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emails monitoring how much we do - ee

Posted: May 07, 2012

Well, I will not be reading these emails calculating how much time we are working and "goofing off."  They will only make me less motivated and quite frankly angry.  I am not a robot, there are times after a long difficult report that I have to step away from the computer to give my brain a few minute break.  As long as I do the required long count and then some, I will not concern myself with this emails.

they dont make me mad at all - just so sad

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I am sad knowing that whomever they pay to do these ridiculous statements, their wages could be divided between us. As a matter of fact, every time I see a new suit, I give out a little cry as well. Should go to us, the people who make the money.

My old job emailed our statistics every pay period. - Really not a big deal.

[ In Reply To ..]

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