A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

StenTel Corporate - readyforchange

Posted: Apr 15, 2014

Has anyone ever worked for this company or no anything about them?  I have an interview.

It is a FRAUD!!!! - nn

[ In Reply To ..]
If this is in response to the ad that is on the other board it is NOT StenTel. It is STel Corporation. They ask you to set up Yahoo Messenger and "interview" you via Messenger. Not a legitimate company and I sent an email to the website stating they were fraudulent and in all likelihood, had "stolen" the name of a legitimate company.

STENTEL STEL - heathermt

[ In Reply To ..]
Yes, they start asking for your bank account info and want to send you a fraudulent check, etc. etc. etc. I went through it yesterday!

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. ...

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nm ...

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; ) ...