat up on the playground by everyone in jr. high. I meant no offense. You can make fun of me if you'd like. That's a choice too, just like optimism...and misery. I guess you can only be popular in this class if you join the haters. It's okay to not be popular. If it makes you feel better to criticize me, go ahead. If I misspelled a word or didn't punctuate properly, you can make fun of that too. It's hard enough to do an often thankless job with pride, harder still being ridiculed by your peers for trying to see the sunshine in it all.

but how when you are making half what you used to make? - slave wages

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I mean really - how can you stay positive about a situation like that? Gas prices, insurance costs, groceries, everything going up and you're making too much to apply for any assistance but not enough to actually LIVE?
Cutting a lot of coupons... - MTsun
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I cut a lot of coupons, stick to a family menu every week, live on a very tight budget, and hope for the best! Poor and happy! For medical bills, I always apply for financial assistance through the hospital. There are ways to get by. We do it every week.
While they get rich off our backs? - more power to you nm
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no wonder why you are happy - dumbfounded
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How about you work 2 jobs and your husband work 2 jobs (like myself and my husband do), to pay for the medical care and not receive financial assistance. Maybe you too would be a little pessimistic! Good golly, while you sit back with rose-colored glasses, Im out busting my behind at poverty wages to keep paying for my $14,000 deductible and my $90 a week premiums WITHOUT A HANDOUT!!!

Clip away on your coupons and keep smiling as someone else covers your expenses.
This is as good as it gets in US? - wheres_my_job
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wow, a truly sad commentary, when millions of people 'suck it up,' and allow themselves to be damaged financially...and for what? Not seeing what the purpose is in being the well-behaved docile worker bee.
I guess it's easy to be sunny - when you get financial assistance.
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You sound like my ex-SIL who got on Medicaid and told me "It's a great deal!" Yeah, if I had somebody paying my hospital bills, I guess I could be sunnier. But not proud.
I'm NOT living off the state!!!! - MTsun
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Unbelievable judgmental people. I don't get state assistance in ANY FORM at all. Last I checked, cutting coupons and creating a family menu was NOT financial assistance. We have CATASTROPHIC medical bills from our little daughter who has an ongoing health crisis and when we couldn't pay the $200,000 in hospital bills, we applied through the hospital for the chaplain's fund so we could make payments based on income. No, I'm not proud that we couldn't pay it - it's humiliating - but we did the best we could and found a way. As for community resources, it's not MONEY - it's "support" for getting financially creative - like coupon cutting and budget planning. The only money we have coming into our home is mine and my husband's from his TWO jobs. I swore I wouldn't come back out here - maybe I was curious if there was a gentle soul in this place. Good grief. Such mean-spirited people.
You are doing what you can - mom2huskies
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The main thing is that you are taking care of your daughter and it does sound like you are making an effort to pay towards the hospital bills. It does not take very long to rack up 200,000 dollars in hospital bills.

I went through something similar myself with my husband had over 100,000 in hospital bills and he ended up passing away. I was lucky that insurance covered most of the bills but I ended up having to sell my house and use up my retirement to pay off the balance.

All you can do is try your best. I do hope that things work out for you and your daughter.

But you were ridiculing your peers. - Adios

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Guess I don't see the difference. Did you expect nobody would defend themselves against what you said? I'm confused.

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