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First Time Right - CEO email........my 2 cents...... - Kiki

Posted: Mar 02, 2010

Okay, I read the email.  A lot of it sounds great, that is, that they are giving us some tools such as Benchmark to do our jobs.  I do like that.  However, the part that worries me is that they are going to be expecting everyone to submit 5% QA or less starting May 1.  Anything above that you get a pay reduction of 3 cents a line---did I read THAT right?   Now, this 5% may be possible for some with great accounts.  I do MOSTLY have decent accounts, at least until I start having to dip into the cesspool.  Last I heard, I had a 7-10% submission rate (if cesspool probably jumps to 20% or more at times). What about those who have consistently crappy dictators (which can be any of us starting at any time even if we think we have okay ones now).............so think about that...........

They say we will have to specifically route a report to QA.  Isn't that what we do already? 

IF, and ONLY IF, they allow us to leave our own blanks...and I mean __________ not QA marker, will this even begin to be fair or reasonable.  And how many blanks can we use before it must go to QA?  Are they going to trust us or accuse us of leaving "unexcused blanks" and then dock us for that?  Many times if I could leave 1 or 2 blanks I could sent the report through w/o QA.  

This new "plan" has to potential to be a decent thing or a train wreck............ time will tell. 

I agree! - sm

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I also do IC work and have never had QA to go over my work or answer questions. I've always been told just to leave a blank and the doctor's office(usually the Dr.)figures it out.

I honestly think the more reports that get sent back with blanks, the better these dictators will ultimately become. They will eventually get tired of filling in the blanks.

Also, I don't think they will be able to "charge" MTs for all reports sent to QA. They would have a very hard time legally justifying that if QA also can't figure out the blanks. This is going to be a very sticky area for MQ to navigate through to make sure they don't get taken to court over the unfilled blanks with charging the MT for QA submission.

we shouldn't have to pay for the ones QA can't figure out - JERKS!!! - nm

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NOBODY should get penalized for a dictator who can't speak - right.

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THis is a STUPID idea my MQ all the way around!

trainwreck - anon

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I hear it coming. I don't see this working long-term over all. Too many variables.

Kiki...look at the bright side...every day is MT day! LOL

Hahahaha, MT Day... I saw that...and laughed. - Kiki

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