A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Let's all move to Seattle! - YB

Posted: Jun 03, 2014

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Minimum wage is going up to $15/hour.  Wonder what MTs would be paid there!  They can't pay you any less I wouldn't think.Laughing

Let's don't ... - nn

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Sounds good on the surface, but if we had a minimum wage like that, our in-boxes would be full-to-overflowing with nasty-grams from our TSMs about MUP. I can barely make minimum wage as it is, let alone $15 a hour. Besides, management would make sure not to hire from higher minimum wage states for this reason.

What needs to change is our pay rate, not the minimum wage.

Be careful what you wish for.

Minimum wage and MUP - CuriousMT

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I've long wondered what they would do if and when the federal minimum wage went up. My guess is they'd increase our required LPH, like the second poster suggested.

At $15 an hour, doing only editing, you would have to type 375 LPH. I don't know about you guys, but that's not something I can do.

What I do hope this and hopefully a federal increase does is cause the company to increase our wages! Of course, then they can't gobble up all the other little companies and work from hospitals by boasting how cheap they are.

You have to wonder what the powers that be think when they have an in-house transcription department, lets say of 20 employees, and it costs the company 1.5 million per year to pay these employees, cover benefits, etc., and then a company like Nuance comes in and says, we can reduce your costs by at least 1/2... You just have to wonder if the CFO and such think, "Wow! I wonder how they're doing that? Oh well, not our problem! Now I can finally give myself that 6-figure bonus I've been dreaming of!"

They have established a LPH - sm

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If they tried to raise LPH to a raising minimum wage, there would definitely be cause for legal action, I would think.

Minimum wage - YB

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I don't agree with raising minimum wage at all. I just wondered how transcription companies will keep ahead of the increased rates when it happens. Our economy surely can't stand to paying burger flippers $15 an hour!

YIKES...!!! - ProMT

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Is anyone willing to pay $15.00 for a fast-food hamburger? Raising the minimum wage to such an increase definitely, in my opinion, does not motivate people to pursue higher education in order to raise their educational and salary levels.

Nuance will FIESA to death any Seattle.... - My thoughts

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MTs making less than $15 an hour and will make up stuff to claim they did wrong to "justify" termination so they can get around unemployment payments. Other companies will do the same as well as avoid hiring people from that area and/or will open up business elsewhere.

Yep, I agree. Bye-bye Seattle MTs!! N will find a way to get rid of you - instead of proving a living wage.

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They're going to get rid of all of us anyway, - regardless of what we make. -S*M-

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At least, when that happens, the Seattle MT's will stand a better chance of finding a replacement job that pays a living wage.

Cost of living is also going to SOAR! - no message

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