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Curious how many are on Performance Management... - Frazzled

Posted: Aug 07, 2014

I failed for the month of July at 9.38 so will be moving onto my final warning...I would love to know how many others are going through the same...Just makes me feel stupid and inadequate.  :(  Probably unemployment line for me soon.  So humiliating.  

wish that - Debs

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I would just get fired already, going through the same thing. Can't take much more either.

Me, too! Demeaning. - chillywinter

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Been here 20 years and never a problem until recently...demeaning and feel like I'm in kindergarten as opposed to being a trained professional (which we all ARE!!!).

Been doing this for 12 years myself! - Frazzled

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This is the first time this has happened to me too. We were never treated like this. I am waiting for the dreaded email and phone call for my final warning today. Would be almost a relief for me too if I were let go. I would love to collect unemployment and go back to school for a bit to totally change careers. I started with Spheris back in 2005 and when I was hired they wanted 98% accuracy...so I think I would have a leg to stand on to get unemployment. It is not like I am failing intentionally. I really am trying! That is what is so sad about it.

I worked for Spheris too - mom2huskies

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I started with Spheris in 2005 after working in-house for over 20 years. Spheris was not perfect but at least you could make an income you could like on. Mmodal expects us to be perfect on minimum wage pay.
Exactly mom2huskies!!!! - Frazzled
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I am just making minimum wage too...pay went down a couple hundred dollars since the Spheris days. They didn't chastise you if you made a mistake either. They basically would let you know and that would be the end of it....I have been on PM since March, I believe. As I said above...will be moving into my Final warning now.

I'm on PM - Rusty

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I don't care that I am on it, really. Wish they would get off the pot and fire me already. I haven't had any working for the last 2 days, um what holiday is it? I have done it for 24 years and never been in any kind of trouble, but with this crap hole, it has been never ending. I HATE THIS PLACE. Shoot me already.

Feel the same way Rusty... - Frazzled

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Been stressing over this for too long. Wish they would just let me go too. I feel like a beat dog....or a kid who keeps getting bad grades. Nothing like making people feel like losers!!

Me! - CT

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I'm working until the shoe drops and actively applying elsewhere while I'm waiting.

It really is nice to not feel alone.... - Frazzled

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Thanks for the kind responses. I am just worried and don't know what to expect and really does help to know that there is someone else out there that is going through the same thing. Not that I would wish this on anyone!!!!

To those of you on PM, do they deduct your pay - L&L

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while you are on this?

If so, wake up. Mmodal doesn't give a rodent's heinie about quality. It has nothing to do whatsoever with the caliber of your work.

Think of all the moola they save when they cut your salary for almost no reason at all.

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