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Did ya'll see the e-mail from corporate? - what the???

Posted: Feb 16, 2010

We need transcriptionists??  We have not overstaffed??  We continue to hire??


Maybe that is why I have NO FLIPPIN WORK??


Whatever!  We need you my tushie.

Has anyone emailed corporate asking them why? - Just wondering.

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How many here have taken their questions further than the CCM and QC, which is to say, nowhere.

I would love to see someone address corporate directly.

I haven't. I have thought about it. Maybe before I go in a couple weeks I will ask, but then I am not going to be an employee anymore so they wouldn't answer me anyway.

I can't stand this organization. What a joke.

Glad I am going. Too much frustration for me to handle.

And yes, that is why I am leaving. TOO many NJA screens and jobs coming in way too slow. But they can hire new MTs?

Something smells rotten.

Why, you ask? - MT

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Why has nobody asked? Well, if we did, do you suppose we'd get a straight answer?

No, but their answer would be hilarious. - Or at least make you go--huh?

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I just might do it before I leave, but I probably will get no response at all.

If they got bombarded with people wanting to know, they would have to say something.

But again, they would probably just be spouting sludge from their blow hole.
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Kind of like when you question about NJA. You almost always get "It's a Holiday/The Holidays." I guess this means work slows during Flag Day, Arbor Day, Grandparents Day, and Valentine's Day. I also like "Census was low at the hospital" as an excuse. I guess this means out of 400 beds, only 5 are filled on a given day.

This is why I don't ask them diddly.

Yup, I e-mailed - oops

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I am so fed up I feel I have nothing to lose, that and the fact I am sure my response will be filed immediately in the old cylinder file, the one labeled, "MT/ME--disposable."

Well-worded e-mail from corp, if only we could believe even 1 word, I might have hope. That was basically what I said in my reply.

My life is miserable right now and I can't get out of here fast enough. Still looking and hoping for the right job soon and very soon. Praying hard.

I really want to - pt mt

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reply to the email, but it wouldn't be pretty.

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