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I have tested for MQ and am waiting to hear back. Thought I pop over to the MQ board and - SM

Posted: Jul 19, 2011

get opinions from the horses' mouths.  Sooooo, should I work for MQ?  Is there enough work?  Is pay on time?  How is the QA?


not sure if its a good idea or not - mecmt

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I'm not sure if it is worth it or not. I have worked for MQ now since February and I'm not really happy here. I have plenty of work and pay is always on time. QA kind of sucks tho. If you leave blanks you get marked down..if the QA fills your blank with the wrong thing YOU get marked down. I am in the process of trying to find another job so will stay here for the time being. the help loop never answers your emails, neither do supervisors, etc. but if you really need a job (like I do) then you should take it

Its all lovely and smelling like roses - in a delusional kind of way

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Some love it, some hate it and others gimp along with these lovely horse blinder things on chanting phrases like "I cant hear you," and "la, la, la, fa, la, la," and "Ohhh, was that a unicorn?"

Well you are going to get as many different answers - Kiki

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as their are posters to this one. The poster who said you get blamed if QA fills is the wrong thing on your blank is incorrect, though.

However, that is the LEAST of your problems here. The ONLY pro as far as I see is that the paychecks (sad as they usually are) are never late and a crappy paycheck is better than no paycheck. That said, here are some CONS:
1. Just got pay cuts and more sure to follow.
2. You will get "punished" if you have to send more than 5% to QA, no matter how awful the quality/horrible dictator, no matter if it's an account you have never seen...more than 5% and your pay is docked 3 cents a line.
3. Also, your pay will be placed on 100% QA and have your pay docked if your quality drops below 99%. Once again, no matter the quality, horrible dictator, etc.

All unfair and ridiculous standards, in my opinion, to get the FTers to quit so they won't have to pay unemployment and so they can send more work slowly but surely to India. They don't have the integrity to just lay us all off as they do this so we can collect unemployment while we look for other work. They do NOT want to pay unemployment. They actually won't be happy until we all agree to just do the work without pay. IMO

Question - anon

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When you say they dock your pay 3 cents a line, do you mean for all work done in that pay period?

That is horrible, in my opinion. I would really need to be hard up to work for a company like this (again just me and my personal opinion).

To anon re: pay docking - Kiki

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Actually, maybe someone who has had their pay docked can answer for what period of time, as it hasn't happened to me (yet knock wood).

However, just because it hasn't happened to me personally doesn't mean I don't think MQ doesn't STINK for it. I think they are taking their time targeting various MTs (IMO!!) so maybe my time will come. Even if it didn't, just the fact that they do chaps my hide. Yes, I am looking elsewhere, but the concensus seems to be the grass is the same ugly color green (ish) at most companies. Sigh.

I guess what it boils down to is picking a company that - SM

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is less evil than the rest. There are very few companies out there that anyone would call a good place to work. Wages are low everywhere and raises few and far between. Considering the options available and you had two or three offers to choose from say, MQ, Transcend or Nuance, which company would you go with?

My choice - anon

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I went with Nuance but only because I got a GREAT shift and the benefits beat the heck out of where I was working. Basically their offer kicked the other 2 I had off the table.

All three companies you mention have bad reps on this board. It's hard to know the truth until you work there. Account assignments seem to be the key to success at any company (or the key to destruction).

If it doesn't work out, you can always try one of the others later.

All of this is my personal opinion, period.
MQ - finallyagoodone
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I worked for MQ for 17 years and have seen my pay dwindle, finally 2 weeks ago I quit, staying with a company that I have been working for for 3-1/2 years PT. I was doing QA for MQ, tier III (8 cents transcription - which I rarely got, 6 cents SR and 3 cents QA - mostly did QA and SR), but can make more $ with this company than working for both combined, it was sad to leave, and yes, you ARE just a # MQ I have never had any issues with the quality of my work and was a loyal employee, never any type of disciplinary action, and basically my supervisor tried to get me to stay but what she wanted for me was not approved by her superiors. I just cannot afford to work for them any longer and am at a company that realizes I am not another #. I can make my own schedule and consider myself fortunate to have found them.

no actually I am not wrong - mecmt

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it happened to me last week..the job went to QA and when I received it back with the corrections it was 100%..then it was audited and the auditor changed what the QA put in the blank and it brought my score down. So ya it can happen

I'm sorry...I quit last week because it was horrible pay. nm - MTPockets

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Sitting here during my shift with No Jobs Available. - Making about

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$25,000 for the year full-time. You judge.

Work for MQ or not - TJ

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In this field now there are no companies I believe that are paying what we are worth. I know I have worked for some companies that are much, much worse. There are good/bad in all situations/jobs. If you are looking for perfect you will never find that. Just see how you like it. You will hear all sorts of stories. Personally for me it has not been bad. I have a good CCM and good QA person so that helps a great deal. I have also learned that if you are disrespectful it cannot help you. If there is a perfect job out there I have not found it. You got hired and in this economy with the lack of jobs out there we are lucky that we can find employment even though it is not what it once was. Good luck.

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