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Generic emails are counterproductive BTW - tiredmt
Posted: Mar 01, 2015
I cannot express how much I don't want to work when generic emails are sent out. Why not deal with the people not doing what they are supposed to be doing on an individual basis. Maybe it is just me, but that is the adult way to handle things.
I agree. You are probably in my POD with the - same message over and over
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about working schedules, calling off, etc etc. Obviously the generic emails aren't working as it must still be happening.
I have wondered this before and been told that it is - some politically correct HR type of garbage. SM
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It's apparently viewed as "picking on" or "singling out" or maybe even "harassment" of someone when the person who made the mistake receives an email addressed directly to them and no one else.
It's also supposedly CYA because maybe more than one person has made the mistake, or the manager mistakenly checked the wrong name in the address box of the email? I dunno.
It's a PITA because I receive that email as part of the group and I sit here and wonder did I or when did I make that mistake. There's no specific date of occurrence ever given, it's simply "we've received a complaint recently..." and recently can be yesterday or a month ago.
I completely agree, it's the fair and mature way to handle things; addressing the person directly who made the mistake.
Too much politically correct and sensitivity and sparing people's feelings is a huge pain. People need to take their own responsibility and not have it parceled out to the group.
Politically correct or not, the generic emails - usually contain consequences
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and it would be obvious that the consequences are not being enforced or they wouldn't need to continually send the same generic/global message over and over. Obviously those it does apply to either don't realize it or they do and don't care because they view the generic email as just that, generic and no consequences ever enforced.
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