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I hate this job I hate this job - sadMT

Posted: Jul 02, 2010

MY VENT TODAY:  I hate QA, I hate my job.  My pay is HALF of what it was 15 years ago and I get picked and PICKED AND HOUNDED to death on meaningless garbage in a report.  Take away my benefits, make me a literal slave to a keyboard, pay me utter crap, treat me like less than a human, and DEMAND PERFECTION. What a stupid field I am in.


PS - If I wasn't too old, if the economy wasnt tanked, and if if if I would be out of this so-called profession. i would have left a long time ago. Cleaning dirty houses gave me more satisfaction, paid a lot better, and I was actually treated like a human being - but I am not able to do that anymore.

Could you at least change employers? If not, why not? - See message

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No job is perfect, of course, in any business, but you can do better than having a job that you hate. There are companies that don't fit the description of how you perceive that you are being treated. I have no idea if you may be burned out on working or if you could use some upgrading of your skills or if you truly work for some employer with horns, as you have described. It doesn't matter. It just looks like you need to do something else. There will most likely be another MT who will be grateful for the opportunity to make the job you have now work for them. We don't all see things the same way. This is obviously not working for you and you deserve better. Good luck finding something that will make you happy. If that isn't possible, at least try to do something fun this holiday weekend. Best wishes!

leave? and go where - sadMT

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I am at the top of the line, there is no higher to go.

If there is opportunity out there to make more than 250 dollars a week take home, consistently, after health insurance I would appreciate to know.

I started this job with full benefits and will not accept anything else.

You don't know me. I appreciate your comments but you miss the point. What company would I go to? From all the research I have done I am at the top in employers, but it is just not good enough for me because even with that I am taking a huge cut in pay from 15 years ago, and putting up with so much unpleasantness just to keep that.

With the newer VR programs I am told my production has doubled, so the company profits have obviously doubled, and my pay has been lowered and I am going through more hoops to get it.

Glad you are such an optimist, but I am a realist and I find no other jobs out there to match what I already have where I could make MORE money. Don't see it.

I don't have a college education, either, although from what I have been through the last 15 years with all the hoops I have had to go through and the strict guidelines and scrutiny, well put it this way I could have done a LOT better if I had gone to college and spent my energy into another profession.

It is too late now that is my point, and there are many of us in the same boat, dont pretend that is not true.

People I know with all those degrees you wish you had are jobless - Chatty MT

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I would hate to even count all the people I know right now who have degrees and can't find jobs. Don't sell yourself short because you don't have a degree.

In a perfect world we could name the companies that still respect their MTs so you could see if you have considered them. You say that you are in the best or cream-of-the-crop MTSO, so maybe that wouldn't help. I'm just hearing the jobless claims numbers and I agree with you that I'm glad to have a job at all. At least I think that's what you said.

jobs - mtlongtime

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You only need to clear $250 and want benefits too? Try any Medical Records Department at any hospital. Even file clerks make more than that. If you're at the top of your profession and bringing home only $250, I would say you need to change employers.
tell me WHERE, - sadMT
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I have researched and any company I have considered, pays less than I make because they are only paying 25% of health benefits. Because of the state I live in insurance for me is hideously expensive.

If I could work 8 to 10 hours a day, strictly just keying, no breaks, no quality of life, I could make more. However, I am not going to debate with anyone about that. People who do accept working with no QOL in my opinion are a big part of why the rest of us have to now suffer. Too many people who accept everything thrown at them, and who actually like the worse they get.

My vent is I hate my job, I hate this profession (what it has turned into) and I see it as a DEAD-END job with nowhere to go. I hate groveling to make my living and accepting lower stamdards every year just hanging on to keep lousy health insurance to begin with.

There MUST be others who know what I mean. Perhaps you had your job before most of these bad changes, good for you and consider yourself lucky, because trying to find a good job now for decent money, that is not even an option. If I find good pay, the health benefits are lousy, if the health benefits are good, the pay is lousy or the working conditions are lousy, like 2nd or 3rd shift, 10 hours a day.

That is not the job I took on 15 years ago and it galls me to see how everyone is trying to save jobs for BP, yet when jobs were being outsourced for us and many others, NO ONE GAVE A CARE. In fact, we have to go by the mantra no doubt handed down from managers for years already, be happy you have a joB!!!!! Even though I am, which is sick, think about that. We live in a rich country, and we are just happy to have a job at all! HUH?

I deserve a good wage for my good work, and I deserve to be making MORE than when I started. but there is strength in numbers, and whenever you try to stand up for something, the majority knocks you down. Not sure why. Men dont do that to each other. They might fiercly compete but they dont begrudge someone for doing better than they are.

Just venting because I think we are ALL worth more, everyone 1 of us who sits for hours on end, getting carpal tunnel, bad backs, almost in tears listening to people try to talk who don't give a care.

I could just go on and on and on...
Just a little perspective - LK
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I understand your frustration, but this problem is hitting more than just MTs. In this economy, 27% of wage earners have taken a pay cut. My husband is one of them - he is in top management, a CFO, and took a 15% pay cut almost 2 years ago and still has not had it restored. We have two kids in college, and believe me, we miss that 15%. Pay increase? Ain't happening for him. We would be happy just having his pay back to where it was two years ago.
California gov. cut state workers pay to minimum wage. - Just a side note.
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What is wrong with this world/country/system??

More than 200,000 people will only be paid minimum wage ($7.25 per hour) for the month of July because legislature hasn't passed a budget. How are these people going to pay their bills, especially in a place like San Francisco where average rent is around $2200 a month?

Instead of taking it out on the state workers in California, why not cut the salaries of the legislature?? Take away their whole pay for a month and see if something gets done.
CA miminum wage is NOT - SoCal MT
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$7.25. It was $8.00, and went to $8.25 as of July 1, 2010. All state workers did NOT get cut to minimum wage. That is a totally false statement.
It is absolutely true. Watch the news. Read a paper. - sm
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Courts okay'd a cut to FEDERAL minimum wage, not California state minimum wage.

It's all over ABC, MSNBC, FOX news, CNN, in the papers. Seriously, you should pick up a paper and educate yourself before you start accusing someone of spreading totally false statements.
Not exactly - sm
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It was the courts that allowed a reduction in the wages of STATE of CALIFORNIA workers TO the federal minimum wage of $7.25 until a budget is passed, and not the federal government lowering the minimum wage.
Wrong, again - SoCal MT
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I live in California, and I AM informed, thank you very much. I also do contract work with the state, and my husband works for the state directly. Some state workers have had pay cuts, but certainly not all of them have.

So, yes, your statement is false.
Please read inside. It sounds like it affects you. - sm
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Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered about 200,000 state workers to be paid the federal minimum wage because the state Legislature has not passed a budget.

Department of Personnel Administration Director Debbie Endsley sent the order Thursday in a letter to the state controller. Most state employees will be paid the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour for the July pay period.

Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear says the change should be reflected in state employees' next paycheck. Workers will be paid in full retroactively once a budget is passed.

The Legislature has failed to take steps to close California's $19 billion budget deficit, even as the new fiscal year began Thursday.

The instructions from the Department of Personnel Administration exclude roughly 37,000 state workers in six bargaining units that recently came to tentative labor agreements with Schwarzenegger, The Sacramento Bee newspaper reported.

Controller John Chiang said earlier Thursday that he wouldn't comply with the minimum wage order, KCRA-TV said.

California Assembly Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles, expressed his disdain late Thursday in a statement, saying that that he's disappointed in the governor's actions.

"This is not a realistic proposal to save the state cash any more than his budget plan, which kills 430,000 jobs, is a realistic proposal to close our deficit. Using working families as leverage is not the kind of leadership we need to get through this budget process," Perez said.

© 2010 msnbc.com
Did you even read it? - SoCal MT
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First of all, it affects "about 200,000 state workers" who will paid "the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour for the July pay period.

. . . the change should be reflected in state employees' next paycheck. Workers will be paid in full retroactively once a budget is passed."

. . . exclude roughly 37,000 state workers . . ."  

So, once the state budget is passed, the back pay will be made up.  This is nothing permanent, and it does NOT affect us all either.


Wow. Did you even read my original post, SoCal? - Just a side note.
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First of all, I'm on the side of the workers, as stated in my first post. I think it is sickening that those in authority would mess with the lives of the people who really have nothing to do with the fact that legislature can't get their act together.

Secondly, what I said was correct. I never said it was permanent, I simply said that there would be a cut in pay for 200,000 state workers to federal minimum wage. I didn't say ALL workers, I said 200,000.

First you argued that it couldn't be true because minimum wage in Cali wasn't 7.25. Then you came back and said that your husband works for the state, you have state contracts...yada, yada, yada. Even now you're coming up with excuses to minimize the effect. WHY???

So what if it excludes 37,000 union workers? So what if it ONLY includes 200,000 people? So what if it's only a month? This is something that will impact these workers for a lot longer than a month. What if legislature doesn't pass a budget for another 2 to 3 months? How are these people going to meet their own budgets?

Sheesh. Just because it isn't affecting your own little corner of South California doesn't mean it's not happening to others. Ever heard of empathy?
I WILL NOT argue with you - SoCal MT
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You inferred ALL state workers were getting a pay cut.  You didn't say it was permanent, but you didn't mention it is only for a month.  You also didn't say the deficit will be paid back to the workers. 

You stated state workers were being cut to minimum wage.  Period. 

So, if you feel like judging and arguing, knock yourself out.  I won't play.


Maybe you should read the whole story rather than - just skim the headlines. n/m
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how about move out of SF - cost of living is ridiculous
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in CALI... one of the reasons I LEFT!

on a side note - public transportation in that city is HORRENDOUS!!!
I wouldnt live anywhere else! We have a right to love - where we live, and not be punished for it. (nm)
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Exactly, and I don't think the economy overall is turning around either - Things are bad all over
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Most Americans seem to be on survival mode, hoping to make enough to pay mortgages and feed their families. That's why I think it's so important for people who are surviving financially to try to help out by supporting food pantries, etc. America is in financial trouble. This is the time where people get to show their true American spirit/courage.
I agree, but where were you when our computer programmer - jobs went overseas? sm
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I can't tell you how many people were either just thankful it wasn't them or kinda glad to see those overpaid computer nerds get the comeuppance by having their work sent overseas and their wages plummet. But since it didn't affect them, they didn't push then, while this offshoring "thing" was still in its infancy, for tighter regulation and jobs protection.

I agree, this job sux anymore but I'm unable to go into another field or go back to school, and all I can do is just try and hold on until I die or retire in about 15 years (death will be first, but I'm hoping for a year anyway).
I tried to stand up and lost 2 jobs because of it - sadMT
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when the changes started I would speak out, and then the work dried up until I couldn't make a living.
That's why it's called work and there are people in charge of decisions - The options
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One option is to get to be one of those people who make the decisions. The other is to give the employer what they are willing to pay for until you find something better.
that is the attitude I can't stand - sadMT
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you nailed it. if IF we were back in the days when this great country started I might agree with you. but we aren't. and to regress is pitiful. we should be progressing, not going backwards.
opposite of PROgress is CONgress. NM - hearmeseemefeelme
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Smug and condescending - did it make you feel better - to kick someone who is down?
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I'll bet you kick puppies too! :-(
If I was required to work that many hours I wouldn't be happy either! - I agree with you
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Maybe you're right that your problem is the state you live in.

Nice Attitude - me

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Your post is exactly why you and people like you will continue to complain and have a general disatisfaction with their lives. I'm not trying to be harsh but there are ALWAYS options, it just depends on what you are willing to do to make your life better. At this point it seems that it is easier for you to sit there and complain about the unfairness and reality of it all than to actually decide what YOU can do for yourself to make the world a little brighter. BTW it is never too late!
Sometimes people just need to vent. - s/m
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Why does everybody have such a hard time letting them do that? A year ago I was in a helluva pickle, an avoidable one but one I viewed un-dig-outble. And for a month I bytched and moaned to friends, growled at the dogs, and kicked my garbage bags out to the curb, and fell asleep each night crying into my pillow wondering 'why me, why me'. But the venting, even though you view it as useless, was a necessary process, and enabled me to purge the 'woe is me' and move on to, as you would say, pulling up my big girl panties.

Just because you've got a hide like a dinosaur and the emotions of a Vulcan, don't assume everyone else does, and allow them to vent so they can go on to do the things that are necessary, even if it means staying the course but at least with the relief and comfort of knowing there are others out there who understand their situation.
Agree but - me
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I agree everyone needs time to vent and needs to do it in their own way. It's healthy as long as you move on but some of these people don't move on, they continually feel sorry for themselves and their situations and continue to come here and post about it. Personally I just think if you are going to continue to complain about it without doing anything about it it's your own dang fault. As far as "allowing" people to vent...yeh like I have some say over that. You are allowed to vent, complain, have your opinion etc. and I also am allowed to respond to that. I'm not preventing anyone from posting anything. For the most part anyone who posts here saying they've had a wonderful experience and make great money at MT are totally hammered here so it all comes full circle.
How do you know they do not move on, as you say? - Not a valid argument
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for bashing someone. IF they are down for a long time, who are you to tell them it's time to "get over it?"

We'll still be here when you need us, too, and hopefully you won't find people as judgemental and smug as yourself.
LOL - me
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I know because they are the same ones complaining day after day...it's not rocket science. Thank you for the future support but I don't use this board for that purpose...that's what I have family and friends for. I'm judgemental because I have an opinion that you don't like? Well thank you, it's always nice to hear that from someone who I could care less about and who could care less about me.
It's judgmental when your opinion seems to unnecessarily try to - demean another person. n/m
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If you don't like it, don't come here. Period.

You might have softened your position by your words inside the message, but your headline shrieks condescension.

Exactly! - me
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EXACTLY! This board is for opinions...you've got your right to yours and I have my right to mine...so I can post my feeligs/opinion on what someone posts just like you can...isn't THAT the purpose of this board? I'm happy we could clear that up.

I know exactly what you mean. Same boat here. - sm

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I made more in 1993 and 1994, almost double. Today I make less money and work more hours. Then to top it off, every time the doctor makes a mistake in MR#, wrong worktype, etc. WE have to send an email to our TL. In other words, out of every 10 reports I average about 6 emails. That means that while I'm typing, I have to change windows, open a new email, type the email with all the information in it, and then send the email before going back into my report. NONE of this is paid time. Management sends 10 to 15 emails a day and we are mandated to keep our emails open and respond to them each and every time, but none of this is paid time either. They say the only time we are paid is when our fingers are flying on the keyboard in a report.

I get so sick and tired of reading the emails directed to the whole team that really address the errors of a few. They state that we are PROFESSIONALS and our work should reflect our professionalism. We are skilled experts in the field of medical documentation, so our work should reflect that. Yet, in the same breath they turn around and chip away at our pay and benefits so that we're at the point that we get the same pay as a data entry clerk. It's like they way perfection and expertise, but they only want to pay on the same level as a high school summer worker in an office.

Great post! - sadMT

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you are even worse than I am...

Just In: 1.2 Million Americans Can't find jobs and aren't listed on the 'unemployed&# - Time for a reality check

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The report out today says that 1.2 Million Americans are discouraged workers who cannot find work. They are no longer on the 'unemployed' roles because their benefits have expired. They've been out of work longer than their unemployment benefits lasted.

This is the reality in which we live. Many people don't 'get it' yet, and they ignore the fact that the problem is much worse than any one sector of the economy. It sure isn't all about MT.

did you stop just short - of telling

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sadMT and same boat that they should be grateful they have job?????

sad MT and same boat are telling the truth about their experience and being an MT.

Someone compared her husband's CFO 15% pay cut to an MT whose pay has dropped precipitously in 15 years and has not and will not recover.

What is happening to MTs is egregious.

ty for understanding... NM - sadMT

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these people have been 99 weeks !!! on Upayments - 2 years no job found???

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For some people it has become ridiculous - sm

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Not in all states, but there are some where they are able to truly milk it. I know someone in MO (and this is actually know, not a friend of a friend type thing) who worked in 2007. In 2008, he worked a total of 10 days in the month(s) of July/August. He had been on unemployment since October of 2008, and with the federal extensions received it through the entire year of 2009. I believe it has finally run out. Of course, this guy was sitting with about $400,000 in CDs while he was milking that unemployment, so in addition to the $150 week UI, he was also getting interest (albeit diminished because of the low interest rates). Now that he has exhausted that teat, he is looking to collect social security disability for injuries sustained when he wrecked his car while at the same time sustaining his 4th DUI.

I want line item veto for my taxes, please. Some people don't deserve a dime of my money.
exactly, I am talking about people like that, - sm
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they make literally a "science" out of it, how to milk the government, and this in GROUPS, giving each other advice on "milking strategy."

I do not want to know how many people take advantage of the miserable job situation and blame all on the "situatuion" and nothing on themselves.

$ 400.-- weekly is not so bad, why should they look seriously for a job?
Listen to what you just said - See message
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You said, "I do not want to know how many people take advantage of the miserable job situation and blame all on the "situatuion" and nothing on themselves."

I agree with you. That's why you see

1. MTs who are doing very well.
2. MTs who are not doing well either because of situations out of their control or because of poor skills or inability or unwillingness to make the changes necessary to do well.
A. MTs not doing well who are doing something about it.
B. MTs not doing well who are spending their time telling others that even though they say they are happy, they are just too stupid to know that they aren't happy with their jobs.
C. MTs not doing well who have no other options and are certainly due our sympathy but would rather look for a way out of that bad situation instead of mulling around in it.

I probably forgot a few categories. Have fun adding your own and/or being offended because it hit too close to home.
I fall into A! - LOL
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I have gotten a second job (took my MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS) of looking in a state of NEVADA worst economy around!

However people like my boyfriend who have been laid off for 2 years pretty much working about 3 months in those 2 years are NOT milking the system and would give ANYTHING to be working again. There are truly people that need that unemployment... our state is horrendous because he is in the construction business so obviously that has been halted. Here's the catch... if he could possibly ever find work and then gets laid off, his new unemployment would go from that new job.. and that could be a really horrible mistake for us to make. especially with my income hovering at under 50% of what I made 2 years ago... I feel so sad but I dont dwell on it, and he is planning on going back to school because how afraid are we that his job will never return... when there are literally HUNDREDS on the books waiting to return to work... is that industry done for? how can it hold up with all the overabundance of workers in a field that won't have that overflow of growth again :(

I dont like to be sad about it and I am super excited for my part time job even if it is only 2 days a week it is getting my foot in somewhere and hopefully giving us a little bit of money to pay our bills!

I LOVE LOVE LOVED transcription and thought I'd do it my whole life, but now IM afraid it just won't allow me to live my life and provide for a family ...
Listen to what I am saying: - sm
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In my comment I was not talkign about MTing.

In MTing it is quite possible, especially for newbies (what I am not) that they do not get hired within 2 years or even never get hired, since the MT industry is in such a chaos, uncomparable to any other field.

That is correct. There are worse fields than MT - Believe it or not....

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IT, telecommunications...those jobs went away years ago and my husband is STILL having trouble finding a decent job.

Just because it doesn't happpen to YOU, does not mean it doesn't happen - to many, many millions according to the Labor Department.

Wait a minute. On this board, it IS "all about MT". (s/m) - Rocky Raccoon

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Yes, millions are out of work, for many reasons. But how many of them lost their jobs due solely to greedy, conniving companies that only want to use them up and then throw them out? Because THAT is what it's "all about" in medical transcription. Once a good job, now a matchbook scam.

MT is a good job for some and not for others - Nothing is perfect

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I've never found a perfect job.

You know youre in a crappy job when....... - you watch the garbage-men with ENVY. (nm)

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true, they are paid very well and have a lot of benefits - nm

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Ha ha..well maybe not... - Sassy Pants

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The garbage men/women (gotta be PC nowadays :-)) may love what they do and that's great, or they may hate it but at least it's a paycheck, who knows? I was bitchin about MT yesterday, and the mail truck was just pulling up to the mailbox, and my friend said I should do that. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! State job, state pay, state benefits, and all holidays off. Today is a furlough too for state workers so they all have a 3-day weekend! Oh, to dream to dream :-) I think your post is funny though (if you meant it that way) :-) At least I have the 4th off, but it's not like I can afford fireworks...

Wouldve loved to snag a P.O. job years ago, but - now those, too are starting to dry up. - s/m

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The P.O. in my little town used to be a hub of activity. Now it's usually empty. On the rare occasion that I go there to mail a package, or put an envelope into the slot so it'll get there faster, I'm always rather mournfully asked, "Do you want any stamps today?"

Other than one or two bills that I prefer to pay by mail (long story, so I'll skip it), I do everything else online now. I rarely buy stamps anymore, but once in a blue moon, when I use an ATM (don't use real money much anymore, either), I'll pick up the small packet of 18 stamps. That usually lasts 6 months or more.

Currently in my area there are several MT jobs open for both the state prisons and mental health hospitals, but learned from an employee at one of those places that as of today (7/1), they were going to have 2 more furlough days added, and would likely have to work for min. wage until the budget was balanced. As much as I'd love to get those cushy bennies, I just can't afford the uncertainty in the state employee system. Also, I learned that in at least one facility, the jobs are being phased out. When MTs quit or retire, they aren't being replaced.

Anyway, I think all of us, postal workers included, are going to have to learn to master the phrase, "Do you want FRIES with that?"
Oh no, I didn't know that. I guess any job sucks anywhere! - Sassy Pants
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I guess the only "steady" job would be "street pharmacist" or the world's oldest profession (and I'm not talking carpentry either). As much as I bitch about MT and VR and SAHW and crappy CPL, I do have to be thankful that at least I have a job, have an income to buy food and keep my lights on, and have a husband who has a full time job too so we are not homeless or sitting in the dark. But we will have to move out of our rented house by the end of the year b/c it will put on the market and we will not be able to buy it. We don't make enough for a $100k loan and my MT job simply is too sporadic at best to calculate a steady monthly income. Thank you God for the job I have even if I do hate it.

Hate job - workingmt

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OK, now list 5 positive things in your life, I bet you could come up with more than that if you tried. I'm not a suit, just out there earning my living and choose to see the glass half full rather than half empty. Go ahead and jump all over this, I'm used to it from the people in this forum.

Five positive things in my life - Okay - I will do that

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1. God
2. My family
3. My pets
4. My work (yes, I do love it most of the time but sometimes I would rather not work at all, which is not going to happen any time soon)
5. Trees

Thank you - me

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...post is appreciated. I wish more people on here would have that view. It's nice to see something positive!

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Hate To Ask, But . . .
Dec 23, 2011

No Jobs Available what is the process?  (This is quicker than wading through the MQ Central site).  I don't usually have NJA (sorry) --- before you flame me I do type really yucky stuff mostly :)  Thanks.  I know to clock in for the 15 minutes, but last time I got reamed by CCM for not having some sort of "ticket number?"  Is it through the MQ Central site? ...

I Hate To Say It But Thank God For You All..
Feb 23, 2012

I mean really, I have been doing this for like 15 long ass years.. And NEVER have I felt so stupid in my life..I used to make almost 36 K a year, depending on how hard I wanted to work..I work my ass of for this company and, welll, I have yet to check my W2s cause it will make me sick..Im so SORRY your all in the same boat, but at least I am not as dumb as I was beginning to think.. ...

I Hate MT CO
Jun 18, 2012

Just love applying for jobs and having to take their stupid test just to get a reply of the position has been filled as of Friday and we will keep your resume and test on file.  Yeah right.  I never hear anything back from those Co. I tested for.  Does anyone?  What a waste of my time.  Wish they would just say up front we have 2 positions available and 500 people testing, so I would know up front that it is just a waste of my f****** time.   Starting ...

Don't Ya Hate This?
Aug 19, 2012

I sure wish Dr "UM," would go away arleady.  Geez, this one starts every sentence with, "Next, um . . . . (long pause) blah, blah um blah, um . . . .  This job is 24 minutes long packed with about 9,500 instances of using "um" no less than 4 times in every sentence. I have a hard time um you know, um believing um this is a doctor um.  What is that a neurological disorder or language tic of some kind that she has to do that repeatedly? Gads, um . . .  I wish she would ju ...

Hate DQS 7.1
Aug 22, 2012

My line count is in the toilet, it has slowed my computer down. The spell check is missing things like doubled words. The headers are ridiculous.  AND I use the mouse a lot more because half the time the arrow keys don't seem to work. This SUCKS ...

Don't You Just Hate It When
Oct 05, 2012

Don't you just hate it when you've got a dictation that is so fraught with static, and it sounds like the dictator is 100  miles away from the phone, but you actually can make out the words, just barely, and you'd love to leave all blanks because it's such a chore to hear any of it, but you can't, of course, because you can make it out?  Several of these in a row is enough to make me want to punch my computer!  (or eat lots of chocolate!) ...

Hate My Job
Jan 29, 2013

"Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY and they meet at the bar." -George Carlin ...

I Hate My Job, I Hate ASR
Jan 30, 2013

x ...

Apr 21, 2013

I have been at Nuance 4 months and don't know how I am going to go through another week there. I do not know if it is just the account I am on or what but I keep getting assigned horrible ESL dictators. There r good dictators on this account also, but I cannot seem to get those very often. I am just about to throw in the towel... I just can't quit but I am actually afraid I am going to get fired because I cannot meet this stupid line count with these type of dictators and secondly I ...

I Hate This Job Now
Oct 17, 2013

I am to the point of "Ugh do I really have to work tonight".  They fail you on audits for the stupist of things, nothing below 97 for me, but there are so many CPs with different rules.  You are on one for 2-3 reports then all of a sudden a different one, they someone reserves some to you that you have never heard of, not even in our region, and you have to stop, read the CP and lose lines because you have to make sure once it is done, it is correct.   Then this sorry ASR mes ...

Don't You Just Hate It -
Oct 08, 2014

Don't you just hate it when you're typing along fluently, not missing a thing, feeling so very competent, then you start to think about what you're doing, and suddenly your fingers don't want to do anything you say?  Kind of the centipede who has no trouble walking until someone asks him how he does it - haha! ...

I Hate What This Job Has Become AND What It
Nov 05, 2014

I used to enjoy being in transcription.  It was a way I could not only support my family but also be at home for my children when I was needed.  Now, it has become nothing more than a humiliating and degrading situation, where I sit and wonder WHY am I still doing this.  I used to believe I was good at my job, and I was proud of my quality and my speed.  Lately, however, both have been questioned by Nuance to the point where I believe I am not nearly as fast nor as good as I ...

I Hate This Job
Dec 06, 2014

I've been an MT since 2000.  Each year I see my pay go down.  I've been with 2 big MT companies now and it seems like they are very similar in regard to the fact that they like to screw over their MTs.  This company does not care about its employees.  This career is becoming obsolete.  The computers they have in the exam rooms are pretty much doing our jobs and what is still transcribed is being mostly sent to India.  It is a shame really.  This is pr ...

I Hate This POD
Dec 23, 2014

Lowest. Paycheck. Ever. ...

I Just Hate These Reports
Nov 10, 2009

I'll leave out specifics  - just that patient had fetal intrauaterine demise and she had to delivery the baby vaginally.  I went thru 14 years of infertility without any results and I'd rather go thru that again than what this lady just went thru.  I feel so awful for her. ...

I HATE ASR! No Message.
Nov 19, 2009

No message ...

Shesh. I Hate It When The MME Does Not QA
Dec 22, 2009

according to the client profile. When I go through the documents in QA feedback, I always tell myself I'm not going to look unless it was a document I sent blanks in, but I just can't help myself, and then I get frustrated.  At least it wasn't me not following the client profile.  ...

I Hate When They Spell!
Feb 24, 2010

She had moderate malnutrition, which was treated with percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube feeds.  However, the patient had a very large tracheostomy stoma and had s/l aerobhagy resulting in severe abdominal distention.  The "aerobhagy" is what she spells.  Any clue what she might be talking about?  ...

I Hate To Sound . .
Mar 30, 2010

like an idiot, but would someone kindly tell where in the h*ll to find the information on the schedule change?  i have yet to find it or the swap board and CCM not returning any emails.  any insight/info would be appreciated.  thanking in advance.    ...

I Hate Learning This Way
Apr 01, 2010

I wish somebody would figure out a way to train new hires other than setting them down with only a few hours training and letting them type their entire shift without a word from anyone, only to have QA come in the next morning and correct all the reports. I hate learning this way, I do something wrong, spell something about the facility wrong, all night long only to learn the next day that it is wrong. It is such a waste of my and my QAs time to do it this way, it sucks. And heaven forbid you h ...

Just Realized What I Really Hate About ASR.
Jul 14, 2010

I was just chatting with someone about transcription and ASR (it's been about 3 months since we switched) and it came to me what my biggest problem with it is.  We have no control over it.  With regular transcription, we are only limited by the quality of the dictation the sound.  The harder we work at perfecting our typing skills and our system of word expansions, etc., the faster we can work.  I spent 3 years getting to where there are very few words longer then 4 lett ...

Don't You Just Hate Those Days When Your
Jul 16, 2010

fingers and your brain are not coordinated????  Today is one of those days for me.  ...

Ughhhhh I Hate DQS 6.1.....sm
Sep 08, 2010

It slows my computer way down. I was typing a little while ago and all of a sudden the word I had just typed disappeared and the line above it was doubled! When I scrolled up and down the page it just got worse. It was about 2 minutes before it fixed itself and I was able to put the cursor in the correct place and finish the report. And I agree with everyone else here, the doctor lookup is a joke! Just a time-waster and too many keystrokes. Why would they do this to us? I just ignore that new ...