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Question please..normally I have generic reports - for every doc

Posted: Apr 16, 2012

But I find with the ASR that I kind of let them slide until I run across one of the docs dictating without ASR...Do you all save a generic report for the ASR stuff also? especially the OP reports with your "favorite dictators"   I just started to do it, wondering if I am wasting my time..Always easier to replace the ASR report with an generic I guess.

I never get the same doctor twice, so I cant. - elite bouncer

[ In Reply To ..]
That just annoys the living daylights out of me that I am not given a primary account so that I can have standards! UGHHHHHHHH.

I save generic text also, and also "helper" text for various dictators. - dnr

[ In Reply To ..]
Those text files help even with ASR, especially with the doctors ASR gets wrong _every single time!_ despite how well the doctor dictates. And then there are those doctors with the difficult accents.

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