A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Am I reading the email right that sm - mqmt

Posted: Feb 23, 2011

CBay has now 81% of MQ holdings and by March 4, 2011, it could have 100% of Mq holdings?  Then they would own the whole company and then what?  I hope that is not what I am reading!

CVAY aka MQ - Adios

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Sadly, that'w what I'm reading. Hope somebody can tell us we are wrong.

Thanks MQ... you finally drove me to drink. - Three Olives

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I cannot deal with the stress any longer. Dirty Martini... here I come!

Thats what I got out of it too - NJA Queen

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Dont forget the part about Kumar and the current MQ CEO holding hands and singing kumbaya saying how happy they are this deal went through. While I don't know what exactly that means for the US MQ MT based on past experience the only change at MQ is bad so hang on it may be a bumpy ride until they decide to let us in on their evil plans.

That's been the rumor for a while now - Make mine a double

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Can't wait to see the changes! I'm about the make a change wherein I sit on a beach and drink rum with a little umbrella in the glass. I may have to sell seashells or sand dollars to supplement my existence. Anybody want to chuck it all and go with?

Q being investigated - a1typist

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Don't know where I read it, but a big New York City law firm is looking into this transaction because apparently it is not in the best interest of shareholders and that is what the Board has sworn to do.....look out for shareholders!!! What a crock. We'll see how far that investigation goes The beginning of the end I am afraid, hanging on by my fingernails, hoping to get laid off.....

C/BAY MQ - just want to work

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I am quite concerned working for an Indian-owned transcription company.

Working for Indian-owned company... - Curious

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I think the more immediate question becomes will there be ANY work for an American MT in an indian-owned interest...? I'm guessing a lot of jobs will be lost if this is, in fact, true.

C-Bay just want to work - Coco

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You state you are concerned about working for an Indian owned company? What do you think you are doing now? Whatever is set up in this country for MQ is just a figure head, probably for tax reasons, until they can take the money and run! Think Enron, etc. Transcription is the last thing on their mind, which is very evident by the way this company treats us and how everything has changed and not for the better regarding the MTs. Counting mouse clicks, C'MON! Again, they are living in million dollar homes and we are scraping by and taking the abuse that goes along with it.

I believe Cbay just laid off the last few of its - sm

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US MT/supervisor people & it's completely INDIA. The very last few US employees left are now gone. Everyone laughed at the ones wanting to unionize. Who's laughing now...

to sm: I believe Cbay just laid off the last few... - not following???

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could you explain your statements further -- maybe my brain has shut down and I'm just tired, but I don't quite understand. Aren't you a US employee, I am, and so far I'm still here - may change tomorrow for all I know......

I think... - Tally

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I think this person is saying that the last few U.S employees who work directly for C-Bay...as in C-bay employees in place before they acquired MQ...have been let go.

CBay, the original company. Not Medquist. - nm

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A union could not have prevented this - No message

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They (CBay) have been public about their - No secret

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intentions from the beginning. I am surprised anyone is surprised by this information now. The owner or CEO of this company has been very adamant publically about his desire to dominate the MT industry world-wide and to have at least 80% of MedQuist transcription done in India by the end of 2011 or 2012, I don't remember the exact year, but soon.

As I have said before, no sense bailing out and going somewhere else in MT because CBay is buying up or putting out of business the other MT companies with cheap labor. There is no place else to go and make any more than what MQ offers now, the other companies simply cannot compete.

I am working on getting out of this field as the writing has been on the wall for a few years now. MT is no longer a respectable profession where one can support themselves, much less a family, from.

Me too! Getting of MT field. - Been back to college.

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Have 1 more year to go. Signed up for FASFA. I make money, but my husband is the breadwinner. Still, FASFA gave me 10,000 to go back to school for the last 3 semesters and I only had to use 1,800 of it so far. EVERYTHING that has to do with schooling was covered and not one penny out of my pocket. Of course, once I am done with school (8 months more to go), I have to pay FASFA back, but at least it helping me get a better job in the future with awesome benefits to be able to pay it back.

MQ and CBay are both subsidiaries of - CBay Systems. NM

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